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Rage Quit Gallery of Shame: Pass the Salt Edition

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Sequence of screenies for effect. 8 'seconds' in. I must've been too much. :PUN:

That was a legit disconnect,

even ask Karr,

I stomped him right after and was DQing for a bit too.

Also you are nothing to me, add for a set champ.

I would add you but you "blocked me " LOL>

FYI- thats the internet equivalent of this


No one will ever,
make me Disconnect.
Enjoy your fluke disconnect, heck ofc you did, you even took 8 since its so #rare, it never happens.
Never happens and it did not happen this time. oh w3ll.
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ROFL, whatever helps ya sleep at night kiddo
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User was tempbanned for trolling/flamebaiting/image flooding.
Like I said,
No one makes me RQ,
Never has happened and it never will. #DealWithIt

I am the one who makes the RQ happens.
I am the one who delivers.


Leaving right b4 I lvl 3 you? rude ><


Why drop the controller? Its no fun to curbstomp a non moving target.


Why leave? I was not done showing you how to play Val.


Got a lucky hit in and then left right after. #gg


With a little luck you might have killed my Val at least. oh w3ll...


At least he stayed for the cinematics, hope he watched it in 30 fps.


I was in the middle of the corner death combo, he should had waited for my lvl 3.


Hope he enjoyed the music.


If I was a solo Peacock I would drop my controller too, /wrists.

Fyi Karl, it is rude to speak to your elders in that way.
I will let is slide since you are so young.
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This is one of the funnier things I've found on SG. I'm actually quite saddened he's banned, I was enjoying the banter between members of the community. I pray for his swift return #kappa
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I didn't ragequit but I got really upset about losing to Longshot in the Skullbats Top 8

I think that counts? I was REALLY SALTY.
Oh, and another thing

If y'all can't keep good moods about this thread, it's gonna have to go. I have zero problems with this thread existing but I do have problems with y'all taking it.. seriously.

That's when the Sonic, 06's, do you see. That's when the Mega Man

turns 11.

That's when.

threads get...

  1. baleeterinos
DESPITE the threads intention, please avoid actaully insulting a persons character or getting too serious about those Ragequits-- sometimes, a Ragequit is a misunderstood Verizon connection, and we all can't blame a Verizon connection for being misunderstood-- it's friggin Verizon.

You can use this thread to tell people to avoid bad connections-- but, you know, cmon. really. getting mad about rq's is about as risque as you can get :^P
dementia is my favorite bedtime hero tho
This Thread.
Apparently someone's pretty Sodium Chloride over it and i don't really like how that turned out.
This guy, which is dementia, apparently did wreck me so bad on a random match, and I don't see how you guys have killed him fair and square.
I don't have any pictures or anything to capture it by the time I was finished playing.
I'll leave this note to y'all because of this.
The real champion is this guy, who just told the entire forums the truth and got tempbanned because of Sodium Chloride and you guys posting wrong stuff about him in the first place.

EDIT : No one will ever make Dementia disconnect, folks.
PUT HIM ON A MATCH AGAINST DUCKATOR NOW. (Seriously, His skills're on the duckator level of 'Pro'.)
Guys come on, this is only going to lead to a thread lock if we keep making fun of him. Just post the rage quits.
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dead silence
I don't think I posted this one, so let's get the thread back on track.


controller drop


and this one was peculiar??? i entered someone's lobby titled, "try to defeat me," beat the lobby owner, proceeded into a match with someone else in the lobby, and got kicked???
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Did he RQ school?
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I dunno. That last one looks like he fully played out the match and just wanted to cut out quick after it was done.
I dunno. That last one looks like he fully played out the match and just wanted to cut out quick after it was done.

Could have been, probably was. I just know that was like the third time he played me, so I took it the wrong way.
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I try, sometimes. The other times, I ragequit.

I think
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The opponents head is where the winners head should be, if she weren't tossing it around
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I know, I was talking to him when it happened, just wondering why he put it here.


{ Below is a controller drop. )

{ Another controller drop; repeat offender? }
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It's all fun and games until you go for a perfect, apparently. :(
And then I ran into him again a few matches later, and we just goofed off the entire match. So whatevs.
Tonight I got a pad dropper who stopped moving really early, only because their solo Band went half life at the beginning. Because I never disconnect in front of pad droppers, I started playing trumpet and they did the same until the end.
After that, they added me as a friend to apologize for pad dropping, then I invited them for some games where half of it I picked a character I'm not used to because sometimes it's good to change. Turned out that I got beaten a few times with one of my characters. All ended in good mood and me willing to give advices.

So you see, pad droppers? Everything can be better when you don't drop ;)
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I've seen this guy in here before
This guy drops controller and I play him a nice jingle.. ( I lvl5d him)
and some extras of a guy that rq 3 times in a row.

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