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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

it's because Eikichi isn't providing vocals for all of them
wasted opportunity imo
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For moi, in order from worst to best (soundtracks):

P2:IN - P2:EP - PQ/P1 (Tied) - P3 - P4
DAN ain't even out yet. It can't be the best because of that.
but it's
megidolaon cute
that has to get at least top 12
P2 has Maya's Theme though, come on.

Also not every mainline SMT gives you a gun and a weapon. Nocturne makes you a demon so you can just punch things or shoot beams from your body.
yeah but there's also Raidou Kuzonoha games, SMT4, Soul Hackers, etc etc.
Sitting over here in CST waiting for stream
PST people warm my seat please

Edit: by the way I'm "Clawsomebombsfromsh" in the Twitch chat if you're watching there (http://www.twitch.tv/wounlive) because some cheeky so and so already took ClawsomeBombs

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Well shoot on my way there then
Oh man I'm getting that same vibe again from the P5 reveal. Hype slowly building...
Sweet, the unannounced part will be live once I wake up in the morning. The first chunk of the stream goes on far too late for me to watch the whole thing unfortunately.
Gonna try to sleep during these big breaks
Persona all night is easier when you have a stream chat like this
I always jump on at the end or painfully far from the start of anything. Has anything actually be revealed so far?
No unfortunately
But I believe
The first ??? thing is P4 Dancing All Night.

It wasn't much of anything really. They just showed the old trailer and the theme song. Please enjoy with the Kanji dance.


Altus just counted down to another countdown, trolling everyone in the stream. It was brilliant.
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Why aren't we all exploding talking about this?


'Take Your Heart' huh...? Main theme? BATTLE THEME?
It'd be amazing if Sho or Labrys were playable. Seeing Kanji dance like that just kinda hurts me inside. I don't know why...The entire concept behind the game and the fact it will have a full, fairly serious, story mode hurts me. Dance off with your Shadow? What? This game looks good, but I'll just stare at it with a heavily confused look from the corner of the room.
That song's pretty damn catchy, I like it.
And laughing at the people who stayed up 12 hours on the first day expecting a P5 trailer and getting super salty.
Boy, there's another day left, do you honestly think they'd blow their load on the first day ?
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they're gonna end it on harry potter shouting his persona name and that'll be it
a cocktease to build speculation and hype
that's all I expect tbh
Keeping expectations low I see.

probably a good idea in all honesty
All these countdowns are fantastic
The chat is super cancer (me included)
Atlus should do more official streams and for longer

When's year long stream
So I'm guess absolutely nothing note worthy happened in the stream itself?
So I'm guess absolutely nothing note worthy happened in the stream itself?

Well we found out who best grill is:

P4G Best Character Poll Results
10) Marie
9) Yukiko
8) Rise
7) Nanako
6) Kanji
5) Naoto
4) Yu
3) Adachi
2) Chie
1) Yosuke

this fanbase
Yosuke and Adachi so low? Geeze. Am I the only guy who honestly doesn't really like any of the P4 females over any other one that much? They're all cool, but nothing really makes me like them any more than the others.

Still, how could you rate Adachi and Yosuke so low? And Kanji is easily the best character development-wise of the cast! *sigh* this fanbase...
yo at least rise's bottom 3. can't believe i accidently dated her though.

no hard feelings towards rise fans
Honestly was not expecting Yosuke to be here
Much less win over the Meat Goddess
could you only vote for persona 4 characters? Where's Akinari, his social link was one of the best ones
You guys are lucky this is only P4. Imagine the salt if Yosuke beat Junpei in that poll.