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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Can't even be angry about that

Also, the new superjump allows Big Band to block the first part of Argus, superjump, timpani, and punish for a full combo. The closer you are the tighter the timing, but if you're close enough you can just parry the second part and punish with jab > combo anyways.

I love it
nobody's talking about these changes anymore, but i don't care for beta sniper, and i really don't like beta l bomber.
i feel double loses more by losing the assist than she gains as an unmetered reversal (especially paradouble).
i hope these haven't been 'practically accepted' yet.
Tried out a few combos in the current beta. Some Val stuff (maybe try something here @dekillsage), a lot of Peacock stuff, one Double stuff.

Still not a fan of the current SJ height in matches. There's a whole lot more jumping and doing nothing going on. I would have liked to try 10% a bit longer.
Isn't Beta Sniper just better than the Retail version?

I'm not at home to be able to double check, but I think you have slightly less time to get in during the crumple
I'm still not really feeling Peacock in the beta. She just seems so stiff and linear in her movements. Also haven't been using the whole Lenny into Argus thing for most situations as I seem to be better off saving meter for DHCs or just raw Arguses, maybe it's just my playstyle. Her keep away is still relatively the same but I dunno, she seems a bit lackluster atm. I am quite fond of the buff to J.hp though. Also I was wondering why she has the slowest jumping lights with j.lp being 9 frames and j.lk being 10 frames of startup, wonder if it would ever be possible to speed them up a frame or so and see if that helps her air to air game some.
25% is not as bad as 55%. There are a lot LESS combos that break irreparably.

The neutral makes it so the space isn't dominated by assists like Brass Knuckles so easily, but brings me some worry about Parasoul's already-not-so-good ranged game. Not that it matters, since she can Storm her way across the screen now if need be.

Except without the...
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I'm warming to 25%, I think though it would require some slight tweaks to every character in beta for neutral to really work like this though. Punishing people on landing or getting them into a bad situation seems pretty difficult.

Personally I think 10-20% was/would be better than 25%, but I could get used to 25% sticking around.

I feel right now though, it is allowing run away to be a little too potent, I don't want storm vs storm gameplay to dominate Skullgirls.
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After this sj experiment, can we try the other end of the spectrum with less air mobility? Not reducing superjump height, but I was thinking something like one mobility action (double jump/airdash/air movement special) per jump? Would make everyone (i.e. Filia, Fortune, Val, and Peacock) function like Cerebella/Big Band (only characters with double jump and air movement options), where they get a jump and then can doublejump or glide/j.mk-spin-thing, but doing one means they can't do the other.

I know how "make everyone move like the Grapplers" sounds, but "jump into double jump, air movement normal, assist call, airdash, air special" has always seemed like a lot of things for a character to be able to do before touching the ground (some characters can even get two assist calls after double jump). This abundance of air movement sometimes (a little too often for my tastes) feels like it just prolongs the match by allowing players to avoid conflict for as long as possible.
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Val seems to be the only major offender as far as I'm concerned, and her matches are so damn boring to watch. A whole lot of jumping around like an asshole waiting for an assist to confirm off of. She wouldn't be all that bad off if she were to take an air mobility nerf if the beta buffs go through as is. What's her mid-screen combo damage looking like these days?

You could probably argue that PW can fit the same category with fly.

Your comment about the super jump being a nerf to offensive pressure could be a good thing for many of us. SG is not necessarily the most offensive fighter out there, but it is definitely toward the top of that list. Offense is king. Once you're in a combo, you not only have to read when the reset is coming, but also how it is coming (xup, high, low, throw, burst bait), and the cost of failure to do so is a reset back to step 1 (to be fair, this isn't technically true since dizzy will go up, but the damage people can get out of max dizzy combos is pretty impressive).

I would hate for it to turn too lame, but I do think SG has a fun and interesting neutral.
I like playing my lame Valentine.
I like the new jumps as well so far.
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After this sj experiment, can we try the other end of the spectrum with less air mobility? Not reducing superjump height, but I was thinking something like one mobility action (double jump/airdash/air movement special) per jump?

Different characters have different strengths.

Sure would be great if Val could have a plus on block low or a command grab that gets good reward or a huge-ass air normal that you have five million years to confirm from or the best punishing/pbgc super in the game or a short hurtbox or good assists, but I guess I'll have to make do with her other strengths that no-one else in the game commonly has like higher vertical play than anyone else, very low frame disadvantage on most normals, fastest run speed, scalpels, jump cancelable/airdash cancelable backdash etc.
Characters certainly do have strengths and weaknesses... so revert Val's damage buff imo.
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yea and nobody would actually stick to the correct threads for posting stuff that already happens a lot as it is.
Different characters have different strengths.

Sure would be great if Val could have a plus on block low or a command grab that gets good reward or a huge-ass air normal that you have five million years to confirm from or the best punishing/pbgc super in the game or a short hurtbox or good assists, but I guess I'll have to make do with her other strengths that no-one else in the game commonly has like higher vertical play than anyone else, very low frame disadvantage on most normals, fastest run speed, scalpels, jump cancelable/airdash cancelable backdash etc.

Agreed, but the primary difference here is commitment. Bella at least has to commit something to do what she wants. Val on the other hand is a high damage, good resets, low commitment character.

Another huge difference is ease of proximity. Bella has to get close in order to make use of those tools, val on the other hand gets to use her movement tools at the outset of the match.

Doesnt mean val is broken or anything or that bella sucks, but there is more to it than just an appraisal of tools... When they work.
This is becoming really cluttered. We should start splitting discussions of experiments into seperate threads (One on super jumps, one on post-flash blocking w/ undizzy, one on reversal windows, etc.) I think it would improve the quality of discussion a lot.
The Suggestion thread got nixed with the new site changes. Buts "Beta Suggestion" thread would be good, if for just simply moving discussion of could-be changes there.
Different characters have different strengths.
So, I'm playing Guilty Gear Xrd, right. I'm going through Mission mode and Challenge mode and exploring all the functions of each character in training mode. I'm trying to think about each mechanic, and why it was implemented, and what it adds or prevents. And of course, while I'm thinking about this, the big letters "NEGATIVE PENALTY" pop up on the screen. So I start thinking about Negative Penalty, and how it completely negates some of the tactics that could have worked in Skullgirls (and how silly they could be in Skullgirls). And then I boot up Skullgirls, and I run into a Fortune/Filia player that does nothing but run from me the whole match. And I thought about how much time they just threw in the trash running and avoiding actually playing the game. They weren't smartly using their character to avoid me while also taking attacking when the opportunity was there (i.e. playing a fighting game), or even zoning, they just wasted as much of both of our time as they possibly could have until I caught them.

Now, of course, this game isn't Guilty Gear. But the new beta change is trying to be MVC2, so I thought I'd suggest a beta experiment in an attempt to make things a bit more like one of the other games Skullgirls is inspired by.

But, I mean, I only ever play Solo Bella and only ever think about her place in the game and the root of anything I suggest is "make Bella better". Obviously.
yes lets make a negative penalty oh yes it will kill all fukua players and peacock players.

SG's version will make it so that if you run away you can't gain meter until a full second of being up close.....oh yes.
He never suggested negative edge. He suggested making only 1 air movement option per jump.
sj isnt staying according to mike on salty

god bless

vod isnt up yet but from memory the changes are:

val countering a burst gets scaled now rather than full scaling (normal counter unaffected)

solos have a ton of red health depending on what the enemy's team is. If they snap out the enemy's point, they regain all the red health(?) and only some of the red health if they snap an assist

bella runs faster when she runs behind you when she does kanchou(?) so you can do combos easier
bellla elbow has a bigger hit/hurtbox

val bypass is scaled to like 66% down from 75% or something
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Not all of the red health, only 2/3rds if you snap out point. 1/3rd for assist.

Sounds more involved than autoregen AND it gives more reason to do snapbacks other than displacing assists and removing red health, so I can't wait to try it out.
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I just remembered that 1v1 no longer gives red life so I edited my dumb post!
Well that would be incentive to Snapback more outside of specific scenarios. What is the difference between the red health distribution if your against a duo or trio?
yes lets make a negative penalty oh yes it will kill all fukua players and peacock players.

SG's version will make it so that if you run away you can't gain meter until a full second of being up close.....oh yes.

Negative edge penalty doesn't apply if you are throwing projectiles I thought. If that's right, it would affect Val far more than Fukua/Pea.
I dont like super defensive play, but negative penalty ie one of the most asinine mechanics ive ever dealt with (along with danger time, custom combos, and xfactor to name some newer ones) neg pen is like some scrub made a gameplay suggestion... And it went through.


Neg pen in BB at least affects some characters differently. So some characters are allowed to do 3 backdashes before they get neg pen while others get more. As far as fireballs not affecting neg pen, my GG training dummy gets penalized all day. not doing offensive actions makes neg pen occur.
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So there was a legitimate reason as to why I was confused about this negative edge/penalty talk. People weren't even using the right word.
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Mechanic in ASW games. Basically run away too much you lose your meter and/or take more tamage and chip for a time.