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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Don't see how its not intentional honestly, but eh
Even as somebody who hates fighting Peacock a lot of the time I think these nerfs are going a bit too far.
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Don't see how its not intentional honestly, but eh
Well I mean, this conversion might actually be better than the old one, since you don't have to use your OTG. I don't think it was intended to be a buff.

e: Oh wait no the OTG is being used off screen. Nevermind
Well I mean, this conversion might actually be better than the old one, since you don't have to use your OTG. I don't think it was intended to be a buff.
The j.MK at the start uses OTG.
- Redrew hitboxes on Peacock's c.MK and j.HP to match the effect more closely, they both extend further out now.

darn it.

The only REALLY significant peacock nerf was the no teleporting behind someone when you called your assist. The rest I don't feel make that much of a difference for her.
No midscreen airthrow conversions without a proper assist is kind of a big thing.
Not unsafe, just -2 instead of +2. If it gets blocked and Peacock tries to follow up with a jab or a throw, her opponent's jab will beat it out.
Wait is L bomb unsafe now? *cries tears of joy
not necessarily unsafe just negative on block. which i won't lie i'm definitely a fan of

definitely not a fan of l clone nerf but i don't see this getting reverted back to normal and i doubt it'll make me drop her so oh well
No midscreen airthrow conversions without a proper assist is kind of a big thing.
Your right. Now you can start full screen pressure from air throw by back dashing. As well as have some of your zoning tools buffed
Always wanted to see dbl stmp buffed somehow. Safe blockstring and better startup is perfect. Time to actually use it in neutral for once
edit: time for crlk stmp crhp xx cilia slide confirms. End with mp luger if blocked
Your right. Now you can start full screen pressure from air throw by back dashing. As well as have some of your zoning tools buffed
lolwut? You could do that after you are done with your combo from the airthrow.
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Not unsafe, just -2 instead of +2. If it gets blocked and Peacock tries to follow up with a jab or a throw, her opponent's jab will beat it out.

And she'll have less time to back up or try to reestablish herself after a block string. Effectively she has no way to return to neutral after a block string at all because her opponent is at advantage already.
Losing the ability to full combo off of air throw isn't a buff wtf. You are ridiculous
Sorry if I accidently implied it was a buff. Merely stated an alternative to combing after airthrow. As in "now you can start doing that, and it's not the worst that could have happened to her"?
Ending your blockstrings with c.HP xx qcf+MK+HP xx qcf+LK is probably plus on block with a lot of assists. I doubt the assist even needs to cause all that much blockstun since the gap before George's Day Out comes out isn't that big. You wouldn't need like Cerecopter or anything.
Sorry if I accidently implied it was a buff. Merely stated an alternative to combing after airthrow. As in "now you can start doing that, and it's not the worst that could have happened to her"?
Like Remikz said you've always had options to end your air throw combo in a way that sets you up for zoning, the change is that now that's all you can do.
Ending your blockstrings with c.HP xx qcf+MK+HP xx qcf+LK is probably plus on block with a lot of assists. I doubt the assist even needs to cause all that much blockstun since the gap before George's Day Out comes out isn't that big. You wouldn't need like Cerecopter or anything.

Like Remikz said you've always had options to end your air throw combo in a way that sets you up for zoning, the change is that now that's all you can do.
I know it's a nerf but getting an air grab combo to decent damage bc of old Argus and THEN on top of that start full screen pressure always seemed excessively good imo. But if it's too heavy a nerf it won't make it out of beta probably. It does stop mixups out of airgrab, which I don't agree with either(the change not the mixups). That may be why he's testing this change though. (Also just saying my comment was to try and help not saying that it's a new thing to do and that it's a buff)
*also do I have to disclaimer everything I say so it doesn't get misinterpreted?
The wording of your original post sounded mildly sarcastic is all.
I know it's a nerf but getting an air grab combo to decent damage bc of old Argus and THEN on top of that start full screen pressure always seemed excessively good imo. But if it's too heavy a nerf it won't make it out of beta probably. It does stop mixups out of airgrab, which I don't agree with either(the change not the mixups). That may be why he's testing this change though. (Also just saying my comment was to try and help not saying that it's a new thing to do and that it's a buff)
*also do I have to disclaimer everything I say so it doesn't get misinterpreted?
It is probably not a crippling change no. I don't think any of these nerfs are crippling in and of themselves. All of them put together are probably still not really that bad. Your comment really did read to me like "this is actually really good for Peacock" tho, if that's not what you're saying then never mind on that.
So I've just played a bunch of matches as Peacock. Any Peacock players who think she might be too weak now should give her a try, especially with the buffed c.HK. That thing is my new favourite tool.
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So I've just played a bunch of matches as Peacock. Any Peacock players who think she might be too weak now should give her a try, especially with the buffed c.HK. That thing is my new favourite tool.

is what I would say, locals tonight so I'm not playing any beta tonight
Since j.mk comes out of a portable hole, would people be against visually flipping it upside-down and making it come out from above you? (If it stays overhead, I mean)
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but then j.mk would have to track everyone's individual height so it doesn't look dumb
Since j.mk comes out of a portable hole, would people be against visually flipping it upside-down and making it come out from above you? (If it stays overhead, I mean)
I'm trying to picture how this would look.

It's not coming to me. Like an item drop type thing? or just from a hole directly above their head.
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Since j.mk comes out of a portable hole, would people be against visually flipping it upside-down and making it come out from above you? (If it stays overhead, I mean)
Long as it doesn't bother Mike and remikz's starter works

Neither seems likely?
Sooooo I'm only going to be able to ever do combos with Peacock that start with M Soid aren't I? I think I'm going to cry.
how big is this Fukua nerf right now? I dont really mind it I dont use OTG with her often anyways (probably because I have the worst combos)
Sooooo I'm only going to be able to ever do combos with Peacock that start with M Soid aren't I? I think I'm going to cry.

Our peacock player out here, folks, and age when he used peacock as well, caught me with cr.mk, st.hp alot on my wakeup. The mixup was throw/low/overhead j.mp and when i tried to jump out or tech i got caught by the low.

But the setup may have been on a tech chase, i dont remember. What about throw mixups? Or things like st.lp>throw or st.lp>cr.mk?

Losing teleport mixups hurts... Alot, but there are other things to use... Not the greatest things there ever was, but this is the zoner, not filia.
getting into situations where you can do that without completely boning yourself over tho
C.mk is 1 frame faster and got some more range. It's nice since it's no longer the same speed as her crouching heavy but I like to think my uses for the move are going to be relatively the same. I already do c.mk resets and such, that's not really the problem.

Yes she is a Zoner, but these changes seem to make her want to only zone and never go in. Purely zoning the entire match can only get you so far, especially in certain matchups where once they get in you're dead. Sure it works on some characters and players, but it could end up making her really linear. I'm not going to want to go for airthrows as much anymore because the risk may not be as worth it now, instead I see myself just trying to have a M item drop out constantly and praying it hits my opponent.

The teleport lockout was a strong nerf to offense and defensive capabilities, and the change of a negative-on-block L bomb and throw nerf will affect her offense all the more. Peacock already had troubles opening up people's defense and capitalizing, with these changes it becomes harder than ever. ( edit: This referring moreso to the airthrow nerf )
Swift still has faith in peacock. good for him.
How about we give plane bomb a better arc so she doesn't need an assist to cover her blind spot.
so, can we get an install super for squigly while we're at it?

for 2 bars squigly gets both stances installed for 30-50 seconds and does not deteriorate when she is tagged out. not sure how useful this would be but seems like a fun experiment.

Real talk though It would be nice if SBO didn't go away if you get hit from a projectile. Sure if its a physical hit but its so disheartening to get a charge on peacock and sing into sbo but then you have to block an air bomb and can't convert. Back me up @Dreamepitaph
Or maybe let you hold LK when you do LK bomb to toss it higher.
Yes she is a Zoner, but these changes seem to make her want to only zone and never go in.

It might be too harsh, and I wouldn't mind picking up a few rounds with any Peacocks that want to play to see for myself.

That said, to tell you how it feels on live from my perspective:

A. I never get in.
B. I do get in. Hope I can beat two more characters with 25% life left.

I don't think it is too terribly unfair to expect a Peacock when point blank to feel like I do when I'm full screen vs her. But maybe I'm being vindictive because I do despise this match-up.

But seriously, does anyone actually look forward to playing vs a Peacock? It is such a tedious match, win or lose.
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I do because I know it's a good learning experience.