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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

Ken's one-button DP is popping a zit at the opponent.
Ok Ken confirmed was expected, but Koromaru as apart of him was surprising. That actually makes Ken more interesting as a gameplay character since spear user + beast handler is not a bad description. Hell I didn't even expect Koro to make the cut at all and be reduced to NPC/cameo status because he suffers from Jubei syndrom. Just show some screenshots + character trailer now of the duo since my interest has risen now.
i just wanna see a scan so we can confirm that Ken isn't in shota city anymore
I mean he must be like 16 now, right?
that's old enough to not be a shota
can't wait for that unbalanced, unloketested Adachi Preorder DLC
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He's like 14 now. Still young enough, possibly.
He should be a like a year or two younger then Kanji [15-16]. That doesn't help though since Kanji looks way older for his age. He is still gonna be a bishe regardless of age unless Ken had some radical accident to his face since the time skip.
can't wait for that unbalanced, unloketested Adachi Preorder DLC
For real what the flying fuck were they thinking?
For real what the flying fuck were they thinking?
Marketing is a higher priority then balance which only a small fraction of the consumers would care about. Is Rise even in the arcade build yet? Probably not so it can promote the console release. If Adachi is a playable (pretty sure he will be now since Rise is because she had an arcade mode exclusive sprite too) then they would save his ass for last. I doubt they would end their character reveals with Ken when there is still time left.
Because Minato has more academics, courage, and charm.
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Makoto also has a less likely chance to even appear let alone be playable because of plot reasons. Adachi at least was teased a few times and has a viable reason to be apart of the plot again. He also delivers the best troll face/sinister laugh.

Being in jail during a supernatural event isn't much of a plot obstacle compared to being dead. Not to mention the game could use more playable villain type characters. Makoto has a slightly better chance then Shinji to be playable because he was at least a protagonist and because of Elizabeth. Elizabeth is his only hope, but even then that doesn't guarantee he would be alive again let alone playable. We don't know what Liz wants to do, but best case scenario is that her story mode does in fact revive him, but ends up as post-release DLC/story mode locked.
yah well this is the end of the arena story so it is probably the last game, Elizabeth has to complete her quest and then he can be playable
Marketing is a higher priority then balance which only a small fraction of the consumers would care about. Is Rise even in the arcade build yet? Probably not so it can promote the console release. If Adachi is a playable (pretty sure he will be now since Rise is because she had an arcade mode exclusive sprite too) then they would save his ass for last. I doubt they would end their character reveals with Ken when there is still time left.
Think about how much time and money it cost to do the rebalance, then?

Think about how the loctests would have stopped that from happening.

Measure ten times, cut once. Not vice-versa.

If they didn't care, they wouldn't have even bothered with the patch.

But to be honest, starting to think they don't. Nerfing a garbage Makoto, buffing Azareal's damage? Keeping Plat's command grab near useless?
Think about how much time and money it cost to do the rebalance, then?

Think about how the loctests would have stopped that from happening.

Measure ten times, cut once. Not vice-versa.

If they didn't care, they wouldn't have even bothered with the patch.

But to be honest, starting to think they don't. Nerfing a garbage Makoto, buffing Azareal's damage? Keeping Plat's command grab near useless?
Balancing is a priority obviously since arc sys is involved, but no where near a top priority like marketing strategy is to maximize consumer attraction. Again the hardcore players who play this are the minority because let's be real the Persona fans will impulse buy for the canon story/golden mode and being tempted to have dream matches of P3/P4 characters having a brawl with each other (which now have at least shadow forms/Rise/Yukari/Junpei/Ken and Koromaru added too).

The above expected sales numbers from the last game is a testament to that. The last game even had an initial bigger sale spike then vanilla SFIV/BB/etc. That is why the console release character reveals are being spread out since past the arcade release to promote the console build/maintain the hype which is their real money maker.
Balancing is a priority obviously since arc sys is involved, but no where near a top priority like marketing strategy is to maximize consumer attraction. Again the hardcore players who play this are the minority because let's be real the Persona fans will impulse buy for the canon story/golden mode and being tempted to have dream matches of P3/P4 characters having a brawl with each other. The above expected sales numbers from the last game is a testament to that. The game even had a bigger sale spike then vanilla SFIV/BB/etc. That is why the console release character reveals are being spread out since past the arcade release to promote the console build/maintain the hype which is their real money maker.
No one even thinks that anymore.

Pretty much all fighting game developers know that the competitive community is the reason why their stuff keeps going.

Also, I am pretty much solely talking about BB here because I have no idea what P4U2 is going to do. I'm not going to judge an unfinished product.

Arcsys had no business putting out a character they did not test and you have to pay for in a competitive light.
arcsys isn't exactly good at business so it really doesn't surprise me that they did do that
arcsys isn't exactly good at business so it really doesn't surprise me that they did do that
Yeah, they've been pretty garbage at the business portion for years.
The competitive community are the ones who keep playing their game past the first week/month/year, but they are still the minority in terms copies being bought which is always #1 priority. Especially in the Persona franchise which roots came from the JRPG genre so naturally fans of the story that rarely play fighters to begin with will impulse buy the game.

Of course it's important to maintain a positive relationship to the smaller hardcore demographic that are highly competitive with the game which they do with the balance patches, loc tests, etc every so often, but why do you think these latest character trailers have a good chunk of the runtime dedicated to the story portion? Because naturally that is what a good amount of the targeted consumers greatly care about over say...the current balance state of the game.

I mean we have a rhythm persona game coming out soon, but naturally that will sell more then your typical rhythm game solely because of canon story and brand recognition alone without considering the quality of the songs.

I understand about your concern related with how BB CP handled their "balance" and how a specific character which shall not be named was DLC and broken from the competitive perspective, but that doesn't automatically apply to this game. The closest character I expect that would be "broken" would be Narukami because of how reliably he is in most areas, but even then not really since his braindead sweep Oki strategy (I abused the hell out of it) is gone now.

Also Arc Sys probably wanted to release that pink haired fiend in BB soon as possible with minimal balance because she was still very marketable for impulse buys regardless of balance status.
I thought ASW put the Sweep>5D back in for the arcade release.
I thought ASW put the Sweep>5D back in for the arcade release.
Did they? I know that in one build they brought it back, but in the next it was taken away again. Wasn't Chie Oki game also nerfed too still? If he still has that + the other tools he got then he gonna be a very formidable character still even with some of his other nerfs.
Asw could contract lab zero to balance their next fighting game
D'awww, I really wanted Koro in by himself, he could've worked... But I guess this is better than nothing. Looking forward to seeing what they look like after all these years. When should we get the scans?
I'm curious how this will work out. Will Koro be like partner characters these days with his on bar, or will be like Maya & Missile (Phoenix Wright) & Friender (Casshern) and only come in on certain attacks. Looking forward to some scans/footage.
Scans are out of Ken and Koromaru! I love the way he looks! And that shadow...

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He grew up into a cute young lad eh? Shota will go on
He kinda reminds me of Minato in that picture with Yukari.

Also Koromaru's in Ken's old hoodie.
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It's so weird how Theodore is canon then Minako gets shot to the sidelines.
Oh well.
Theodore is canon because he is not the same person is Elizabeth
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Lmao P3 FemMC was right about hitting the shota. Smart investment once he grows up to a full grown bishe.

On a side note I swear that Fem MC + Ken is the most popular pairing based on the sheer fan art quantity I witnessed.

He is wearing PANTS! I like how his shadow looks condescending (his old self) and Koro (he has a shadow too lol) is looking great too. Is the dog wearing Ken's old orange jacket? It seems Ken/Koro have two persona cards and both Kali/Nemi and Cerberus were used. Theodore randomly appearing was also nice since he needs more exposure.
Still waiting on Adachi.
aren't we all?

i kinda wonder how atlus would announce him.

hopefully its preceded with a message in huge bold text saying "we hope you beat P4 in the past 8 years its been out, because SPOILERS!"
I'm not waiting on Adachi.

Lousy villain guy.
KORO IS WEARING KEN'S OLD JACKET, THAT'S ADORABLE. Mained. Becoming the greatest Ken/Koro player who ever lived. Get bodied.