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One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

Well, I have sentinel to sort of blame for me pressing j.mk twice in a row. But now that I know why it misses, I shouldn't use it so much except for a bare cross-up. Thanks for the info Mike.
To be fair, it only misses on Bella a lot. In all my matches with Big Band so far, I had no problem landing j.mk in a combo on any other character. Of course, it’s AI-Training so it could be completely different online. That’s something I’m really afraid of: To realize that most of my combos don’t work when I’m hitting online-mode with Big Band for the first time.

It’s kind of hard to say, but Big Band is one of my first characters where I’m really happy with the combos I discovered myself, without watching anyone else fighting and trying to copy it. It works really well against Nightmare AI but I will probably be annihilated online.

Time will tell, but I need to adapt anyway because Cerebella isn’t that uncommon to deal with.
So Big Band has a command grab now. LK A-Train now doesn't move anywhere and doesn't have armor, but it can't be blocked on the ground or teched.

Someone tell me if this ends up being useful in a match.
It has more than twice the startup of merry-go-rilla (let alone diamond drop), with much larger vulnerable areas, less damage, inability to combo off of without burning meter, and Big Band having no tools to allow him to combo into it, with the benefit of slightly more range and not missing if they are close. I can see it sometimes used to surprise your opponent but it would have to be used sparingly since it's so slow.


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Okay, I noticed some bugs/glitches, I don’t know if they are added with the last update or not found yet but:

1. I found something really weird after I’ve done the following thing with the opponent standing in the corner, playing as solo Big Band: s.hp, j.lk, j.mk, j.mk and then cancel the very first hit of the second stage of j.mk into medium Cymbal Clash. After that, the opponent disappears for a fraction of a second and then appears behind Big Band, thus out of the corner, standing up immediately. It looks so wrong, that can’t be supposed to happen.

I only tried it with Fillia as an enemy, but I could reproduce the error multiple times.

2. When I’m selecting opponents in training mode or versus, shouldn’t their names be spoken by the announcer too? As of now, only the names of my characters are spoken out, not these of the AI-Characters I choose, but they still say their quote. For example: I select Fillia as an enemy, the announcer says nothing, but Fillia still says: "Let’s go Samson!" with Samson screaming "Hell yeah!" afterwards.

I’m really not sure if that was the case before today’s update, I really can’t remember, but I thought maybe Big Bands new (awesome) announcer in the character selection screwed things up a little.

I also had a strange Bug, when I selected "Under the Bridge" in training mode, it started off in the corner rather than in the middle of the stage. That bug I couldn’t reproduce, so I can’t say what may have caused this.
The command grab is slow enough that if any standing or crouching heavy normal is blocked and you then cancel into it, they'll be out of blockstun and grabbable when the active frames start. Meaning you can always use it at the end of your blockstrings. I think it'll be worth using every now and again just to see if people are paying attention.

Also, with this and the change to preblock for the M and H versions of A-Train, you now have a mixup/reset where you can do either the L version to catch them on the ground or another version to catch them holding upback. Sort of high risk low reward if Big Band's by himself, but if you can DHC in such a way that you can get a full combo, it may be worthwhile.
I also had a strange Bug, when I selected "Under the Bridge" in training mode, it started off in the corner rather than in the middle of the stage. That bug I couldn’t reproduce, so I can’t say what may have caused this.
You can hold left or right as training mode is loading and you'll start in that corner. You probably did that by accident.
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Range comparison with normal grab.


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Val's command grab is slow and works.
i don't know if i'm just noticing it now, but did they implement more machine noises into Big Band's normals?

i feel like i'm hearing louder whirring noises when practicing combos and i think i'd prefer them to be quieter.
Big Band has a command throw!!!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!
*incessant giggling fo real
Jeez can't believe how happy this made me
The command grab is slow enough that if any standing or crouching heavy normal is blocked and you then cancel into it, they'll be out of blockstun and grabbable when the active frames start. Meaning you can always use it at the end of your blockstrings. I think it'll be worth using every now and again just to see if people are paying attention.

Also, with this and the change to preblock for the M and H versions of A-Train, you now have a mixup/reset where you can do either the L version to catch them on the ground or another version to catch them holding upback. Sort of high risk low reward if Big Band's by himself, but if you can DHC in such a way that you can get a full combo, it may be worthwhile.
And the Big Band/Squigly shell only gets better!

This is actually quite a big buff to my my BB/Squigs/Double team. Might be able to combo with PW hatred install too on the 3rd hit, which would be nice.
It has more than twice the startup of merry-go-rilla (let alone diamond drop), with much larger vulnerable areas, less damage, inability to combo off of without burning meter, and Big Band having no tools to allow him to combo into it, with the benefit of slightly more range and not missing if they are close. I can see it sometimes used to surprise your opponent but it would have to be used sparingly since it's so slow.
Is that really the way you analyze a move?
Since it has the same visual startup as both Brass Knuckles and A-Train, it's a decent mixup tool once you have trained your opponent that you aren't afraid to use Knuckles.
And considering that cr.HP->LP Knuckles is a true blockstring, cr.HP->LK A-Train will grab them, and cr.HP->MP Knuckles is a frametrap...
It doesn't give you combo damage but it gives you a sliding knockdown, which is any wakeup setup you want.
BB's command throw isn't exactly amazing but it does seem situationaly useful. Just one more threat to make people scared to stand next to him.
One question: Does LK A-Train look any different from the other versions? I ask this because it would be pretty weird for BB to aim into the air, yet grab people on the ground.

LK A-Train shares frames with the MK and HK versions of A-Train, with the exception that the hand is angled horizontally instead of at a 45 degree angle. Beyond that, it looks even more distinct from MK and HK A-Train since it freezes on a frame where the hand is open, whereas MK and HK A-Train freeze on a frame where the hand is clutched into a fist.

But yup, it looks distinct from both the other versions of A-Train and Brass Knuckles.
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Lots of useful things here. I'm liking the direction Big Band is going in.
Wasn't sure whether to post this here or elsewhere, but I did a little testing with Brass Knuckles and its safety against characters with meter.

This might not be 100% accurate, but I tested everyone and this is what its looking like:

HP Knuckle:

Risky to use ANYTIME if they have 1 meter:
Big Band

Parasoul with 3 meter

Be careful with spacing when they have 1 meter:
Squigly (with a dragon charge)

You can pretty much get away with all not obviously stupid knuckles:
Squigly (no charge)
Parasoul with 1 meter

MP Knuckle:

Risky to use nearly anytime if they have 1 meter:

Be EXTRA careful with spacing when they have 1 meter:
Big Band
Squigly (with dragon charge)

Be careful with spacing when they have 1 meter:
Squigly (no charge)

You can pretty much get away with all not obviously stupid knuckles:

This was just the beginning and I only tested supers, I'm sure for example, that Parasoul is risky anytime because of the crazy range she can confirm her 5LP from.
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HP Knuckles is -19, even at max range and max meaty I'm pretty sure most of the cast gets some sort of punish. And if they chicken block it's about -30, which is a pretty much guaranteed run-up-whatever-you-want.
PW, for example, can MK scythe you from pretty much any range, or can soak it with HP armor and do what she likes.
Will it be a common trend among Lab 8 characters that they will have a command taunt move which enhances their next special/super? Also, is Big Band's QCF+PP super is made in a way that it will not stop until it hits or is blocked by someone?

Just got into this thread so I didn't get to read the previous posts thinking that I might find the answer there. Sorry.
Will it be a common trend among Lab 8 characters that they will have a command taunt move which enhances their next special/super?
All character are meant to have taunts eventually and apparently all of those will come with some kind of power up.

Also, is Big Band's QCF+PP super is made in a way that it will not stop until it hits or is blocked by someone?
Or crosses under. That's intended indeed. Same as Fillia's Gregor Samson.
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petition to make his purple pimp palette A Pimp Named Slickback?
Great, now I want a Black Baron palette for Big Band.
well Peacock already has the nailbat to bean him with
He should have a Bane palette as well.

Also, is there a concept art of Ben Birdland before he became Big Band?
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He needs a Bleeding Gums Murphy, one that makes him look more like a Sax, and a pink palette.
Also, is there a concept art of Ben Birdland before he became Big Band?



BB = Ben Birdland.

Just kidding its Blacker Baron from Mad World & Anarchy Reigns.
I think the best way to make the bugle is to put all the possible notes on by means of Neutral buttons, buttons with a crouch, and buttons with an Up. Then just make all the buttons that don't have a note a cancel.

oooomg this needs to happen.
oooomg this needs to happen.
Did you seriously just quote page 1 of this thread?

Also..that's exactly how it currently works, heh. Though cancel is with Back or Forward.
Oh my gawd, dat update…

More awesome VO, more musical sounds, more cleaned-up animation…

Big Band, why are you so godlike? Guess Q, which means I, was a good teacher after all. And not to forget: His stage has real sax-action now. Check it out; it’s probably my favorite musical piece in the whole game now. Which means it’s only the cherry on top of a perfect cake that is the music of Skullgirls. I will so hear the shit out of the physical OST once it’s done.

So yeah, Big Band is really close to being complete now, March isn’t far away guys!

Until then we can still "Tuba Tuba" the CPU all day long, god I can’t believe they really put that one in. Being a JoJo- & a Skullgirls-Fan really pays off.
You don't have to just face the CPU. There have been groups of people in lobbies recently, and quite often. I thinik everyone is preparing for the grand debut of the saxman.

Speaking of which is there a Bleeding Gums Murphy (from the Simpsons) pallette?
You don't have to just face the CPU. There have been groups of people in lobbies recently, and quite often. I thinik everyone is preparing for the grand debut of the saxman.

You know what? After I read your post, I jumped into the beta – and found a lobby! A lobby! After 3 months of offline battling with Big B, I could finally put him to the test. Solo Big Band of course.

And I must say: I never had more lag in any game like in these lobby battles. It was that bad. It said my opponents where from America, I can’t quite believe that. The beta doesn’t show correctly where someone is from, or does it? Because after what the beta says, I live in America too. The title of the lobby was "Streaming" – maybe that has something to do with it?

Because normally I can play with most people around the world, regardless of my overall crappy connection, and have a fluid experience. I played the full version of Skullgirls until sometime after Squigly came out and I can’t remember any lag that horrible.

So I’m not really sure if my Big Band is any good, because lag overload. But judging by the win ratio, 27 wins and 0 losses, I’m quite satisfied with me. Couldn’t judge if my enemies where any good, but I think my Big B is at least half decent.

But I won’t stop playing him anyway, I freaking love this character. I just hope I find some better connections to play against when he hits the full game. And before you ask: No, I can’t fix anything on my side. Until September of this year, I’m stuck with that connection. But I played with it for years, never ever had such a lag fest before.
Oh my gawd, dat update…

More awesome VO, more musical sounds, more cleaned-up animation…
Mr Birdland was a character I wasn't all that excited about but bring a cool looking stage and a awesome theme and he has earned my undivided acknowledgement. Good stuff. Truly.

I love when Mike said "On to Big Band." and the music volume goes up. I can imagine Ben doing his Wham impression: AWAKEN, MY SAX!

And are those... *squints* ...cats fishing in the background? :FOR:

Anyway, also wanted to leave my endorsement for a Black Baron (MadWorld) palette. I think it could be a really clever choice because it not only references a game character but also the classic black and white noir detective story illustrations.
I love Big Band's Symphony Regalia Grave palette, I hope the theme is put onto the soundtrack soon
Can I get some opinions on whether Two Time and Three Time are too telegraphed for A-Train to be used BEFORE he grabs you?
Can I get some opinions on whether Two Time and Three Time are too telegraphed for A-Train to be used BEFORE he grabs you?

I played tons of matches today after the VO change, and I don't think Two Time telegraphs too much at all. 22f is still really tight to jump on reaction.