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Rage Quit Gallery of Shame: Pass the Salt Edition

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Is it wrong that I stop zoning when I play against someone who can't deal with it? Like when they don't block bombs?
Like I just run up to them and poke them until level 3.
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Is it wrong that I stop zoning when I play against someone who can't deal with it? Like when they don't block bombs?
Like I just run up to them and poke them until level 3.

Thank you! There's a certain amount of pressure that I just don't know how to counter. There was this one match, Fortune was my last counter against a Parasoul a full screen away... my kitty still hasn't recovered from the Para-banging.
wow, and I thought I was being a dick
people are free to disagree, but if you stop doing the thing the other player can't deal with, how are they gonna learn to deal with it? Like I know as the opponent you aren't assigned role of person who teaches people how to do things, but how are people supposed to learn.

Also I'm pretty sure Jesus is a confirmed ragequitter so uh internet video game police are on their way to your internet right now milk.
besides, they aren't going to learn to deal with zoning if they are controller dropping in the corner as baseballs hit them in the face.
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I was offended by this when I was newer to the game.
I can't learn how to study and beat the bomb pattern if there are no bombs.
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It goes both ways, though. It is a video game and I also want to be entertained. If the opponent does literally nothing else but upbacking at fullscreen vs bombs for the whole match (happened), I'll eventually go for something else to not fall asleep during the match. I'll get back to bombs if the opponent manages to deal with the other thing, forcing me to throw bombs again to keep the upper hand.
Holy fuck... The fuck is this thread for?

Bullying sorry ass players so your dick feels bigger?

So old skullheart with all the stupid off topic shit got dumped so that we could bring back a bullying thread?

The fuck...


SG is fast just put the stick down and let your opponent booty blast you it'll be over quick you'll barely feel it.
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This thing is kind of overblown from both sides.. nobody actually cares about this thread. There is no "blacklist".
People don't remember names in this thread, unless they pop up all the fucking time with a proper story to boot (dementia aka "I will be a dick to you when I win, and leave when I lose"; node34578347 aka "You posting screenshots of me [not] playing a video game is the same as raping kids").
I have literally no idea who got posted in the last 4 pages other than those two. Oh and TheIdiomatic, cus I read that post 5 minutes ago, and that wasn't even an RQ. And I will have forgotten it again in 10 minutes.
This is less of a "shaming" and more of a "wow look, I'm so amazing that people quit against me; nibble on my clitoris" thread. Why are people so up in arms over this?
Actually I just think it's hilarious when people RQ against me. I don't really take it as an insult, so much as "haha, he got mad at a video game." And I certainly don't think it makes me some sort of badass at Skullgirls by any stretch of the imagination. I'm sure some people probably do get an ego boost when someone quits against them though, which frankly is all the more reason not to do it. If you don't rage quit, you don't give them the satisfaction.
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...I'm mostly here for the cool screenshots of the game, quite frankly...
Sooo... that happened...

He actually gave me a good fight.. Shoulda taken that loss with pride as he almost got me (a lucky block served my turn around)
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I'll go ahead and admit.. Rage quitting against me? There's som'in terribly wrong wit ya cause, as of lately, I've gotten pretty bad and my stick's been really starting to short out. So yeah... Som'in... special in that rq...
i actually just took the picture because i wanted to catch bella's frame, but then that happened.
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so another short story, starring everyones favorite fail troll dementia! after a series of beatings and him alt+f4 out of our matches after slipping in lvl 3's, I went onto beta to play against keon. then I get a message from Faucet Psychopath, saying someone is impersonating me. apparently dementia loved me so much, that he changed his name to mine. after psychopath repeatedly beat him, and just when dementia thought he was going to bag a win, faucet got this beautiful screencap, of the very moment my imposter had his spirit crushed for your enjoyment. I always get a good laugh at this kid's shenanigan's.

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Rage quit gallery of shame? Should just post every match I play.
so another short story, starring everyones favorite fail troll dementia! after a series of beatings and him alt+f4 out of our matches after slipping in lvl 3's, I went onto beta to play against keon. then I get a message from Faucet Psychopath, saying someone is impersonating me. apparently dementia loved me so much, that he changed his name to mine. after psychopath repeatedly beat him, and just when dementia thought he was going to bag a win, faucet got this beautiful screencap, of the very moment my imposter had his spirit crushed for your enjoyment. I always get a good laugh at this kid's shenanigan's.

Not me, I am a solo Val.
Everybody knows that.
Everyone knows about That Karr fella teabagging everyone he beats and/or sandbagging them and doing lvl 3 and skipping lvl 3 val.
He was also inviting everyone to a rage grup, that guy is not a good player.
Bad sportmanship imo

Ps. that sychopath or whatever guy is a solo peacock no way he would beat me,
your story failed right there.
Please don't doublepost.
oh hey, I've met this dementia guy, too

this was after the first of many losses to my secondary teams
no rage quits though, I don't think

Yes I never RQ,

I am known for that.

Also it is rude to deny invites by people.
lmao get a load of this guy

also, i played against karr not too long ago in QM. he won, but he didn't move a muscle afterwards.
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What a grand return of the legend himself.
I was playing vs this fella, he was doing ok.

Got a few hits here and there, killed/almost killed my character.

Next fight I snapped him out and he dropped the controller,


Or maybe I really did stomp him that bad.
Wait, I'm getting called out by dementia?

What a weird world we live in

PS. Learn a double snap combo.
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i don't recall ever fighting dementia (and i probably won't considering this computer can't run SG anyway)
but i bet his assist is just beat extend and he calls it every few seconds
So lemme get this straight. Dementia says that he wasn't impersonating Karr because he's a solo Val, and that Peacock lvl 3 picture showed Val/Big Band, but then posts a picture of himself beating Alexpi and is playing Val/Big Band?

Oh, but I guess he just recently picked up Big Band, and it's all coincidental. I guess that obviously means that picture SHOWING Dementia had changed his name to Karr at one point means nothing. Must just be someone impersonating him that was impersonating Karr. I bet it was the one-armed man.

On a serious note, if you're gonna be a troll, can you at least do it well?
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i don't recall ever fighting dementia (and i probably won't considering this computer can't run SG anyway)
but i bet his assist is just beat extend and he calls it every few seconds

Was watching Hops stream and he showed up.
Can confirm that he does this.
I also have it on good authority that Dementia got fuckin stomped by Luna on quick match. No information on if he rage quit or not.
This user was warned for trolling: Impersonating other community members in an attempt to attach your manchild behavior to their name won't be tolerated. This is your first and final warning.
So lemme get this straight. Dementia says that he wasn't impersonating Karr because he's a solo Val, and that Peacock lvl 3 picture showed Val/Big Band, but then posts a picture of himself beating Alexpi and is playing Val/Big Band?

I use all sorts of characters, I am extremely versatile.
I always use Val and in this occasion I happened to have Big Band too.
It could had been any other character.

That Karr guy does all those shenanigans and just wont own up.
Instead blames me, but I am innocent.
Anybody will tell ya man.

i don't recall ever fighting dementia (and i probably won't considering this computer can't run SG anyway)
but i bet his assist is just beat extend and he calls it every few seconds

I use it only at optimal situations.
If the opponent lets me use it optimally every few seconds then I might be seen doing this.
Nothing wrong with using good technique imo.
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I use all sorts of characters, I am extremely versatile.
I always use Val and in this occasion I happened to have Big Band too.
It could had been any other character.

That Karr guy does all those shenanigans and just wont own up.
Instead blames me, but I am innocent.
Anybody will tell ya man.

I use it only at optimal situations.
If the opponent lets me use it optimally few seconds then I might be seen doing this.
Nothing wrong with using good technique imo.
Nigga are you for real
Guys, hes the real OG.
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