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Administrative PSA: Big changes are coming to Skullheart!

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we're never even going to get Republican Double are we
who needs zeus when you have

Well that sure backfired quickly. We are here instead!
Nothing gets more people's attention than something that makes them rage. Another GG parallel at work.
I would say a universal change to the forum you moderate, a change that heavily effects several users on this forums, a change that is currently being heavily disputed, one that could very well change Skullheart's posters and the way they interact with each other, perhaps even the community of the game as a whole, is worth taking at least somewhat seriously. Not to tell you how to do your job, of course.
My primary voluntary task here is to moderate threads to maintain posting stability according to the rules. No more no less. Everything I do as a mod is within the intention to improve the site so it would be a benefit to the community. I do care about this community because I invested time and money since the beginning for all of you out of my busy schedule without asking for a thanks because seeing the members here doing great things since migrating from SRK is a more then enough thanks.

Besides that added responsibility, I'm just a regular member just like the rest of you with my own personal opinion on all of this. I'm not going to share my opinion here as long as I'm a mod because my responsibility as a mod is a higher priority. That means sticking with whatever decision the staff feels best for this site thick or thin. I completely agree with you this should be taken very seriously considering this was discussed seriously among staff before this ever saw the light of day. Just like the split reactions here you can probably imagine this wasn't a quick 5 min unanimous decision without any careful thought/debate/etc.

Forgive me if you consider a few of my posts here not 'serious' enough for this discussion which sounds quite ironic when directed at me since I have the reputation here as being the 'serious' mod that 'allows no fun' if you ask around. I'm not here to waste time and shitpost you people. I have better things to do during the Winter holidays and I imagine some of you do as well. I'm here to observe the feedback here and answer questions that were within my ability to answer and again forgive me if I made an immature post in regard of that, but it doesn't help when I have to shift through several shitposts that doesn't advance the discussion in either way, especially the ones that directly flaming the mod staff.
Hope you like it Muro!
I would normally, but now I'm more like


I post on a lot of forums. I post about Skullgirls here and about my other interests elsewhere. I guess I don't see why that's not an option for people.
I see it as a problem of finding people who share two interests simultaneously.

Skullgirls is usually the less popular theme. If I want to talk about X with Skullgirls players/fans, I go to the X thread in a Skullgirls community. But if I'll go to the X community to talk about Skullgirls, I'll find no interlocutors. This is was the one forum it was possible to find people who share interest in both Skullgirls and X.
I see it as a problem of finding people who share two interests simultaneously.

Skullgirls is usually the less popular theme. If I want to talk about X with Skullgirls players/fans, I go to the X thread in a Skullgirls community. But if I'll go to the X community to talk about Skullgirls, I'll find no interlocutors. This is was the one forum it was possible to find people who share interest in both Skullgirls and X.
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.
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Does this mean the character subforums are actually going to have good information?

This is a joke, to clarify
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.
If I wasn't interested in Skullgirls, I wouldn't have signed up shortly after the forum was first created and re-signed up after the two cataclysms.
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.

The OT community are like the people that go to college and do nothing but party. They're interested in college, but fuck that.
A rather long post.

Fair enough. I am a bit stressed out currently about real life stuff, and acknowledge that my previous post may have been a bit rude, and I would like to apologize for that. It was never my intention to discredit the work you have done and are doing, and if I came off that way, sorry.
I think a lot of OT posters are interested in SG but are either bad/don't want to learn/aren't interested in getting better and just want to be a part of the community. Problem is is that SG scene has a bad problem with being very divisive between skullfans and competitive players, which is a factor of it being so small of a scene. You get the same dichotomy with anime players and people that enter tournaments at Cons. The difference is anime fgc is big enough to weather that storm.
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.
They are or were as players, and/or are as fans. It's how they ended up here in the first place.

They know the themes, they'll understand the cross-references, tell their own, sometimes play on whatever level they're on. It's a nice thing.
So this big change is mostly locking a lot of the threads I lurk on? What a great Christmas present, guys, you shouldn't have. No, really, you shouldn't have.
Fair enough. I am a bit stressed out currently about real life stuff, and acknowledge that my previous post may have been a bit rude, and I would like to apologize for that. It was never my intention to discredit the work you have done and are doing, and if I came off that way, sorry.
No I understand. I'm not angry/annoyed/etc at anyone here. On the contrary I'm curious if anything. Some of the legit posts here are quite a good read regardless of their argument.
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I know I said I'm done, but this was cannibalized from the earlier post I didn't post. This is a reason I believe the OT sections are important for getting new players playing:

If I go to a forum and I'm not immediately invested, I usually can't find any reason to go back. Turning visitors into lurkers should be the goal, and it's hard to make someone want to lurk with limited lurking materials. I'm going to give you guys an example of a potential forum-goer.

Let's say "Tim" picks up Skullgirls, kicks it around for a week, but can't quite figure it out. He decides to look for a forum, and finds us. He looks around, doesn't have any questions he's willing to ask, but can't quite get a grasp on how to play just yet. While he's contemplating sticking around and making an account, he decides to look through all the subforums (maybe he'll see something he can more easily understand) and finds the Chess thread. He's a big Chess fan, and enjoys listening to Isa talk about chess. He makes an account to leave a comment, then gets distracted on Reddit.

The next day he remembers he left a comment, so goes back to check if there was a reply, and there was. Before he checks the reply, he sees in the recent threads section a witty title for someone's Training Diary. He decides to click on it. He gets to know Gllt's, the funny thread creator's, struggles to git gud. And while doing that, he notices that Isa also takes part in gameplay discussions. Tim is still not ready to partake in gameplay discussions, but now, little by little, he's getting more invested in lurking in gameplay threads. All thanks to the off-topic chess thread.

This is the type of Skullgirls player that we will never see again. If they end up on Skullheart, they're at one point interested in Skullgirls. Shutting off avenues that keep them coming back is not good.
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To be serious, this change really doesn't really affect me. I rarely post in this forum anyway, more of a lurker than anything.

So if they want to remove the off topic, it's their choice/funeral.
While this change doesn't effect me at all, I'm not sure if I understand it? What in the world were the non skullgirls forums and shit doing to warrant getting rid of them? I don't understand why people can't talk about movies, tv, art, whatever in other forums? they were already separate from skullgirls related thing. Don't all forums tend to have offtopic subforums anyways?

Not sifting through 9 pages to see if this has been addressed or not.
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.

Yes, they are. Like me, for instance. You seem to have a huge misconception/prejudice/whatall about the OT posters, and I have no idea where you got it from. Here's something to remember: if they weren't interested in Skullgirls, why would they have made a Skullheart account? They could've just as easily gone to one of the other forums, or any forum at all, and posted there. But no, they went here. And that's very important to remember.

MOD EDIT: User was warned for this post. You can voice your grievances (and I'm being very lenient in how that's allowed to be done), but spamming won't be tolerated.
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Man, all y'all fuckers need to stop taking the goddamn internet so seriously.

Personally, I mostly stuck to lore discussion and off-topic shit because, while I enjoy Skullgirls, I don't take it super seriously and mostly just play it with friends for fun. So the removal of that sorta thing annoys me, yeah, but I ain't gonna start shit-talking the mods about it. But I'm also not gonna start insulting the people who want the off-topic stuff back neither.

If the forum dies because of it, then that's their problem, not mine. If the forum thrives because of it, whatevs. If they cave and bring back the off-topic bits and bobs, cool, I might come back around now and then. It ain't the end of the goddamn world for me. Now if y'all'l excuse me, I'm goin' back to Spacebattles.
It was probably from Skullgirlsfanboy. :P

That was one person. Even if that was the truth, you can't go around getting these ideas from one person. I would make an analogy to what that's like doing, one that I feel is on point, but sadly it's another political one, so I can't make it.
MOD EDIT: User was warned for this post. You can voice your grievances (and I'm being very lenient in how that's allowed to be done), but spamming won't be tolerated.
Wouldn't it have been less effort to have just merged the posts?
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.

There were some funny pics and videos related to skullgirls in the random and funny pics and videos thread. And I don't think I can find them anywhere else.
Hurray communism! This is gonna help fo sho! #Kappa

No... i'm pretty damn serious. This is communism in it's purest form.
I have SH open to check up on character threads, combo videos and up to date news when it comes to important information. Such as the development of the game aswell as other interresting outlets that provide coverage specific to Skullgirls.

I also come here to check up on events and streams. But at the end of the day we're all in here for the long haul and just want to feel "at home".

If i have to go else where to find people that share the same passion as me just to be able discuss something that is slightly different from what my main stay reason is... then sure by all means do as you wish.

With that said i find this a terrible idea to remove Off Topic section. It does noone harm. If you want to be in there and read stuff, do that. If you want to read up on character specific stuff do that. This is pushing it imo and i am not in favor of this obnoxious pointless change.
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I just read the entire thread ( because thats what a good community guy does to stay informed) and I'm rather disappointed by the elitism being shown here.

I do not see how having a thriving off topic community is a bad thing or how it upsets newbs trying to get into skullgirls.

Anyone who knows me (and thats most of the gameplay community) knows that 99.9% of my posts are gameplay related. I'm always giving my opinion on gameplay changes and posting new tech/strategies that i find.

I once had a problem with there not being enough gameplay discussion... I still do actually. I wish our tier thread or gameplay thread were more active. I wish there were more painwheel players of a good quality to talk to so we can share strategies (though the ones we do have already are stellar) but one thing ive never wished for was for the off topic/lore people/mofos that dont post in gameplay but do post in skullheart alot about other things... Go away.

Even though ive never been much of a lore or speculation guy, ive ALWAYS TAKEN PRIDE in how many people visit this forum and keep it active. Nothing makes my heart swell more than coming to the forums and seeing +200 or more people actively using skullheart. I really dont care if most of them are talking about Pokemon or whatever the hell else, as long as there are still some people talking about skullgirls gameplay and as long as the ot people stay out of the gameplay section (they have)... I'm fine.

The only people that actually post a lot in the gameplay sections that support this are mcpeanuts and fullbleed.

There are some other gameplay people that seem to support this fiasco, but they dont actually post much:

Dreymore, domo.

Whereas MANY people that post in gameplay have come out and said they dont approve of this change, and others have said they dont see the logic in the changes but are neutral in general.

Yes, all of us gameplay people would like more gameplay discussion. But do we actually think that killing one of the highest traffic highways into skullheart is a good way of doing this? All these ot people are giving us more marketing than we would have if they weren't here.

Are we trying to be d-loop?

That seems like a bad idea to me:

Dustloop is the least popular fighting game forum out there, its mostly dead in each characters subsection, and it has MORE THAN ONE GAME FORUM to attract people to it.

sg has ONE game forum to attract people to it... And yet we have a very good amount of site traffic for only being a forum about ONE game.

Why would we feel the need to stop this? I do not understand whatever "logic" is being applied to the thinking that of we cut off certain parts of the forum that others will automatically grow. My logic says that those people that are cutoff will just go elsewhere and never comeback... Like what happened on srk. Those guys that left never came back. And we had some pretty good players on there ready to go full stop on the game.
First sensible post by DimeX ever
The christmas spirit sure is a scary thing

No. We just happen to be on the same side of a thing... For once.
Are the OT posters interested in Skullgirls? It sorta seems like they're not.
I mean I'm not great at the game (look up the Beowulf Tourney that Ninja hosted) but I do like what the OT sub-forum offered most of the time. And it was the main reason I come to SG second only to update news.
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I don't have much time to post as I've just arrived in work, but in relation to those that complained about the mods making jokes when presented with criticism in here: I responded to many posts very seriously at the start of this thread, answering questions and weathering the constant stream of insults about my ineptitude as a mod. Eventually it just gets hard and pointless to keep defending the same point to mostly the same people and so I started making jokes.

I'm sorry if that came off as inappropriate and will try to only respond in here in a serious manner since this is a big issue.

Secondly, people complaining that this thread is just a massive off topic rant: It's kind of deliberately so. This is a big event and people are angry and need to vent. We're not going to just silence every single user who posts a complaint about the board. Having said that, if the mods are being held accountable for wasting peoples time with joke posting, can I ask that users please stop posting empty threads with only insults, jokes or image macros? It's cluttering up a thread that is clearly very important for people to talk about what just happened.
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I tried posting in OT once. THREAD LOCKED. I'm not even a good OT poster. That's pretty sad.
That being said, I have always kept most of my posts to tech/combo threads and my training diary, which is my own little world.

But I have a fair amount of 'skullfan' friends or whatever we want to label the people who frequent OT and such.
I enjoyed reading their posts and threads. Just like some of them may not join tech discussions because they're not good at that sort of thing..
I stayed out of OT discussions because I'm not good at that 'sort of thing.' I'm not good with lore and speculation and all that.

But it was fun to read. It was nice. I enjoyed seeing people be happy and creative and having fun. Not that this STOMPS that, but it feels limited now.

On the other side of the coin, I imagine this is helpful to the job of moderating the forums in some manner, so I can't blame any of you for this decision.

But even as a non OT poster, I can promise you that I'll still be part of the migration to other places of discussion.
I'm not LEAVING, but now I'm joining steam groups and following tumblrs and doing what I can to keep up with the cool people that feel ousted.

I feel a responsibility to be part of giving them a new place to do what they want to do. Wherever that may be.
Just like some of them may not join tech discussions because they're not good at that sort of thing..

Can confirm that I suck at tech discussions and will never quite grasp the concept.
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