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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Yeah Negative Penalty is a really poor mechanic, it only doesn't break things because the way GG characters tend to play you only see it pop up very rarely in competitive games.

In SG it would just plain suck to have anything remotely like that, it would fundamentally change how characters have to be played.
Why do people keep saying Negative Edge instead of Negative Penalty? I hope you're all aware those are two completely different things. Like, so different that they have NOTHING in common except for the word "Negative"
That's never stopped this community before.
And then I boot up Skullgirls, and I run into a Fortune/Filia player that does nothing but run from me the whole match. And I thought about how much time they just threw in the trash running and avoiding actually playing the game. They weren't smartly using their character to avoid me while also taking attacking when the opportunity was there (i.e. playing a fighting game), or even zoning, they just wasted as much of both of our time as they possibly could have until I caught them.


You are basically saying that doing runaway in SG is playing cheap(without actually using the word cheap) and not the Playing The Real Game.

Be careful of falling into this kind of thinking, you are disregarding an entire legitimate play style based on your personal preferences.

If someone is being so predictable as to just run away from you, perhaps you should take advantage of the screen space they are graciously giving you? Perhaps you should re-evaluate your characters tools to take advantage of them trying to de-corner themselves once they inevitably corner themselves. Have you tried running away from your enemies when you have the life lead yourself? This forces them to try to work their way in. You can chip away at their health with pokes until you get the life lead if they're being so slippery.

But, I mean, I only ever play Solo Bella and only ever think about her place in the game and the root of anything I suggest is "make Bella better". Obviously.

You say this sarcastically, but that's what it looks like. You have a very biased and incomplete perspective that you have learned and play the game from and it is present in a lot of your suggestions or game evaluations.
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This is becoming really cluttered. We should start splitting discussions of experiments into seperate threads (One on super jumps, one on post-flash blocking w/ undizzy, one on reversal windows, etc.) I think it would improve the quality of discussion a lot.
Unnecessary in most cases but if there is a thing getting a lot of talk you want to discuss without other subjects, be my guest. Val beta and solo red health kind of do.
You are basically saying that doing runaway in SG is playing cheap(without actually using the word cheap) and not the Playing The Real Game.

Be careful of falling into this kind of thinking, you are disregarding an entire legitimate play style based on your personal preferences.
That doesn't seem to be what he's describing, specially against a fortune/filia player. Seems to me that zid was actually winning the match but the opponent was scared to go in on solobella and was really just wasting time since he doesn't have tools to play lame...

But if what you say is really the case then yeah, it's a pretty bad mentality to have
im pretty glad the SJ changes arent sticking tbh. skullgirls doesnt always have to take stuff from other games all the time.
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im pretty glad the SJ changes arent sticking tbh. skullgirls doesnt always have to take stuff from other games all the time.


.........yes it does!
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Darn, no 110%. No drifting.

Yay, don't have to learn everything from scratch again.

And just because Skullgirls is an amalgamation of fighting game mechanics doesn't mean it has to implement all the mechanics. Just most all of them. Which is why I'm now proposing assist only characters and overdrive. >_>

Yeah no, the moment that happens I'm gone.

Yeah no, the moment that happens I'm gone.
Oh hell no, do not say such things. an X factor would be the death of this game for many many people.

what about Baroque system? could be nice... and it could tie into the skull heart or something. i am going to get shot....
I'd still like to see multiple players on one team, but understand the difficulties of doing such.
CvS style ratio system? probably already been suggested and i know the reason it will never go in anyway.
.........yes it does!
Super jump sounds like it'll return in the theoretical Skullgirls 2. If it one day exists.

Anyway, the super jump comment from Mike that really intrigued me was him mentioning the Japanese players didn't like it much either.
I'd love to see some of those messages translated. Sounds like it would be an interesting read.
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Grooves? Revenge Meter? Charging to gain meter? SFxT tag mechanics?

We're just throwing out bad ideas now, right?
That's Skullgirls Omega Edition.
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Oh hell no, do not say such things. an X factor would be the death of this game for many many people.

what about Baroque system? could be nice... and it could tie into the skull heart or something. i am going to get shot....
One thing I've always been curious about is what if Skullgirls had an HD mode. It would have to drain meter very fast though.

For those unaware, HD mode is what KOF 2k2 and XIII have, where I inputting HD mode cancels recovery in combos (only) and puts you in a state where any specials cancel into any other specials (but not into themselves, hello A-groove) at the cost of some leftover time on the meter.

Edit: probably would need some UI so that's not happening now. Skullgirls Omega Edition it is.
It felt like SG was never meant to have super jumps. Super jumps in SG2? That's fine, it would presumably be built around that. This game, though? I would've adapted, because there'd be no reason not to, but they just felt plain wrong. I'm no fightans expert, so I don't know how else to say it. I like Skullgirls, and the experimental jumps made me feel like I was playing not Skullgirls.
That's what SG needs, LONGER combos [emoji14].
Correction, IPS still applies, so it's simply for show.

Sample Filia combo: normal combo, end in ground chain hdx ground chain hairball xx dp (1 hit) xx fenrir

Doesn't really add much other than flair for costing an additional meter.

Can't cancel dp into airball since it was already used, can't cancel dp into hairball since it was already used. Ideally even though you're canceling since the moves are not normally cancelable they will count as separate IPS chains.

But this isn't a suggestions thread so I'm not going any further.
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An actual beta suggestion... Maybe the new super jumps could stay with the old vs game input, KK?

Edit: contradicted myself lol but I didn't dislike the neutral with them, just the combo changes.
Anyway, the super jump comment from Mike that really intrigued me was him mentioning the Japanese players didn't like it much either.
I'd love to see some of those messages translated. Sounds like it would be an interesting read.
If they were as uninhibited in their shitposting as with the double-fireball Fukua experiment, it might have been as appalling as "this extremely poor, please remove".
whens one more cancels

....I actually love once more cancels/new yrcs.....

That's Skullgirls Omega Edition.

I would kill for this. I hate the super jumps but I would love to have a mode that's just broken beyond repair.
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Correction, IPS still applies, so it's simply for show.

Sample Filia combo: normal combo, end in ground chain hdx ground chain hairball xx dp (1 hit) xx fenrir

Doesn't really add much other than flair for costing an additional meter.

Can't cancel dp into airball since it was already used, can't cancel dp into hairball since it was already used. Ideally even though you're canceling since the moves are not normally cancelable they will count as separate IPS chains.

But this isn't a suggestions thread so I'm not going any further.
hairball xx fake ringlet tho
hairball xx fake ringlet tho
Hairball barely has hitstun so other than for resets that wouldn't do much.
Can we please stick to posting the ha-ha funny omega mode such new idea suggestions in the Off Topic forum nowhere, and keep this thread reasonably clean?
If only there were such a forum...
what about Baroque system? could be nice... and it could tie into the skull heart or something. i am going to get shot....

I love Tatsunoko, but no one ever wants to pway wif me D:

Anyways, do we currently have an ongoing list of up-to-date and relevant beta changes as previously suggested? It becomes difficult to reference some of the smaller changes when there's so much going on. Instead of just having an online doc that keeps beta changes up to date, could we get a stickied thread that constantly keeps the OP up to date with beta changes that are currently in effect? Sorry if this is already a thing of which I am simply unaware.
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i'm still going to get shot for even suggesting that idea. anyways, with super jump back to normal and Cerebella's Elbow drop buffed, i kinda feel the urge to be a total ding dong and do cross up tk elbow drops backed up with Brass assists. So thanks Mike for doing that i guess.

also if someone is shooting me on steam or something. don't cause i'm not at my computer and i won't be until i get back to my house on the 3rd.
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Yo elbow drop got buffed?
What a coincidence that's my favorite bella move :) thanks mikez
here's to the best instant overhead in the game
What was the buff on elbow drop? I don't see any patch notes for it.