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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

Something that's been bugging me. The ending of P4U left openings for other stories...namely, it expanded on Elizabeth's quest, and it brought up that Sho had the POSSIBILITY of the Wild Card, meaning he might get his own adventure. What's bugging me is that they're keeping Elizabeth's quest to save Minato as this little sub plot that totally doesn't have any serious implications or is of interest to anyone...
But on Sho, I don't really care if he gets his own spinoff or cameos, what I DO care about, though, is the Velvet Room. We see TWO residents with Igor. I highly doubt the two will both be tied to us, it doesn't really make much sense to me unless they do it like Marie and Margaret, though Marie, honestly, was only really justified by being able to interact with her outside the Velvet Room, so does that mean that we could get another Wild Card this time around? Or maybe Sho really will show up!
T-that last part was a joke...Though I wouldn't mind seeing Sho again if just for the sake of connecting things.
I always thought that the velvet room people were orphans that Igor pick up and give them power in place of their humanity.(hence why liz is so weird in the OG p3)

Then I feel like they thought that would be too big of a subplot for an already big game and just made Theo Magret and Liz siblings, and the new kids will probably have something "stolen from them". Maybe their humanity? Man I just really like that idea.

I really want to wear that Chie avatar but my current avatar is so godlike.

Also Doi has the best human designs, goddamn that Maya looks confident and wonderful.
i always liked the theory that Velvet Room peeps are people that failed in their journeys and were taken in by Igor
but Liz getting her own adventure kind shat on that
i always liked the theory that Velvet Room peeps are people that failed in their journeys and were taken in by Igor
but Liz getting her own adventure kind shat on that
That would work towards the multiple dimensions theory, which I dunno how much I like. I mean I do like the idea of that, but it would be weird for Marg and Liz to be siblings on separate journeys who both messed up.
i always thought like
siblings in the sense that they're together in the room
same with Theo
they're "related" to Theo and he did stuff in the non-canon world after all
i always liked the theory that Velvet Room peeps are people that failed in their journeys and were taken in by Igor

We Zelda timeline now.
but then we wouldn't have demi-fiend

or space marine

or heat

you monster
Demi Fiend is another monster

Kaneko is no stranger to making designs that could function as suits so Demonica's are right up his alley, I'll give you that.

Kaneko's style was perfect for DDS for story reasons

You're move Kaiba
i always thought like
siblings in the sense that they're together in the room
same with Theo
they're "related" to Theo and he did stuff in the non-canon world after all
That's not bad.
Common theory I hear is that the Velvet Room siblings actually represent the idea of the anima in Jungian psychology (or animus in Theo's case). It could be a possible explanation for the Shadow eyes.
I always thought that the residents are special beings, born to the Velvet room for a purpose. The Anima could be an example of this, I suppose. In the case of Theodore, while he is canon, I believe his adventure with the female protagonist is still not.
I always thought that the residents are special beings, born to the Velvet room for a purpose. The Anima could be an example of this, I suppose. In the case of Theodore, while he is canon, I believe his adventure with the female protagonist is still not.
Well the whole theme of Portable is "the butterfly effect".

So somewhere, at sometime, the Girl protag is canon.
err...you mean in an alternate universe or something? She's got an ok story mode, but it's not canon in relation to any of the other games, so....
she is canon
in our hearts
I'm trying to think of a smarmy response to that, but I got nothing...It's just begging for a sarcastic response, though...I've failed!
Hey...so...That trailer shows the dog tag in the shop that symbolizes us with the JOKER, which I assume is the arcana. I know that's probably the Jester, but the Joker hasn't been seen since 2...with all these points, Im seeing tons of references and ideas taken from 2...It better not all be coincidence! I hope it's more directly reference to that 2 and 1's references in 3 (which was show hosted by Trish...well, not the fairy, but whatever) and 4 (which had almost nonexistent references to 1 and 2)
It ain't "the Joker Arcana." There's no such thing in tarot or Persona (unless you count the Jester, but I believe that's always been shown in English as Jester). You can see The Fool underneath it. Maybe it's a codename of some sort.
Of course there isn't a Joker Arcana. There was villain and weird cult built around the Joker persona in both versions of P2, which is why I'm wondering if this might be a similar case, given we have demons to contend with and that cutscene with the subway driver...
If anyone is interested, here's a video on YouTube of the latest trailer with English translations for the text:

Didn't someone already post that video? Yeah, someone already posted it. Thanks for the enthusiasm, but...well...someone beat ya to it awhile ago.
When I saw "Joker", I thought it was either his alias or Joker from the deck of cards, where Anne would be Queen and Ryuji as Jack/King maybe.

So awesome news is the P5 trailer was actually from PS3. Maybe this is a larger deal for me (I use to work in the video game industry) since most companies want to show how high quality the game looks on the new generation consoles while hiding how awful it looks on the previous gen consoles (marketing). I thought it looked pretty good considering it's on PS3.
Well shit, now I might have to choose between PS3 and PS4.
It depends on how good the PS4 version looks.
This might be a rare instance where the PS3 version is better
As long as they play the same I'm going to just shoot for the PS3 version. I don't have either consoles right now and aside from Bloodborne the PS4 isn't doing anything for me that several years worth of unplayed PS3 games can't fix.

I happen to have a PS4, so I'll pick up that version, of course :3
I own a PS3. Probably won't have the money for a PS4 when Persona 5 comes out. Sorry Sony.
eh, I'm gonna get a PS4 when I can.
;-; problem is that my hours are getting cut super hard so it's not gonna be anytime soon.
Yeah, the PS4 is a bit lacking in the game depaartment (the store is bare bones) but that's a bit off topic.

Back on topic, someone mentioned that the theming might be literature. Does this mean it could tie more into the naming theme of the velvet room? And what other stories could fit into this? It's obvious they wouldn't just pull from anything in fiction.
I wish it would come out on the wii u so I could justify this purchase tomorrow even harder.

have I told you guys that I love Sho?
So this is how you SHOW your love for SHO, eh? It's nice, but you don't just serve those puns on a pizza! It needs to be something with more PIZZAZ!

I'm so sorry...
why haven't we had to handle it is the real question here
That would only happen as a SMT X Persona bonus boss.
Kazuhisa Wada, the producer of P4DAN answered some fan questions, with more details about the game. Jp version here: http://p-ch.jp/news/detail/?nid=252 translation below from Gematsu:

Will there be store-specific preorder bonuses?
Those are currently in the pipeline. Once we’ve hashed everything out, we’ll officially announce what’s up, so hold on until then!

Will there be a downloadable version of the game available?
That’s the plan.

Will the soundtrack ever be sold separately?
We’re not ready to announce a release date at this stage, but of course we intend to make it available separately. However, those who are especially keen on getting the game would be wise to pick up a special edition since obviously it’ll be cheaper overall to get the soundtrack that way than on its own later on down the line.

Will you release a demo version of the game?
We don’t intend to do so, although we will have demo stations set up [in Japan] where people can check the game out ahead of release and get a feel for it.

What kind of music game is Dancing All Night?
It’s hard to explain it well just in writing like this, but essentially notes come out from the center of the screen and when they overlap one of six areas on the screen, that’s when you hit either a face button or a direction on the d-pad in time to the music. There are other twists layered onto that formula like multi-button presses, held notes, and something we’re calling “Scratch,” as well. Oh, it’s worth noting that the game does support touch controls. [As a later question clarifies later however, the game is PlayStation TV compatible.] I can’t get into overtly specific comparisons for, ah, let’s call them “adult reasons,” but the gameplay is not unlike that one arcade game, the one whose cabinets look like washing machines. That being said, we plan to upload tutorials and gameplay movies as time goes on to further clarify how the game is played.

Is the difficulty level fixed for each song or can you pick what level to play for each one?
Each song in the game has four difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Hard, and All Night. That being said, even within the same overall difficulty level, there is some level of variation between songs in terms of how easily they can be cleared. Nevertheless, we’ve designed Easy mode in particular to be approachable to people who are either new to rhythm games or just aren’t good at them in general. We’ve also made it so that there are additional settings you can turn on during the story mode to make the game easier, should that be necessary, so don’t worry about whether the game will be too much for you to handle! And we’re not leaving advanced players behind, either; we’re balancing it to ensure they can have a fun time, too!

Would you classify Dancing All Night as a story-driven music game, rather than just a pure music game?
Correct. Chronologically, the game takes place after Persona 4 Golden‘s epilogue. We’ll talk more later about why some things might appear to be surprising reversions sometime later down the line.

Does every character have multiple costumes?
Of course! We’re whipping up lots of them right now as we speak. We’ll talk more about specifics at a later date, so look forward to that!

Will there be DLC for songs and costumes?
It’s our intention to put out such content, although right now we’re still busy just getting the main game out the door. Once we start hearing from other people what they think of the game, that’s when we’ll start having a solid idea of what we want to do.

Will there be a jukebox mode in the game?
Yes, we’re working on that.

Will we be able to play the songs outside of the story mode?
Yes, you’ll be able to do that in the Free Dance mode and you can unlock additional songs by playing it.

Will there be extra bonuses for full combos and other sorts of achievements in the game?
There will be. That’s another thing we’re hard at work on right now.

What’s Nanako’s place in the game? Is she the mascot?
She actually plays an important role in the storyline and will dance in it, but won’t otherwise participate in any battles.

Is the protagonist’s name officially Yu Narukami in the game?
It is and it’s going to be locked to that. I know everyone has their own idea of who the Persona 4 protagonist is in their heads, but if you look at it as just another unique spin on that character, I think you’ll find a lot to enjoy about him here.

Will the game have PlayStation TV support?
Yes, that’s the plan.

Will Hanako Ohtani dance in the game?
Sorry, but no. (Laughs.)

In case you forgot who Hanako was...

Also since this takes place after P4Golden, I can imagine Marie getting shoved in the game too.
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yo, if there's multiple costumes, there better be some Featherman.
cuz I like the Feathermen