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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

This video pretty much will describe me on the 30th with my local Persona friends
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Some English character trailers for Persona Q are out.

Mitsuru (Catherine easter egg at 0:19)

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I just finished Persona 3. I was not prepared for that ending.
So I'm watching Persona 4 the Animation, then Arena, then I'll maybe watch Golden Animation, then I can play Persona 4 Ultimax.
Doing this so I can play Persona 4 at my own pace and really take it slow so I can really enjoy the experience. Instead of just rushing through it so I can be ready.

And huh, I've heard stuff about P3's ending, that bad huh?
And huh, I've heard stuff about P3's ending, that bad huh?
Ugh, I'm physically hurting from it. Persona 4 was pure happiness and fun. This was... not. Whelp. Time to suck it up and start playing The Answer.
That's kinda why I think Persona 4 is way more popular.
Persona 3 is basically: existential crisis and dealing with death, the game
Persona 4 is: You can reach the truth and do anything with your friends even if it seems impossible as long as you don't give up

Kinda more relateable and fun as a form of escapism ya?
Honestly, the message felt the same. Just replace "the truth" with "the meaning of life" and it's basically no different. Other than their delivery, in which case one makes you want to go have fun with friends and the other makes you want to cry alone in a corner.
Oh well, I'll get to you eventually Persona 4.
At this point I'm not worrying about spoilers for that anyway.
Knowing a games story is one thing, experiencing it yourself is another thing entirely.
eh, the worst you can get with Persona is death spoilers. :P and to me those are the least bad spoiler ever.
Though like I said numerous times before, when Persona 5 comes out I am bunkering down, avoiding spoilers, and playing that shit to completion as soon as possible.
Maybe on normal.
Depends on how nut punchingly hard the bosses are that time.
for all you people complaining how stupid an idea Dancing All Night is, I just got one thing to say.
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I'm so ready for DAN you have no idea
The fact that it's canon is just pffffhahaha
After the events of P4 and Arena/Ultimax what do these fuckers do
Hold a damn dance party
Oh yeah I forgot

I'll just pretend it's a dance party
It's not like they even take the Shadow World seriously if you don't allow them to (when I got the Featherman costumes in Golden for everyone I never took them off)

I truly love anything SMT with all my heart I really do, but DAN is a total what the fuck and unnecessary. It's obvious a cow is getting milked.
Still buying it on launch day.
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It got turned into a novel and execs mandated the addition of Motorcycle Man.
ah, I'm just pulling everyone's collective leg. waifu wars are fun, and inevitable when it comes to P4.

and PQ is more of a cash cow to me than anything else. P4DAN makes sense when you know some of the absurdity that happens there. plus again,

Yu Narukami is the king of swag
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and the only way for PQ to be canon is for it not to be canon! it makes no sense!

I'll still get PQ because it looks fun. but it's the one I'm least excited for.

also, can I still get the other set of cards with PQ if it's standard or do I HAVE to buy the limited edition?
i'm pretty sure Persona Q is just a mass hallucination
and DAN is canon in the sense that it exists in universe as a film made about Rise and Narukami after she prostituted herself to fund it and stuff
and DAN is canon in the sense that it exists in universe as a film made about Rise and Narukami after she prostituted herself to fund it and stuff
Nah, she's got Teddie for that.
Teddie doesn't have the money to make films, silly
which is why HE'S the one whoring himself out. he gets the ladies and Rise get's money for the movie. it's a win-win.
man who needs the ladies when you got a fine-ass sensei
or a cute robot girl with which you can be the shining knight to and protect her