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Skullgirls Original / Fan Character Thread

What's wrong with it?
Can't see it, picture shows the picture error thingy.
lol fan character with no name or info bye
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Crappy picture 0/10 (it's not that bad, actually)
Alright added a new story for the new and approved shipwreck.


I am really digging Shipwreck's redesign. He has that great blend of having some callbacks towards Peacock's design, yet he's different enough to stand out and be his own character. I also love the gruesome angle that you took. He definitely looks like something Brain Drain would create.

I am really digging Shipwreck's redesign. He has that great blend of having some callbacks towards Peacock's design, yet he's different enough to stand out and be his own character. I also love the gruesome angle that you took. He definitely looks like something Brain Drain would create.

Well thank you very much I really was going for the gruesome look for him but not go so overboard that it doesn't even look like he belongs in the Skullgirls universe.
Since this thread is becoming popular again and this was a problem in the past I figure I should mention it again, when posting art of your characters in here, if you did not draw the character yourself please give a link to the artist's page and mention they drew it.
Even if you designed the character yourself, if you did not draw the picture you're showing of the character, please credit the original artist.
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Time to stick my foot in it! Warnings, long Bio.

Hal Thorne & Hapoe!
Lab 0 is the lab that was created to work on shiftier projects. But not all its shift products originated there. Many years back in the Canopy Kingdom, there was a study done by the labs, a study on a special semi-sentient type of plant. This plant was parasitic in nature, but had amazing healing properties on the mortal mind. These plants were dubbed 'Alrauma.' The Alrauma are very rare and come in hundreds of breeds; this large diversity combined with their rarity caused issues in getting the sufficient plants to finish the test. However, it was done, and they were able to obtain a large quantity of Alrauma.

Extracting the medicine proved quite difficult. As the plants were rare, damaging them or destoying them was out o the question. It was difficult enough to create a climate they could grow in. This plant study went on for a number of years, before a dark discovery was made. The Alrauma are best grown...inside a host body. The Alrauma seeds grow slowly and weakly when exposed to sunlight and other elements. Instead, they grow quicker when in darkness and allowed to absorb nutrients and other bacteria from a host body. With this discovery, the research was threatened, but one idea emerged from this: To fuse the Alrauma with a host in order to give said host the healing benefits while still maintaining growth for the plant. Before such an insane idea could be put into effect, the research died down and was made more secretive due to the less morally ideal circumstances. They found a specific strain of the Alrauma that would thrive in a number of environments that matched the body composition of a Human, Dagonian, and multiple types that would thrive within Gigans. In order for this to be successful, however, the seeds would need to be in place early on the child's developement, but late enough that the plant wouldn't leach the child's life away. Thus the plan began. Under the guise of a separate experiment, 10 children, notable homeless, were taken in. There were 5 Gigans, each of wildly varying sizes and upbringing, a singal feral, 2 humans, and 2 Dagonians. These children were young, their ages varying from a barely a year old to as old as 5 years. Amongst this group was the 11 month-old Gigan child Halloway.

Halloway was to young to defend himself, having been displaced from his family due to a mysterious accident he does not remember the details of. However, despite his youth, he was one of 3 participants to survive the experiment, and only 1 of 2 still surviving to this day. Halloway, the feral, and another Gigan of notable size were the only ones to survive the tests, but the other Gigan died shortly after due to the plant leaching all the nutrients from his body, after he stopped taking the supplements necessary to survive.

The experiment was brutal. The seeds of the Alrauma were planted in the split of the brain. The plants were then, during the procedure, forced by another Alrauma already on hand, to begin growing early. These Alrauma grew slowly, but worked their roots into the brains of the children, changing them, becoming a part of them. Over the next 2 years, the Alrauma in the children's heads had rewired the host's brains and thus body to transport necessary nutrient and fluids to their very small, vaguely humanoid bodies that appeared to sprout from the host's head. Those with an Alrauma implanted in their head needed to take nutrient supplements and were constantly hungry, as the Alrauma took quite a large amount of the body's resources from them.

The plant had the desired effect. The children appeared to completely free of all sickness, the powerful plant bolstering their immune system and even granting immunity to diseases that would normally be fatal to them when directly injected. By this point, the research had been moved to Lab 0 entirely, instead of spread among the other labs as it had been. There was a secondary effect, however. Alrauma notably had some sort of almost psychic connection to other plant lifeforms, able to force the plants to grow through mysterious humming-like songs, and this power seemed to be transfered to the hosts, and amplified. The children could now effectively control certain plants and trees to an extent. It was limited by the type of Alrauma and the power of the host, but the discovery was shocking. However, by the time this power had shown itself, there were only the last 3 participants left, and Alrauma had been all but destroyed due to them growing almost exclusively in the area now known as No Man's Land. With that, the children, now young adults, did not have anywhere to go, and were thus adopted amongst Lab 0.

It was not a happy time, however, as Hal and the feral were anxious to leave as soon as possible. The nature of their lives as nothing but experiments weighed down upon them and they grew to resent the Labs. The feral boy ran away, but a tracer imbedded in the back of his neck keeps his location in case they ever need to find the boy, but Hal stayed, against his own feelings and judgement. It was then that the fateful day happened. The destruction of Lab 0. During the maelstrom, he was left to die. Unable to escape, he covered himself in a wall of ivy, and hid out the attack as the others made it out to safety. Good riddance he would have thought. As the event subsided and his conciousness returned, he found the build empty of all other life. Even the plants were not willing to work for him today. A great tragedy had occurred. He held no love for the place, but it had been his home, and those who had taken him in were destroyed. He halfheartedly swore revenge, going after the Skull Heart himself. However, he was not destined to play the hero.

A medici goon, scum as he was, had pounced, as they all do, upon the plant boy in New Meridian's back alley's while he was trying to sleep off a hard day of walking and searching. The goon did not know what had hit him, and was cut down with ease. However, Hal had let the man live, but his Alrauma, whom he had named Hapoe, had other ideas. Using the thin, tendrill-like arms, it quickly grabbed the dazed man's head, and used it's powers to kill the man on the spot, turning the tendrils on its 'hands' into spikes instead. However, it didn't end there. The tendrils then twisted and stretched, plowing the through the man's body, pulsing a sickly red. The man's insides, his blood and fluids were drained and his nutrients absorbed. It was horrifying, but at the same time, powerful. The burst of energy from the corpse now flew into him, clouding his mind. Like this, he wouldn't need to worry about Hapoe draining him. He'd be powerful and alive! This though clouded him and stuck with him as he continued on. Slowly, he ran into more and more situations that drew him into conflict with others, often ending in the other one dead and absorbed. It confused him, empowered him. He no longer sought revenge, but a source of infinite sustenance for Hapoe and himself. The Skullgirl.

Where she went, a trail of death and destruction followed. By following her, he would not need to scavenge to survive, but instead just absorb the leftovers from the ensuing carnage. And thus, he began to take out others that came seeking the Skullheart or Skullgirl, drawing himself ever closer to her own lair in an effect to keep tabs on the Skullgirl. He had flown too close to the sun.
Double is probably well aware of Hal's actions, from a character perspective, but him axing off potential Skullgirl canditates could easily lead her to seeing him as a detriment, despite him putting his foot in on her side. He's kind of like I-No in that regard with her relationship to That Man.

I'll probably have a pic of Hal at some point, but to explain some things about Hapoe and Hal outside their bio, spoilered below:
-Hapoe is a 'Green Lotus' as it was nicknamed by the scientists. It does not have an official name as Alraumas do not officially exist given their power and rarity. Any instance of an Alrauma being leaked to general public is usually covered up or destroyed.
-Hapoe gains sustenance from the materials found in human blood. As such, in addition to the nutrients it needs, it drains a lot of blood from Hal. He's able to allow it to drain corpses for both blood and nutrients to require less of him, creating this negative relationship.
-Hapoe is cute little sprout that seems to be coming from Hal's head and has a 'face' that appears to be comprised of a spherical head with two giant white spots used for photosynthesis as an adult, which it is.
-Alrauma can make a noise that sounds like humming. They also make litte chirping noises in order to communicate with a host. The humming is what gives them the almost psychic-like powers. Hal can make this same humming noise through Hapoe to use plants in battle.
-Hapoe is based off the Hue Poe, fairies that possessed trees where people were executed.
-Hal Thorne is a joke on the name Hawthorne and thorns, duh.
-Despite his actions, he's a fairly calm and collected individual who prefers his own thoughts to being with others. However, when left ot is own devices, he tends to get radicual ideas and grow to act upon them. Hapoe's influence on his makes this even worse.
-Hapoe's rewiring of his brain not only affected the developement and transfer of his body's essential materials, but it also warped his brain. His brain as it is now would be incomprehensible from the normal state. Hapoe can also subtley invoke its will upon -Hal. The reason he becomes addicted to the nutrients and blood from corpses is due to Hapoe wanting more and being happy. He's essentially its unknowning slave.
-Hal fights with a large stick combosed of hardened wood. The stick has what look like two wooden mandibles on the end, which he uses to crush specially grown nuts that create loud and bright flashes when cracked with enough force. Other than that, he uses seeds in his pocket and the plants in the ground.
-Alraumas were once believed to be related to the actual Parasites. This is due to man similar features in the two. Like most parasites, Alrauma can stretch, warp, harden, and generally morph their bodies. However, this is much more limited based on the Alrauma's age. Like Parasites as well, an Alrauma prefers a host. They can live full plant lives without a host, unlike Parasites. This theory was debunked long ago, however. It is still possible the plant species came from a plant-based Parasite far in the past, however, given their similarities.

Despite being a Gigan, Hal is about the same height as Beowulf, despite only being 21.

He also lacks any of the Gigan's trademark horns, the protein in his body necessary to grow them going to Hapoe instead. He still has a bit of a pointed face with long arms and bestial legs. However, his Gigan features are noticeably less present. He lacks the more developed jaw most Gigan males appear to have, and his body is lanky due to the nutrient deficiency from Hapoe.

He wears mostly formal clothes meant for humans, which looks awkward on him, but he prefers to stiff work clothes to the ones you find most Gigans in.

Halloway is mostly cool and collected. He tends to think things out first and have a plan. However, he's unstable. Long periods of isolation cause his thoughts to wander, creating radical or nonsensical ideas he often convinces himself are right. Due to this, he can fly between moods and priorities, while still appearing to be in control of himself. He can become flustered and thrown into a panic with relative ease when his plans and current priorities are threatened. When this happens, he tends to do foolish things, often going ballistic and harming someone. He prefers the peace and quiet of his own mind to spending time others, further expanding this broken cycle for him.

As far as battle style would go,he is more akin to a zoner. With the flash nuts and vines he can summon, he can control a large area in front of him with ease. Able to scatter seeds which can be used to extend the range or add additional hits to some attacks. His staff comes with decent range, and his specials make him an expert on controlling where the opponent is on the battlefield, using that to move them how he pleases. Many attacks linger after usage and tend to cover larger areas, making him especially tricky when you're not prepared.
Gameplay Inspirations: Eltnum (UNIEL), Kilik (Soul Calibur), Gig (Soul Nomad), Elizabeth (P4 Arena), Kokonoe (Blazblue)

Updated with appearance, personality, and smoothed some plot details.
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oh god I've never made an oc before but this thread brought out my urge to finally do it, eh made a random character on the spot her name is Malum Cornua. So she's an Ox girl who may not be big in size but can pack a punch with her immense strength. As for gameplay style I have no idea but I imagine something like Litchi from blazblue where she is nimble and fancy with her staff. Oh yeah the staff, his name is Noli and he has a metal chompy mouth that can bight. My favorite part about her though is her giant skull skirt.
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Time to stick my foot in it! Warnings, long Bio.

Hal Thorne & Hapoe!
Lab 0 is the lab that was created to work on shiftier projects. But not all its shift products originated there. Many years back in the Canopy Kingdom, there was a study done by the labs, a study on a special semi-sentient type of plant. This plant was parasitic in nature, but had amazing healing properties on the mortal mind. These plants were dubbed 'Alrauma.' The Alrauma are very rare and come in hundreds of breeds; this large diversity combined with their rarity caused issues in getting the sufficient plants to finish the test. However, it was done, and they were able to obtain a large quantity of Alrauma.

Extracting the medicine proved quite difficult. As the plants were rare, damaging them or destoying them was out o the question. It was difficult enough to create a climate they could grow in. This plant study went on for a number of years, before a dark discovery was made. The Alrauma are best grown...inside a host body. The Alrauma seeds grow slowly and weakly when exposed to sunlight and other elements. Instead, they grow quicker when in darkness and allowed to absorb nutrients and other bacteria from a host body. With this discovery, the research was threatened, but one idea emerged from this: To fuse the Alrauma with a host in order to give said host the healing benefits while still maintaining growth for the plant. Before such an insane idea could be put into effect, the research died down and was made more secretive due to the less morally ideal circumstances. They found a specific strain of the Alrauma that would thrive in a number of environments that matched the body composition of a Human, Dagonian, and multiple types that would thrive within Gigans. In order for this to be successful, however, the seeds would need to be in place early on the child's developement, but late enough that the plant wouldn't leach the child's life away. Thus the plan began. Under the guise of a separate experiment, 10 children, notable homeless, were taken in. There were 5 Gigans, each of wildly varying sizes and upbringing, a singal feral, 2 humans, and 2 Dagonians. These children were young, their ages varying from a barely a year old to as old as 5 years. Amongst this group was the 11 month-old Gigan child Halloway.

Halloway was to young to defend himself, having been displaced from his family due to a mysterious accident he does not remember the details of. However, despite his youth, he was one of 3 participants to survive the experiment, and only 1 of 2 still surviving to this day. Halloway, the feral, and another Gigan of notable size were the only ones to survive the tests, but the other Gigan died shortly after due to the plant leaching all the nutrients from his body, after he stopped taking the supplements necessary to survive.

The experiment was brutal. The seeds of the Alrauma were planted in the split of the brain. The plants were then, during the procedure, forced by another Alrauma already on hand, to begin growing early. These Alrauma grew slowly, but worked their roots into the brains of the children, changing them, becoming a part of them. Over the next 2 years, the Alrauma in the children's heads had rewired the host's brains and thus body to transport necessary nutrient and fluids to their very small, vaguely humanoid bodies that appeared to sprout from the host's head. Those with an Alrauma implanted in their head needed to take nutrient supplements and were constantly hungry, as the Alrauma took quite a large amount of the body's resources from them.

The plant had the desired effect. The children appeared to completely free of all sickness, the powerful plant bolstering their immune system and even granting immunity to diseases that would normally be fatal to them when directly injected. By this point, the research had been moved to Lab 0 entirely, instead of spread among the other labs as it had been. There was a secondary effect, however. Alrauma notably had some sort of almost psychic connection to other plant lifeforms, able to force the plants to grow through mysterious humming-like songs, and this power seemed to be transfered to the hosts, and amplified. The children could now effectively control certain plants and trees to an extent. It was limited by the type of Alrauma and the power of the host, but the discovery was shocking. However, by the time this power had shown itself, there were only the last 3 participants left, and Alrauma had been all but destroyed due to them growing almost exclusively in the area now known as No Man's Land. With that, the children, now young adults, did not have anywhere to go, and were thus adopted amongst Lab 0.

It was not a happy time, however, as Hal and the feral were anxious to leave as soon as possible. The nature of their lives as nothing but experiments weighed down upon them and they grew to resent the Labs. The feral boy ran away, but a tracer imbedded in the back of his neck keeps his location in case they ever need to find the boy, but Hal stayed, against his own feelings and judgement. It was then that the fateful day happened. The destruction of Lab 0. During the maelstrom, he was left to die. Unable to escape, he covered himself in a wall of ivy, and hid out the attack as the others made it out to safety. Good riddance he would have thought. As the event subsided and his conciousness returned, he found the build empty of all other life. Even the plants were not willing to work for him today. A great tragedy had occurred. It was then that he realized how much he thought the family he'd had at Lab 0 meant to him, and he swore revenge, going after the Skull Heart himself. However, he was not destined to play the hero.

A medici goon, scum as he was, had pounced, as they all do, upon the plant boy in New Meridian's back alley's while he was trying to sleep off a hard day of walking and searching. The goon did not know what had hit him, and was cut down with ease. However, Hal had let the man live, but his Alrauma, whom he had named Hapoe, had other ideas. Using the thin, tendrill-like arms, it quickly grabbed the dazed man's head, and used it's powers to kill the man on the spot, turning the tendrils on its 'hands' into spikes instead. However, it didn't end there. The tendrils then twisted and stretched, plowing the through the man's body, pulsing a sickly red. The man's insides, his blood and fluids were drained and his nutrients absorbed. It was horrifying, but at the same time, powerful. The burst of energy from the corpse now flew into him, clouding his mind. Like this, he wouldn't need to worry about Hapoe draining him. He'd be powerful and alive! This though clouded him and stuck with him as he continued on. Slowly, he ran into more and more situations that drew him into conflict with others, often ending in the other one dead and absorbed. It confused him, empowered him. He no longer sought revenge, but a source of infinite sustenance for Hapoe and himself. The Skullgirl.

Where she went, a trail of death and destruction followed. By following her, he would not need to scavenge to survive, but instead just absorb the leftovers from the ensuing carnage. And thus, he began to take out others that came seeking the Skullheart or Skullgirl, drawing himself ever closer to her own lair in an effect to keep tabs on the Skullgirl. He had flown too close to the sun.

I'll probably have a pic of Hal at some point, but to explain some things about Hapoe and Hal outside their bio, spoilered below:
Hapoe is a 'Green Lotus' as it was nicknamed by the scientists. It does not have an official name as Alraumas do not officially exist given their power and rarity. Any instance of an Alrauma being leaked to general public is usually covered up or destroyed.
Hapoe gains sustenance from the materials found in human blood. As such, in addition to the nutrients it needs, it drains a lot of blood from Hal. He's able to allow it to drain corpses for both blood and nutrients to require less of him, creating this negative relationship.
Hapoe is cute little sproute that seems to be coming from Hal's head and has a 'face' that appears to be comprised of a spherical head with two giant white spots used for photosynthesis as an adult, which it is.
Alrauma can make a noise that sounds like humming. They also make litte chirping noises in order to communicate with a host. The humming is what gives them the almost psychic-like powers. Hal can make this same humming noise through Hapoe to use plants in battle.
Hapoe is based off the Hue Poe, fairies that possessed trees where people were executed.
Hal Thorne is a joke on the name Hawthorne and thorns, duh.
Despite being a Gigan, Hal is about the same height as Beowulf, despite only being 21. He also lacks any horns, the protein in his body necessary to grow them going to Hapoe instead. His only feature that could show him as Gigan is his sharp teeth.
Despite his actions, he's a fairly calm and collected individual who prefers his own thoughts to being with others. However, when left ot is own devices, he tends to get radicual ideas and grow to act upon them. Hapoe's influence on his makes this even worse.
Hapoe's rewiring of his brain not only affected the developement and transfer of his body's essential materials, but it also warped his brain. His brain as it is now would be incomprehensible from the normal state. Hapoe can also subtley invoke its will upon Hal. The reason he becomes addicted to the nutrients and blood from corpses is due to Hapoe wanting more and being happy. He's essentially its unknowning slave.
Hal fights with a large stick combosed of hardened wood. The stick has what look like two wooden mandibles on the end, which he uses to crush specially grown nuts that create loud and bright flashes when cracked with enough force. Other than that, he uses seeds in his pocket and the plants in the ground.
It's certainly a nice change from the 'orphan given a parasite' deal, as well as the fact that he's gigan (though I think it would be better if he had more gigan features, here's some concept art for reference http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/skullgirls/images/e/e7/Gigan.jpg/revision/20140821130012). The part that bugs me however is is how he resented Lab 0 initially, but misses them as a family after waking up. Any particular reason for this? Playstyle is rather unclear in regards to how he plays, considering that part of the point in fighting games is to keep up the pressure. Is he a heavy zoner? Rush down, charger? A bit more of a description would be needed. Regardless, I think this has a degree of potential, but definitely needs refinement.
oh god I've never made an oc before but this thread brought out my urge to finally do it, eh made a random character on the spot her name is Malum Cornua. With the ultimate power of google translate its Latin for "Evil Horns" all I had time to think about was a little story for her. So she's an Ox girl who may not be big in size but sure as hell can pack a punch with her immense strength. As for gameplay style I have no idea but I imagine something like Litchi from blazblue where she is nimble and fancy with her staff. Oh yeah the staff, his name is Noli and he has a metal chompy mouth that can bight ya. My favorite part about her though is her giant skull skirt.
View attachment 8768
Nice character design. I'm quite curious about her backstory and personality. The idea of a mobility focused character is neat too, since the closest is Ms Fortune who's a rushdown character.
It's certainly a nice change from the 'orphan given a parasite' deal, as well as the fact that he's gigan (though I think it would be better if he had more gigan features, here's some concept art for reference http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/skullgirls/images/e/e7/Gigan.jpg/revision/20140821130012). The part that bugs me however is is how he resented Lab 0 initially, but misses them as a family after waking up. Any particular reason for this? Playstyle is rather unclear in regards to how he plays, considering that part of the point in fighting games is to keep up the pressure. Is he a heavy zoner? Rush down, charger? A bit more of a description would be needed. Regardless, I think this has a degree of potential, but definitely needs refinement.
Yeah, I was gonna give him some more Gigan-like features. The point was that he isn't the most Gigan-like individual.

Something I forgot to note is that he can be emotionally unstable. Especially when left to his own devices. He may decide on a whim that he really misses the Lab 0 crew and wants revenge, even if it really is mostly for his own revenge. I could have worded that clearer.

As for playstyle, I say he has an emphasis on pressure, but he's more of a zoner in style. He has multiple moves that cover a wide area and tend to linger, making it very easy for him to control the space of the stage. Including the seeds he has and the flash nuts, which cause crumple, he can very easily control where he wants you on the stage.
Yeah, I was gonna give him some more Gigan-like features. The point was that he isn't the most Gigan-like individual.
That makes more sense; you should probably update him then. While you're at it, you could work on his personality.
Updated appearance and smoothed some plot details out!
Well since everyone else is doing it, I might as well post my OC too. (Sorry if the writing is a bit rough, this is my first OC)

Warning, his biography is very long.

Species: Gigan

Age: Middle aged, Past his prime

Appearance: Shuten Doji normally stands a bit shorter than Big Band (his level 3 blockbuster allows him to grow to about twice Big Band’s height). Although he is very overweight, he is extremely strong and is able to toss an average sized person around like a ragdoll. His skin is a bright red color and he has wild black hair on his head and face. He sports visible tusks and his head is topped by two large ox-like horns. He does not wear much clothes, save for a tattered striped robe. His body is covered with many scars from the Grand War. He wields a makeshift flail that is composed of the chains that were used to bind him in the past.
Shuten Doji once lived in what is now a part of No Man’s Land. In his younger years, he was a terrifying and arrogant marauder who terrorized the land. He would demand food and alcohol from any village he approached. If they did not comply to his demands, he would destroy the village and take their supplies by force. He believed that humans were beneath him and that since they could not match his immense power, he had every right to take from them. His rampage continued until one day when his pride finally caught up with him.

Shuten Doji was conducting one of his raids on a small town, demanding that the town present him with all of their livestock and alcohol. Little did he know, the townsfolk heard wind of his arrival and had prepared a plan to trap him. Waiting on the outskirts of the village, Shuten Doji was greeted by a lone old man carrying a small bottle of alcohol. The old man claimed that that solitary bottle was the only thing that the village had to give him. Shuten Doji grew furious at this obvious lie, and quickly snatched the bottle from the old man and downed the drink in one gulp before approaching the village to crush it. Yet before he could smash the first building, he collapsed into a deep slumber.

When Shuten Doji awoke, he noticed that he was unable to move and that he was far smaller than he was supposed to be. It turned out that the old man that he encountered was a powerful magician that hailed from the Chess Kingdom, and the drink that he gave to him was a powerful potion that knocked him out and shifted his size to that of a human. As an added precaution, the magician bound Shuten Doji with magically weighted chains forged by the town blacksmith while he was knocked out. No matter how much the gigan struggled, the chains were always too heavy to lift. He was completely at the mercy of the village who would surely kill him for his crimes. However, just as Shuten Doji was about to accept his fate, the magician presented him with an ultimatum. Stay and die at the hands of the villagers, or work for him to earn his freedom. Shuten Doji accepted the latter and joined the old magician as his prisoner.

Shuten Doji soon found that the old magician had very little in terms of possessions and roamed from village to village on foot, which was a near impossible task for the gigan due to his weighted chains. Shuten Doji loathed the magician for forcing him to walk in his shackles, yet the old man stayed firm with the gigan, saying that he should learn how to walk around like a human. Although the magician kept him bound in chains, the magician treated Shuten Doji fairly and shared the portions of food that he earned in exchange for his deeds as a magician. As the pair hiked from village to village, Shuten Doji would often be forced to stop due to exhaustion. The magician would always wait patiently for the gigan to regain his strength and gave him water upon request. When questioned about his patience, the magician stated that everyone had a duty to help those who were unable to help themselves.

As the weeks traveling with the magician turned to months, the gigan began to feel empathy for the people that they would encounter on their travels. Just like him, the villagers that turned to the magician for help all had their own metaphorical burdens that caused them to feel helpless. Strangely, as Shuten Doji’s empathy towards the humans increased, he felt his shackles grow lighter. He questioned the magician about this, to which he replied that the weight of the chains directly corresponded to the wearer’s selfishness. The magician then revealed to Shuten Doji that in his youth he used his magic to take advantage of people and scam them of their money and property, yet when he was finally caught, he was shown mercy for his crimes. This prompted him to exile himself from the Chess Kingdom and become a wandering figure who only used his powers to help those less fortunate.

As the months turned to years, Shuten Doji took the magician’s words to heart and no longer felt the burden of his chains. Shuten Doji willfully helped the magician as a true assistant and as a true friend. When the magician finally died of old age, Shuten Doji continued his legacy by continuing to protect those who were weak. As Shuten Doji himself grew older, he eventually settled down in a small village and lived a relatively quiet life as their part-time protector. When the Grand War broke out, he protected his village from raiders, using the chains that once bound him as a makeshift flail. After a decade of defending his small village, he thought that he could handle anything that the war threw at him... that is until the devastation caused by Skullgirl Nancy struck. Once again, Shuten Doji felt complete helplessness, this time against the power of the Skullheart. He fought with all of his might, but the skullgirl’s strength far outclassed his own. Although he somehow survived by the skin of his teeth, the land that Shuten Doji vowed to protect was little more than ruin and everyone in it was dead. Shuten Doji wandered the desolate desert that he once called home, a part of him wishing that he had died along with it. He eventually settled down again in the Canopy Kingdom, a tired and battered figure. Although he had originally hoped to retire quietly and live out the remainder of his life in peace, there was a small bit of news that changed his mind. A New Skullgirl has arisen.
Likes: Alcohol, Food, Proving His Strength, Reading and Writing Poetry

Dislikes: The Oppression of the Weak, The Skullgirl, The Medici Mafia, The Renoir Family, Beowulf, Shellfish
Shuten Doji is a tanky character who is great at zoning his opponents with his flail. While not as ranged as Peacock, he can cover a lot of area with his flail specials and keep pressure from afar. His normals are a tad sluggish, yet most of them do deal heavy damage and are able to knock the enemy within flail range.

Some of Shuten Doji’s attacks have a weight effect on his enemies. Opponents struck by his flail attacks become slowed for a few seconds. During this slow’s duration, they also cannot jump as high as they normally could.

Lv. 1 Blockbusters:

QCF+MP+HP Megaton Headbutt:

Shuten Doji charges across the screen horns-first and rams his enemy at full force. He has super armor during this duration. He stops once he makes contact, but his opponent goes flying until they either hit a wall or until they reach the far end of the screen. If the opponent is guarding, the damage will be mitigated, but they will slide half distance. Great for creating distance for his flail attacks. If he misses, he will skid to a halt after a second.

QCB+MP+HP Retribution of the Meek:

Shuten Doji will swing a chain out in front of him and grab an enemy with it. If the chain hits its mark, it will wrap around the opponent and drag him/her quickly toward Shuten Doji, who will then land a devastating uppercut with his free hand. This uppercut will send the enemy flying straight upwards. This attack is a great follow up to his flail attacks. and can be a good lead in for “Hidden Power.”

Lv. 3 Blockbuster:

QCF+MK+HK Hidden Power:

Shuten Doji unleashes his true gigan form and grows to a tremendous size. He becomes noticeably more muscular and his gigan features become more prominent. He also needs to squat down to fit completely in the screen. If the opponent is near him while he’s transforming, they will be damaged and knocked back. He is unable to be grabbed in this form, cannot jump or dash, takes half damage from all attacks, and has super armor. While in this form, all of his attacks change. While in this form, his super meter rapidly depletes much akin to Eliza’s Sekmet form. Once the meter hits zero, he will transform back to normal size. He can also end the transformation early by inputting Hidden Power's command while in gigan form.
Gameplay Inspiration
Suika Ibuki (Touhou Project), Scorpion (Mortal Kombat), Sugilite (Steven Universe), Ares (Smite), Oni (Japanese Mythology)
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Well since everyone else is doing it, I might as well post my OC too. (Sorry if the writing is a bit rough, this is my first OC)

Warning, his biography is very long.

Species: Gigan

Age: Middle aged, Past his prime

Appearance: Shuten Doji normally stands a bit shorter than Big Band (his level 3 blockbuster allows him to grow to about twice Big Band’s height). Although he is very overweight, he is extremely strong and is able to toss an average sized person around like a ragdoll. His skin is a bright red color and he has wild black hair on his head and face. He sports visible tusks and his head is topped by two large ox-like horns. He does not wear much clothes, save for a tattered striped robe. His body is covered with many scars from the Grand War. He wields a makeshift flail that is composed of the chains that were used to bind him in the past.
Shuten Doji once lived in what is now a part of No Man’s Land. In his younger years, he was a terrifying and arrogant marauder who terrorized the land. He would demand food and alcohol from any village he approached. If they did not comply to his demands, he would destroy the village and take their supplies by force. He believed that humans were beneath him and that since they could not match his immense power, he had every right to take from them. His rampage continued until one day when his pride finally caught up with him.

Shuten Doji was conducting one of his raids on a small town, demanding that the town present him with all of their livestock and alcohol. Little did he know, the townsfolk heard wind of his arrival and had prepared a plan to trap him. Waiting on the outskirts of the village, Shuten Doji was greeted by a lone old man carrying a small bottle of alcohol. The old man claimed that that solitary bottle was the only thing that the village had to give him. Shuten Doji grew furious at this obvious lie, and quickly snatched the bottle from the old man and downed the drink in one gulp before approaching the village to crush it. Yet before he could smash the first building, he collapsed into a deep slumber.

When Shuten Doji awoke, he noticed that he was unable to move and that he was far smaller than he was supposed to be. It turned out that the old man that he encountered was a powerful magician that hailed from the Chess Kingdom, and the drink that he gave to him was a powerful potion that knocked him out and shifted his size to that of a human. As an added precaution, the magician bound Shuten Doji with magically weighted chains forged by the town blacksmith while he was knocked out. No matter how much the gigan struggled, the chains were always too heavy to lift. He was completely at the mercy of the village who would surely kill him for his crimes. However, just as Shuten Doji was about to accept his fate, the magician presented him with an ultimatum. Stay and die at the hands of the villagers, or work for him to earn his freedom. Shuten Doji accepted the latter and joined the old magician as his prisoner.

Shuten Doji soon found that the old magician had very little in terms of possessions and roamed from village to village on foot, which was a near impossible task for the gigan due to his weighted chains. Shuten Doji loathed the magician for forcing him to walk in his shackles, yet the old man stayed firm with the gigan, saying that he should learn how to walk around like a human. Although the magician kept him bound in chains, the magician treated Shuten Doji fairly and shared the portions of food that he earned in exchange for his deeds as a magician. As the pair hiked from village to village, Shuten Doji would often be forced to stop due to exhaustion. The magician would always wait patiently for the gigan to regain his strength and gave him water upon request. When questioned about his patience, the magician stated that everyone had a duty to help those who were unable to help themselves.

As the weeks traveling with the magician turned to months, the gigan began to feel empathy for the people that they would encounter on their travels. Just like him, the villagers that turned to the magician for help all had their own metaphorical burdens that caused them to feel helpless. Strangely, as Shuten Doji’s empathy towards the humans increased, he felt his shackles grow lighter. He questioned the magician about this, to which he replied that the weight of the chains directly corresponded to the wearer’s selfishness. The magician then revealed to Shuten Doji that in his youth he used his magic to take advantage of people and scam them of their money and property, yet when he was finally caught, he was shown mercy for his crimes. This prompted him to exile himself from the Chess Kingdom and become a wandering figure who only used his powers to help those less fortunate.

As the months turned to years, Shuten Doji took the magician’s words to heart and no longer felt the burden of his chains. Shuten Doji willfully helped the magician as a true assistant and as a true friend. When the magician finally died of old age, Shuten Doji continued his legacy by continuing to protect those who were weak. As Shuten Doji himself grew older, he eventually settled down in a small village and lived a relatively quiet life as their part-time protector. When the Grand War broke out, he protected his village from raiders, using the chains that once bound him as a makeshift flail. After a decade of defending his small village, he thought that he could handle anything that the war threw at him... that is until the devastation caused by Skullgirl Nancy struck. Once again, Shuten Doji felt complete helplessness, this time against the power of the Skullheart. He fought with all of his might, but the skullgirl’s strength far outclassed his own. Although he somehow survived by the skin of his teeth, the land that Shuten Doji vowed to protect was little more than ruin and everyone in it was dead. Shuten Doji wandered the desolate desert that he once called home, a part of him wishing that he had died along with it. He eventually settled down again in the Canopy Kingdom, a tired and battered figure. Although he had originally hoped to retire quietly and live out the remainder of his life in peace, there was a small bit of news that changed his mind. A New Skullgirl has arisen.
Likes: Alcohol, Food, Proving His Strength, Reading and Writing Poetry

Dislikes: The Oppression of the Weak, The Skullgirl, The Medici Mafia, The Renoir Family, Beowulf, Shellfish
Shuten Doji is a tanky character who is great at zoning his opponents with his flail. While not as ranged as Peacock, he can cover a lot of area with his flail specials and keep pressure from afar. His normals are a tad sluggish, yet most of them do deal heavy damage and are able to knock the enemy within flail range.

Some of Shuten Doji’s attacks have a weight effect on his enemies. Opponents struck by his flail attacks become slowed for a few seconds. During this slow’s duration, they also cannot jump as high as they normally could.

Lv. 1 Blockbusters:

QCF+MP+HP Megaton Headbutt:

Shuten Doji charges across the screen horns-first and rams his enemy at full force. He has super armor during this duration. He stops once he makes contact, but his opponent goes flying until they either hit a wall or until they reach the far end of the screen. If the opponent is guarding, the damage will be mitigated, but they will slide half distance. Great for creating distance for his flail attacks. If he misses, he will skid to a halt after a second.

QCB+MP+HP Retribution of the Meek:

Shuten Doji will swing a chain out in front of him and grab an enemy with it. If the chain hits its mark, it will wrap around the opponent and drag him/her quickly toward Shuten Doji, who will then land a devastating uppercut with his free hand. This uppercut will send the enemy flying straight upwards. This attack is a great follow up to his flail attacks. and can be a good lead in for “Hidden Power.”

Lv. 3 Blockbuster:

QCF+MK+HK Hidden Power:

Shuten Doji unleashes his true gigan form and grows to a tremendous size. He becomes noticeably more muscular and his gigan features become more prominent. He also needs to squat down to fit completely in the screen. If the opponent is near him while he’s transforming, they will be damaged and knocked back. He is unable to be grabbed in this form, cannot jump or dash, takes half damage from all attacks, and has super armor. While in this form, all of his attacks change. While in this form, his super meter rapidly depletes much akin to Eliza’s Sekmet form. Once the meter hits zero, he will transform back to normal size. He can also end the transformation early by inputting Hidden Power's command while in gigan form.
Gameplay Inspiration
Suika Ibuki (Touhou Project), Scorpion (Mortal Kombat), Sugilite (Steven Universe), Ares (Smite), Oni (Japanese Mythology)
I actually really like this character because of his backstory. The only thing that's really missing is his personality which can merge with likes/dislikes. Regardless, I do like this character a lot.
I actually really like this character because of his backstory. The only thing that's really missing is his personality which can merge with likes/dislikes. Regardless, I do like this character a lot.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like him. I'll definitely start working on a personality. I was going to originally make a story mode for him where the player would learn about his personality. The story was also going to explain why he disliked both the royal family and the mafia. But by the end it seemed too disjointed so I scrapped it. The Likes/Dislikes category are just some leftovers from stuff in the story mode.
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Isn't a Shuten Doji a japanese zombie or type of Oni? I distinctly remember that name...
Isn't a Shuten Doji a japanese zombie or type of Oni? I distinctly remember that name...
I'm sure there are plenty of different Shuten-Doji, but the one I'm most familiar with was a powerful oni that led a group of other oni that would attack/raid villages. He also really liked to drink, and was decapitated after drinking sake containing some sort of paralyzing drug.
Ah that's right. I was thinking of another interpretation in another series. Good character yours.
Ah that's right. I was thinking of another interpretation in another series. Good character yours.
Thank you for the nice feedback! I did heavily base Shuten Doji's history off of the Shuten Doji from Japanese mythology, kinda like how Skullgirls Beowulf was based off of the ancient legend of Beowulf. I love me some mythology.
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Nice. There's some hidden references to actual American history in mine. Some quite dark references.
Not really a fancharacter/OC, but I thought it would be fun to see how my characters from a story I'm working on would fit in the Skullverse. And failing at mimicking the art style
Don't expect more than a vague description and some sketch-ish work. If anyone is interested in more, I could do some characters and make much more detailed descriptions.

Anyway, I hope you like it!

Skullgirls Stogh.png

Stogh is a seemingly young dragonian boy, with a mysterious mood surrounding him. No one really knows anything about him, although it is clear that he is searching for the Skullheart, likely for personal reasons that are yet unknown.
(He's based on an Oarfish)

Leandra 'Lea'

Skullgirls Lea.png

Leandra, preferring 'Lea' is a young-adult girl, that hopes to join the Black Egrets despite breaking the rules *every* time. Naively believing that if she can obtain the Skullheart and bringing it to the Black Egrets is a piece of cake, a tempting offer is waiting for her.
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Wowey zowey, what a wonderful, incredible community and place to hang out and discuss the incredible world of Skullgirls!
Time to muck it up by posting a fan character on a thread that hasn't had a post in a few days!
Name: Flint Lockehart (Nickname/Select Screen Name: Flintlock)
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Birthday: January 17
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Having lost his right arm and his family during the Grand War (courtesy of a near-death encounter with the Skullgirl), Flint Lockhart swore to one day get revenge on the Skull Heart. Driven by a type of bitterness that can only be described as obsessive, his story along with his willingness to go to whatever lengths possible to get his payback reached the ears of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. Becoming one of the early subjects, Flint’s arm was replaced with an experimental ‘hand-cannon’ of sorts. Fitted with an internal engine and a powerful firearm, he worked alongside the Labs for a time. However, after an internal conflict with other members over exactly how much was getting done, Flint departed, off to go on his own path.
Taking up the mantle of a bounty hunter/mercenary-for-hire to get by, Flint acquired a reputation for being a man who knew how to get the job done. Capturing, kidnappings, and assassinations take up just a small part of the work Flint did to survive. Even a few occasions where he took work from the infamous Medici Mafia. It was never done with the direct intention of harming someone, no. Then he would risk becoming like the monster he sought to destroy. But, he had to find some way to get leads. Make connections. Find information. Anything and everything to find and get back at the Skull Heart.
And then, a short time ago, he heard news that a new Skullgirl had arisen. And what do you know: one of his employers, Lorenzo, happened to be one of her number one targets.

Funny how things work out, eh?
A grizzled man with an appearance befitting that of an old school western cowboy rather than a burly fighter, Flint's size and muscle tone aren't very impressive. Fitting, seeing as he's not really a supernatural mutant or cyborg as compared to many of Skullgirls' other combatants, and there's no way he could even compare to Beowulf's physique. He's got just enough size on him to be able to use his mechanical arm without exhausting himself. Speaking of said arm, it's actually pretty big (gotta fit all those parts in there somewhere). Appearance-wise, think something similar to Jack Cayman's arm from Anarchy Reigns, only a more streamlined design designed to work as both a cannon and a functioning hand. With oversized digits that tend to make delicate tasks really hard. The arm tends to let out exhaust every now and then to vent the heat inside, usually right after Flint manually overclocks the engine for a fiery punch during a fight.
As for clothing, the bounty hunter's sporting a cowboy style akin to Erron Black or John Marston, though his looks a lot more rugged due to him being too cheap to try and head to a tailor and get things patched up by a professional. So he tries to do it on his own, and... well, you should remember the earlier comment about 'delicate tasks' enough to know how well that goes. Sadly, despite the old west look, no hat. Just a slightly messy mop of jet black hair. Disappointing.
There are two kinds of Flint: one where he’s working, and the other where he’s not.

When in his ‘casual mode’, Flint is surprisingly wry, humorous, and down-to-earth. It’s not hard to see him strolling down the street or noshing on some noodles at an old stand. Somewhat dry-witted, he tends to speak to others very informally and directly. He is not one to shy from telling someone something straight, and is most definitely not going to hold back when he does. While this might give the impression he is blunt and unconcerned with emotion, he’s not. If anything he speaks with the sole intention of helping out. It simply has the habit of… coming out wrong. Laid-back and rather approachable, one wouldn’t even suspect he was some famous bounty hunter.

Of course, once he enter his ‘business mode’, things change a bit. Flint, while still carrying that dry sense of humor, now speaks much more seriously. Here, he is much more willing to showcase his surprisingly sharp intellect and wisdom, usually to make a point to his employer that he isn’t to be trifled with. He is often concerned with ‘what he’ll get out of the deal’, usually in regards to money. Though, if the offer involves information on the Skullgirl, he’ll gladly take it. You could call him selfish, honestly, and he wouldn’t care. He’s not really affected by anything people say about him. As long as he gets a fair pay for the work he’s been told to do, he doesn’t mind anything. But if you do try to skip out on paying him, oh boy, do you have a storm coming for you.

Aside from those, there’s his obsession with the Skull Heart. Putting it lightly? He is obsessed with avenging his family and will stop at nothing to destroy the Skull Heart. It’s one of the few things that he will prioritize over making a profit, even to the point where he might consider ditching a job entirely if it means getting at that cursed Heart. That’s his number one goal, and nothing’s going to stop him from making it happen. Not even if the Skullgirl herself gets in his way.

Overall, while not an inherently bad person, he is a man still rough around the edges; and he's proud of it, at that. He is aware of his flaws, aware of the problems they can cause, and takes them into account every day. It's just how the Skull Heart works; it plays at one's weaknesses and insecurities, trying to tempt them into believing that they can make a wish that will fix their problems. When in reality, as Flint himself knows, there is no such thing as a perfect or 'pure' person.

Just ask him. He knows it more than anyone.
Likes: Good pay, that one noodle shop down the street, living on a budget, A good plan coming together, Nabbing a high-paying bounty, compliant people, helpful people, Doing maintenance on his arm
Dislikes: People trying to stiff him after a job, The Skull Heart, the Skullgirl, Indecisiveness, Spending money, Those painful two-and-a-half seconds when he realizes his arm cannon is already full, Sewing
In a sea of supernatural monsters, parasites, cyborgs, and one really hammy guy with a chair, what’s a normal guy just looking to make a buck to do? Why, use his robotic power-arm, of course! Though, for a man of his style, he’s not one to settle for just that. So, to add onto it, the arm turns into a literal hand-cannon! While he’s not a very hard hitter with his human parts, his robot parts are definitely enough to keep up with the competition. And that’s not counting his cannon, which, while not being the most graceful bit of tech, hits harder than you could dream. Guy just has to make sure to keep an eye on how many shots he has. Misfire while he’s got nothing loaded, and… well, it’ll hurt.
Gameplay Inspiration
Aigis (Persona 4 Arena)
Jack Cayman (Max Anarchy/Anarchy Reigns & Madworld)
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear)
Erron Black (Mortal Kombat X)
Hakan's oil mechanic (Super Street Fighter IV)
Deadpool's teleport (Marvel vs. Capcom 3)
Command Normals
->+HK (This’ll Hurt)
-Reel back the foot for a groin shot. Not very sporting, but it’s effective. Causes crumple state with a direct hit. Mid

->+HP (Heavy Hand)
-One step forward, one slap to the head. Overhead


QCB+P (Reloading!)
-Flint’s trademark maneuver. Reloads LockeHeart with fresh ammunition. LP=1 bullet. MP=3 bullets. HP= 5 bullets. Can hold maximum of 5 bullets. (If Flint loads over his maximum, he will attempt to load it, realize it’s full, and then stumble to put the ammo away.[Animation lasts .5 seconds for LP, 1 seconds for MP, 1.5 seconds for HP. Missing will add 1 second.])

QCF+LP (Open Fire!)
-Flint will cock Locke-Heart and fire a single bullet in a straight line. Does pitiful chip-damage, but magnificent direct damage. If Flint attempts to fire without ammo, he will misfire and take a small amount of damage. Mid, Knockback
-Flint will cancel his firing animation. (Can only be used before any bullets are fired.)

QCF + MP (Open Fire!!)
-Flint will cock LockeHeart and fire two bullets, one in front and another diagonally.
>QCB+P (Ceasefire)

QCF + HP (Open Fire!!!)
-Flint will cock LockeHeart and fire three bullets, one in front, one diagonally, and the last one even higher diagonally.
>QCB + P (Ceasefire)

Shoryuken Motion + LP (Wheel Lock)
-Flint snags an opponent at close range, spins them in a wheel motion, and slams them into the ground. High
>QCF + P (Hit & Run)
-If Flint has ammo loaded, he will back up and fire at the opponent after the slam. If not, he will misfire and be knocked back. Knockback

Shoryuken Motion + MP (Snap Lock)
-Flint grabs the opponent at close range and performs an inverted headlock backbreaker using Locke-Heart. High, Ground bounce
>QCF + P (Bullseye)
-As the opponent bounces, Flint sends them flying with a point-blank shot. Without ammo loaded, he’ll misfire and be knocked back. Knockback

Shoryuken Motion + HP (Flint Lock)
-Flint grabs the opponent with Locke-Heart, grips them tightly, then slams them into the ground as hard as he can. Mid
>QCF + P (Discharge)
-As soon as he slams them, Flint morphs Locke-Heart into flintlock mode and blasts them, point-blank. Without ammo, he’ll misfire and be knocked back. Knockback


Shoryuken Motion + Px2 (Crossfire) [Lvl. 1]
-Flint grabs the opponent and tosses them into the air. He follows up with a single blazing cross that puts him behind them, then another cross that sends them flying. Pyro, Knockback

QCB + Px2 (Incendiary Shots) [Lvl. 1]
-Flint fires up Locke-Heart’s internal engine. For the next 5 seconds (Or 3 shots), any bullets from Locke-Heart will deal increased damage. Pyro

QCF + Px2 (OPEN FIRE!!!) [Lvl. 3]
-Flint unloads all ammo loaded into Locke-Heart at the moment of the attack. If no ammo is loaded, he’ll misfire...for a lot of damage.
Fun fact about the moveset: I actually wrote out some normals as well as a few more command normals, but then I realized they'd make this post way too long, as well as clog up the moveset overall, so I removed them.

Spent a surprising amount of time on this one, but hey, I guess that's just how it is. Hopefully the fun I had making this guy shows!

Also, hidden pun in the name for those who didn't catch it: [AKA TIME FOR ME TO EXPLAIN THE JOKE AND THUS RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE] Flint Lockehart. When you shorten the name out to Flintlock, it becomes a bit of a pun on his name. Then, what did you remove to make the name fit Flintlock? "ehart". Which can be rearranged to "heart". Therefore making a visual pun on Flint's desire to get rid of the Skull Heart.
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I really wanna post some stuff for a Skullgirls character i wanna make based off of Jason of the Argonauts, but I dunno if people would like him... /n\
Wowey zowey, what a wonderful, incredible community and place to hang out and discuss the incredible world of Skullgirls!
Wasn't there already a famous character by the name Flint Lockehart? I'm pretty sure there was...I'M CLAIMING COPYRIGHT D:

Anways, decent character, overall.
Brecca the Unbeatable, the Gigan that made Beowulf into a true fighter
(art care of @bowlerntophats)



No man or beast knows
where Beowulf Zanzibar Hrethel was birthed,
appearing as if from the mists one day
in search of a Gigan most specific.
A wrestler of such great renown
that she had been forced to withdraw from public life.

A wrestler of such skill, strength, and courage
that her very form defied nature itself:
Brecca the Unbeatable, Brecca the Dwarf.
Though heads above most humans
she stood in the shadow of her countrymen
though never for long.

Beowulf eventually found his aim
in a small cave, far from any Gigan city.
Upon first sight, it is said she nearly settled upon killing the young man
before reconsidering at the last moment

Why have you come?
she spat, the battered youth rising to his feet.

I have come to train under you,
the greatest wrestler known to man or Gigan!

He beamed in admiration, his pain insignificant.

Bah! I've no time for a soft, pink human wretch like you.

But Beowulf knelt before her
and pleaded for 3 days and nights
never once relenting

In frustration, Brecca agreed to train the boy
expecting no more than a handful of days
before the young human would wither and break

Every day, she would strike him
demean him
and wrestle him into submission
unleashing punishment the likes of which
would have reduced any man
or any Gigan
to pitiful tears

But after the 30th day
of Beowulf's grateful acceptance of her treatment
Brecca realized this was no mere opportunist
here to ride the coattails of greatness

and so
his training began

Techniques, holds, tricks
all were revealed and drilled
until they were as much a part of Beowulf
as they were of Brecca

With every passing month, a closeness grew,
that of teacher and student
warrior and rival,
friend and companion.

And at dusk on the 1111th day
Brecca greeted Beowulf for the evening's training
but instead told him
Lo, there is no more that I can teach.
The path to greatness is more than training,
and if you truly intend to follow that path,
it leads away from here.

They locked eyes, and no words
would even again be needed between the two.
The sounds of their epic final wrestling match
were heard across the valley
though some claim
it may have been, "wrestling."

Upon the morning light,
Beowulf departed,
never to return,
the knowledge and skill of Brecca the Unbeatable
strengthening every fiber of his being.
okay, I am gonna type up some stuff, but I just wanna know what everyone feels is okay with creative liberties of Jason.

I am gonna keep a lot of his original stuff in his origin, such as being the son of a king and being raised by Chiron, and other things.
but would anyone be against things, like characters such as Atalanta being a part of the Argonauts? or maybe Jason is also an adventurer and not just only looking for the golden fleece?
okay, I am gonna type up some stuff, but I just wanna know what everyone feels is okay with creative liberties of Jason.

I am gonna keep a lot of his original stuff in his origin, such as being the son of a king and being raised by Chiron, and other things.
but would anyone be against things, like characters such as Atalanta being a part of the Argonauts? or maybe Jason is also an adventurer and not just only looking for the golden fleece?
Lab Zero turned Beowulf into a wrestler and Hrunting into a folding chair. Honestly, creative liberties make this game go 'round. I wouldn't see any issue with doing a few things to edit around Jason's story to fit the Skullgirls universe.
It's been awhile since this thread had been active. Been trying to give my character Minaria more of a presence XP

I'll probably write something up later for her (at least for the Skullgirls universe version of her) but here is some art to refresh your memory XP

Art by WaterMystic

Art by BigDead93 (NSFW content)

Art by Namasomi

Art by Me (art on right by Lab Zero Games)

I need to get off my lazy ass and draw more of her MYSELF lol.
I've always like Minaria's design, so it'd be really interesting to see what her actual back story and character description is like.
Hope that the glow in her stomach is a cool thing.

that also reminds me, I gotta ask my friend if she can draw Jason, cuz I need to stop being a lazy fuck and make Jason's bio already.
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Reminds me I had an idea for an old warrior/commander-type char in the works but completely forgot this thread existed for that XD
Wish I could draw because I want to draw my OC but I need to practice first and I feel bad asking artist to draw my own OCs.
so, Jason:
I wanna add a little bit of context to how I would want him to play, so here's his character inspirations
Ruby Heart

Sin Kiske



Dragon Install Sol (only for the level 3)

and the last and hopefully obvious one
Captain Harlock

his playstyle
definitely poke heavy, and can use other trasures he's aquired over the years as tools to assist him in combat, with his main weapon being the Spear of Destiny. his playstyle would be based on controlling the space between him and his opponent, giving himself openings and forcing his opponent into bad positions. a hidden treasure he keeps on him is the golden apple of chaos, which is embedded in his eye, allowing him access to chaotic powers (such as being able to fire energy out of his lance, sliding around the gound, and other things that can give him utility), and can transform him into a chaotic form that increases his fighting capability making his normals and specials stronger, but locking out his other blockbusters.

that said, I'm still working on it and am open to criticism and suggestions. they'd definitely help out.
I've always like Minaria's design, so it'd be really interesting to see what her actual back story and character description is like.
Hope that the glow in her stomach is a cool thing.

That glow on her stomach is her core, which actually contains a parasite.
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Alrighty, Hi, I'm DoomKrakken. New here, and I have quite a few Skullgirls characters of my own. You can see them on deviantART, as I'm known as "SigfriedOfGaea" there.



Rock: Aemaeth, a M'boro Golem... a golem made by the M'boro - which are giant sentient six-winged hornets with thick armor, shootable stingers, and caustic venom - to serve as an ambassador and as their hive. You can see three M'boro floating near the golem's arm.
Paper: Papyrus (no relation to the Undertale skeleton), a girl with the power to materialize paper from ki (Japanese counterpart of chi), and turn it into weaponized origami. Or, she can infuse paper with ki and utilize it all the same.
Scissors: Kuchisake, a slit-mouthed woman with a "scissor-style" sword technique


A half-dragon immigrant from the Dragon Empire. Super strong, super durable, and breathes fire.


A cold and calculating cyborg ballet dancer and ice skater.

http://sigfriedofgaea.deviantart.com/ <--- My deviantART.

Whutchya think?
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Been a long time since I posted any Skullgirls-related art...

Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I posted anything whatsoever...

Basically, this one was spawned off of the idea that the Cerebella we all know and love was not the original Cerebella. This iteration of Cerebella (named Jacquelyn Saragon) not only had the role of a star performer in the Cirque Des Cartes, but was also a ruthless Medici enforcer and protégé of Black Dahlia.


In a violent encounter with a certain feline feral using a whole-body stretch kick (which she would later dub "Fiber Upper"), said feral scarred this iteration of Cerebella. The signature hat would be passed on to Vitale's adopted daughter, the current iteration of Cerebella whom we all have come to know and love. It was a no-brainer, since the Cerebella we know demonstrated instant affinity with Vice-Versa at a very young age.

But what would happen to this older Cerebella? She would become a full-fledged hitwoman working for the Medicis directly under the supervision of her mentor, Black Dahlia. She would don an armored costume adorned with rabbit fur, equip herself with various sharp weapons (such as claws and modified trick boots), and take on the name "Jackie The Ripper".

I derived some inspiration from a certain infamous serial killer and SCP-1903 (Jackie's Secret). Google it. :D

Hello~, I'm a new guy here. Finally found an FC/OC thread so I'm just going to post one of my SG OC here.
Before I start I'm a huge KR fan, and so my OC's for Skullgirls are basically a huge Kamen rider References.

Name: Haruto Jo
Son and nephew of renowned parasite biologist brothers Haruto Kino and Haruto Jin, Haruto Jo was the prototype for their Project: Implanting a special cell-like parasites into the host, and can reconfigure the host according to the information the parasites hold. These Parasites, named Golgi Parasites, were documented by the two biologist as a synthetic parasite. However they are in fact Natural Parasites that was discovered by the biologists, not created. Along with existing en masse, and with no clear sentience displayed, the Biologists decided to implant them into test subjects provided by the Medici Mafias (Total 700 test subjects provided, with only 560 surviving the experiment). This project was divided into 3 test Periods (T1, T2 and T3). The resulting test subjects were less of Parasite hosts and more of a completely new species (And are therefore the hosts of the parasites are referred to as 'Golgis'). However the Parasites was sentient, and was simply under hibernation. Once the Golgi Parasites finish their hibernation, the Parasite will go on a rampage, devouring anything it can find to make up for all the lost energy and nutrition during hibernation. Therefore 2 years after the Project has started, few of the test subjects went rampage, causing a mass breakout that led all the Golgis to escape the facility, and into the world. Haruto Jo, also known as Subject 00, is partnered up with a man named Kongou Kiba ( A man who has a dark past with Golgis himself). to exterminate the monsters his family created.

Haruto Jo (Normal)

Haruto Jo (Fighting as a Glolgi)

Laid back, Kind, Happy, and Perceptive, Haruto Jo fights the rampant Golgis so no-one else has to, and since no-one else really can. He will help people any way he can.
However when transformed into a Golgi, Haruto Jo becomes violent, but is more than capable of distinguishing allies and enemies. However due to his monstrous appearance he is quite misunderstood. Despite his feral appearance, he is capable of speaking as he normally does.

Fighting Style

Mainly using his legs and blade-like protrusions, Haruto Jo delivers devastating kicks, slash, and jabs from and any angles possible., not to mention bites too. His violent fighting style is reminiscent of a wild beast. However he will use his surrounding as his advantage.

Other Drawings of Haruto Jo

I've been working on this character ever since I've drawn her completely out of the blue in 2012 and ever since she's become my main OC.

Name : Felicia

Age : 22

Height : 6'2''

Weight : over 300 lbs with armor and cybernetics

Bio : Felicia was turned into a cyborg after failing to convince Cerebella that Vitale doesn't actually care about her, after being brutally beaten and left to rot in the alley, Valentine who came for Felicia due to a unique ability and witnessed the beating was surprisingly impressed that despite the beating Felicia was still alive but also conscious and even dragging her sorry carcass despite the massive injuries. Valentine gave her an offer she couldn't refuse, having little to nothing to lose Felicia accepted the offer but that wouldn't be end of it, she is much smarter than she lets on.

Felicia couldn't care less for the struggles of the Labs or anything with the Skullgirl, but she's willing to sacrifice everything if it means that she will free Cerebella from the clutches of the Mob or if she can't do that, at least make her see the side of the mob that Cerebella is sheltered from ever seeing, see what kind of man her foster father truly is.

Fighting abilities :

Felicia isn't a particularly good fighter, she uses her strength to overpower and her resilience to close in the gaps between her and the opponent. She is a close quarter fighter, although not quick she deals massive damage, but leaves herself open for counters. Watch out however, should she fall with at least the meter left at level 3 or activated during the fight, she will go berserk. In that state she is quicker even stronger but she becomes extremely reckless, she doesn't block any incoming attack but they don't make her flinch either, she deals twice as much in exchange of receiving the same as well, keep the distance at all cost, if she catches you, you're in for a beating.

Notes :

As stated above, Felicia was created completely out of the blue back in 2012, I've been fleshing out her character ever since and even written her whole story mode, however due to not being a particularly good writer I have a friend editing it to be better, I will post it when he is done with it, until then, I will leave a link to her backstory right here.

Backstory (warning: HUGE wall of text and likeliness of cringe very high) : http://combinecommando.deviantart.com/art/Skullgirls-OC-Felicia-s-backstory-614749929


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