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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

anime titties are an auto M rating
we need to keep them out of the hands of normal people so that they don't realize what a disappointment Atlus is

Would not surprise me that, upon defeat, that these "villainous" mirages join you somehow or you recruit them.

I was hoping that since we haven't really seen any SMT characters/demons show up yet - and no, having demons be the mascots for stores hardly counts - that the bad guy mirages would be SMT related. I guess that's still not outside the realm of impossibility since these are still only previews and the full game comes out soon.

But seriously, there better be some moments where the story decides to take all the stuff we've seen and turn it on its head. I moved from "head tilted in confusion" to "hanging head in sorrow" from what they've shown but I still have this tiny hope that this can be good.
New Scans for Final.

Is that gal with the visor who I think it is? Little Miss Side Quest who gives you the camera in SMT IV? SWEEEEEEEEEEEET She's a full char now! Woo! She was one of my favorite characters in IV for little reason other than she was nice and didn't die or go crazy.
She was one of my favorite characters in IV for little reason other than she was nice and didn't die or go crazy.

Well that's probably gonna happen in this game now that she's a key character. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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There is an interview for Persona 5 that appears in the January issue of Game Informer. That was posted on their website.

Interesting things to note
  • The MC doesn't get dragged into the situration like in P3 or P4. They are the ones to kind of instigate the situation by becoming the thieves and draw the attention of a larger antagonist.
  • Morgana isn't strictly on the MC's side and might be using them for her own gain. She has no knowledge of her origins.
  • All of the Characters have a mischivious side that they usually keep suppressed. This feeds their shadow selves.
How was everyone's holiday? Hope you all relaxed and had a merry time.

One of my friends got me a copy of P4Golden so I can finally get around to playing this version. Just cleared shadow Yosuke so I haven't gotten to the new content just yet (aside from a certain someone who bumped into me at the trainstation).

And jumping right into controversy; I'd like to hear more lines from Erin Fitzgerald's later recordings because if the lines delivered for Chie at this point in the game are any reflection of the whole game, I'd much prefer the old VA. She's not bad by any stretch of the word, mind you. And I'm aware I have the original performance in the back of my head even though I played it years ago and haven't gone back to it since. It just sounds like Chie shouldn't be as high pitched and slightly nasally as I'm hearing right now, even just comparing the voice to the character art.
oh trust me Erin gets better.

like, my guess is she was still getting the hang of the Chie voice at the early parts.
I've been going at Golden at a snail's pace, but I'm at the retro game level and I think Erin's delivery has been fine.
I still think her delivery is better from an emoting standpoint.
i think that old chie sounded more like a real person but Erin is just so passionate about Chie that I can't hate
plus chie is best girl so i still can't hate
i mostly like Chie's romance on the grounds of when it happens
namely directly after she beats the shit outta some dudes
it paints the best picture of the protagonist, imo
My Yu is really into narrowly avoiding breaking the Moon Arcana,and playing basketball with Vic Mignona.

And licking envelopes
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it's pretty messy and unfocused
kind of like #FE :V

You'll still play it because of cute little Draug and his mission to choke a bitch.
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You'll still play it because of cute little Draug and his mission to choke a bitch.
i would honestly rather play a game about Draug standing in one place and choking a point rather than this poopy garbage
If this game was like Yakuza I wouldn't be thrashing it
But it's noooooot
Goddamnit this game could have been the hypest shit
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It's a shame they made a promising trailer for a placeholder title.
sliding jpegs over a picture of a city doesn't seem promising.

like, a gameplay trailer is where the ACTUAL promise is.
sliding jpegs over a picture of a city doesn't seem promising.

like, a gameplay trailer is where the ACTUAL promise is.
It's what it meant to me,man...
I just wanted to play as a team consisting of the Demi-Fiend,Marth,and whatever other jobber I slightly liked.
I was hyped
the FE characters don't even destroy tokyo
this is about as SMT as my ass, and that could probably destroy tokyo if you give me enough time