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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Sigh, time for duo.

So is there a list of "People Worth Listening To" when it comes to discussions like this because holy shit.
Anyone who's placed high in tournaments.
Everyone else is a Skullfan till proven otherwise.
My initial impressions:

- Kiss change is good
- Shadow was necessary and should've been this way from the start. Man, the previous L.Shadow change actually does something now!
- I'd like if jHK scaling (were it to stay) only applied on normal hits, not on CH; to not kill the jHKjHPx3 punish
- Drill back is nice, though I'd prefer -6f blockstun over +6f recovery, so the assist has less of a lockdown component
Question: Did the assist also get invinc back?

- Stressed about the loss of TK Toss ;_; *If* it was a problem, I think only TK Toss jLP was - ~jHP never struck me as particularly scary. TK Toss jMK was my favorite post-match taunt, you can't stop me from flying pls!
Question: Does "can't get detonated" mean the Tear just disappears if a flame-normal lands on top of it, or it stays but doesn't get detonated?
If I can still do TK Toss jLP, except I don't get the Tear explosion and instead have a placed tear at head height (which I can then blow up via jumpback jLP), that sounds p.fair
I have no idea what 10frames are. Would this Doublesnap still work? Please have that still work.
- Sniper change sounds pretty crazy, but really hard to visualize, so I will wait with judgement of that. Combos after Air Sniper are orgasmic, but crumple sounds like it would look strange - they get blown back, fall on their back, then suddenly switch around and fall on their knees? Confused.
IF combos after Air Sniper, the easiest good looking thing I can come up with would be faster + higher angled knockback followed by a wallbounce.
can you put that in spoilers?
I don't really know why, but I guess I can, yeah?

Do we really need to play "give and take" with fukua?
she wins like every matchup
and doesn't even take effort

Give mk clone a minimum range so it doesn't hit behind fukua if you cross her up

For a fullscreen anti-air that [..] recovers fast [..], it should be shorter.
How do +15f recovery, -3f blockstun sound :^)

Uhhhhhh so if you use sniper while your opponent is doing anything other than blocking, you get a full combo from anywhere on the screen? That seems... kind of good. Squigly at least needs to get a charge to do this...
1) Is (almost) instant postflash, so the opponent doesn't have time to recover from smth like a cLK (or even a Dash)
2) Is safe on block (actually, you get pressure on block)
3) Most likely has less startup than "Sniper with a lot more startup"
Sing-SBO also doesn't have a "This might be way too good, we'll see"-label :p

You're not exactly Roger Ebert.
Maybe he's Roger Rabbit

(due to the already limited amount of reliable mid screen combos you can do with her)

If you dont like M. Shadow stop [playing the game]
Always a solution, yeah!

she really only has a set amount of tech she can utilize (due to the fact that shes already been nerfed to hell and all her past tech has been removed).
Please list all this tech

increase her over all play ability (that is make hit confirms that are difficult to execute and are rewarding damage wise instead of using simple air chains that do a ridiculous amount of damage with low amounts of execution)
I don't think you know what you're saying here

(also if at all possible give me a 45 degree drill special as an anti-air so I can pretend I'm playing ken....)
You have a Super for exactly that

Random note holy shit, BB Code isn't that hard, please use it properly.
if tk tear stuff is getting nerfed, maybe it's something I should be doing, heh.
So, the parasoul tear thing only affects TK tears and doesn't do stuff to the BnB, right?
@IsaVulpes Lets be honest here every single mid screen fukua combo goes one of two ways: confirm to s.HP into air chain into confirm into s.HP into air (rinse repeat) super or it goes H. shadow to confirm S.HP into air chain into confirm into shadow/ground chain drill then super......
room for creativity is limited for fukua combos compared to the rest of the cast. That's what I was getting at (my word choice was poor)

Also if you play her you should already know the tech Isa but for those who dont know....

Hit confirms into shadows
LK shadow: light move, s.mp, lk shadow
MK shadow: light move, cr. mp, cr. hp, shadow
HK shadow: light move, cr. mp, cr. hp, wait, hk shadow

Not going to spill the beans on these cause you know tournament strategies

See twerks guide

Other random stuff
Grab to BFF into combo and fireball jumping (double jump cancel if you like)

To me I think there should be a much longer list.... (note I did not put all her tech in here, and I am sure someone will correct me, but there is really not much left)
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So, the parasoul tear thing only affects TK tears and doesn't do stuff to the BnB, right?
Unless your combo has a Toss 10f after jumping, it shouldn't affect your combo

Who cares about combos though?
If it did affect your combo, you would have to take 30 seconds to make a new one, boo~

Worry about what this does for your neutral
And if this doesn't change your neutral, worry about your current Parasoul neutral
@IsaVulpes Lets be honest here every single mid screen fukua combo goes one of two ways: confirm to s.HP into air chain into confirm into s.HP into air (rinse repeat) super or it goes H. shadow to confirm S.HP into air chain into confirm into shadow/ground chain drill then super......
room for creativity is limited for fukua combos compared to the rest of the cast. That's what I was getting at (my word choice was poor)
You utterly confused the ever living death out of me. and my post generally is viewed as "childish and dumb"
ok it took me a bit to understand. but that's what called a BNB. Filia would be boring in that regard too....i digress
So, Sniper buff...? It'll hold off firing if you're invincible, but what if you go invincible the frame it goes active? Also assuming this doesn't affect deflector.
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@IsaVulpes Lets be honest here every single mid screen fukua combo goes one of two ways: confirm to s.HP into air chain into confirm into s.HP into air (rinse repeat) super or it goes H. shadow to confirm S.HP into air chain into confirm into shadow/ground chain drill then super......
room for creativity is limited for fukua combos compared to the rest of the cast. That's what I was getting at (my word choice was poor)
1) You have no fucking idea what a confirm is
2) Literally every character's every combo is either "ABC-Launch Airstring, ABC-Launch Airstring, ABC" or "ABC-Groundthing, ABC-Groundthing, ABC" rofl

This is my current Fukua combo:
- jHK
cMP cHP xx M.Shadow
- jHP jHK xx L.Dart, Doublejump
- jLP HK
cLK cLK cMK cHP xx H.Drill xx Drilldream

We have a Launcher, restand into 2ndary Launcher, a Bouncenormal xx Special, a Dashjump link and a Doublejump link.
This is a lot more than half the cast can even do, let alone fit into a single combo.
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Non jokingly dropping this character I've been playing since the first day I bought this game on steam.
This really sucks.
This is the single most interesting part of playing/fighting para

Figures that TK toss stuff would be removed right as I finally start learning it.

I can't complain too much, though; it's fairly clear that Parasoul's tear mechanic wasn't supposed to be "j.lp gets EVEN BETTER when you jump backwards as long as you do the jump with a special input first". The change doesn't seem bad; I'm just a bit sad that I missed the fun for most of the time it was there.
This is the single most interesting part of playing/fighting para


Because it's Brainless.

Which I guess is fitting for a Low IQ character, huh.

Sniper changes

I've wanted a buff to this forever. ;_; As much as I like it though, as Peanuts said having full confirm from anywhere on screen now on top of the other buffs might be too much, really want to play with this but I suspect it may be too much.

Worry about what this does for your neutral
And if this doesn't change your neutral, worry about your current Parasoul neutral

The only MUs where this will make a significant dent are against Filia, Cerebella, and Valentine. So for the most part she should be fine.
This is the single most interesting part of playing/fighting para
I was looking for an excuse to drop her so I can play someone really silly and brain dead like Fukua or Filia anyways.

I'll probably just play Filia or Character/LnLH Duo.
Because it's Brainless.
Which I guess is fitting for a Low IQ character, huh.
God damn charge characters and their low IQ bs.
So, Sniper buff...? It'll hold off firing if you're invincible, but what if you go invincible the frame it goes active? Also assuming this doesn't affect deflector.
If it'll know to avoid deflector, I'm gonna be scared.
So would the sniper shot only stay at the place where the character was during an invincible move or would it adjust (ex, double car, Bella's projectile invincibility on Kanchou, etc)? Additionally, assuming that the sniper is not triggered (and waits 60f) is there enough time to recover and have two sniper shots out now? I don't know the frame data on sniper shot. May be possible with double's monster super or something?
Remember that you can still do it, it just doesn't blow up the tear; giving you a head-height tear instead

Something like

TK Toss jHP
Jumpback jLP(detonates) Toss jLP(detonates)

Is still going to be pretty strong, and here you can actually call Assists (which you can't after TK Toss, due to it being a Superjump); so eg

TK Toss jHP
Jumpback jLP(detonates) Toss+A jLP(detonates, covers assist startup)
Assist active, dash in behind it

Is most likely going to be a thing
And not necessarily much weaker than the old one
I've wanted a buff to this forever. ;_; As much as I like it though, as Peanuts said having full confirm from anywhere on screen now on top of the other buffs might be too much, really want to play with this but I suspect it may be too much.
Ice storm is slow as hell and I feel like if the new sniper shot's startup is anything like it then it won't be too bad.
Give him air Brass. But take away it's armor and shrink the hitbox behind the hurtbox.
Mmmhhhhh~ that's the pure cheesy gold that i was waiting for all day long. oh yeah pls pour it onto me. feels so good. i don't care if I'm laughing out loud in the middle of class. EVERYBODY IS LOOKING AT ME, LIKE I AM CRAZY. I LOVE IT. <3
stop, seriously just stop,
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Sounds like Sniper Shot is going to be fucking incredible.

Fukua changes are 'yay'!

Please, stop suggesting buffs to SBO. Are you people fucking crazy? It is amazing. Dope lockdown on block and combo on hit. The only thing you can't do is use it as you are about to get hit... which is a pretty low bar for such a great super.

Can someone explain the tear change and why it is so big? Big enough for @Skarmand to drop her in any case?
I regret my last post. Sorry for making the thread unreadable
I regret my last post. Sorry for making the thread unreadable
Ninja has you covered anyways.

ditto. didn't think people would still take my joke post so seriously even though i told them all twice it was a joke. :C

Hey guys I'm going to post some stupid shit and take up some space over 6 posts
"stop, this is why Mike hates coming here"

This is why I hate coming here too.
If Silent Scope is taking more after Hail Storm, does that mean it's gonna be mostly safe on block (except for Argus)?
BB talk:

I was wondering the other day about how shortening BB's hurtbox horizontally (in general, like for standing and crouching. so he's not as wide of a character overall) along with the horizontal range of some of his moves like beat extend, brass, and SSJ would affect the character. It just seems like a large amount of people don't really like fighting against BB, good matchup or bad (and even as a BB player, I can see where people are coming from when they say this), and i think that's mostly because he has such long range specials to compensate for his wider-than-average hurtbox.

This would shorten the range of where you're afraid to jump-in/press buttons/do literally anything against BB and subsequently would also shorten the range of where BB is afraid of getting hit by moves like para's j.lp. It would also shorten the range of getting scooped by beat extend for whiffing a normal at half screen, and would probably remove midscreen dynamo > titan knuckle + beat extend assist which is KINDA bs and probably not something that assist should be able to do.

I dunno. Just a thought.
Can someone explain the tear change and why it is so big? Big enough for @Skarmand to drop her in any case?
My guess is that she is less interesting with a nerf to tear toss shenanigans. I want to hear from a Parasoul player on how it would affect combos.
@Ninja How the hell is that going to work? what would be the input anyways 72+hp????
I want to hear from a Parasoul player on how it would affect combos.
It won't, because it only affects tears thrown in the first few frames of a jump, not the launch -> things -> j.hpxx214LK stuff.
My guess is that she is less interesting with a nerf to tear toss shenanigans. I want to hear from a Parasoul player on how it would affect combos.
I already wrote that it won't affect 99% of combos
I also already wrote "Why the fuck would you care about combos?"

I dunno. Just a thought.
Yay, reduce BB entire size by 10%+
Or 50%, or something
I've always voted for this
Parasoul is getting a buff to sniper shot? There are just some dreams I never thought would come true.
what air brass? uh yeah it would be charge back -> forward + punch button. and since you are charging in the air you can do this off of j.mk x2 and get a confirm with mp brass. but then again this is never going to happen it will be put into the game, Mike will kill me, and i still had a good time just seeing some people take this way too seriously. But for a real BB change do shorten his brasses a little bit and strengthen lp brass by giving 1 extra frame of advantage on hit. will make throwing BB's lp a little bit more of an option in certain corner combos.
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BB talk:

I was wondering the other day about how shortening BB's hurtbox horizontally (in general, like for standing and crouching. so he's not as wide of a character overall) along with the horizontal range of some of his moves like beat extend, brass, and SSJ would affect the character. It just seems like a large amount of people don't really like fighting against BB, good matchup or bad (and even as a BB player, I can see where people are coming from when they say this), and i think that's mostly because he has such long range specials to compensate for his wider-than-average hurtbox.

My number one gripe about fighting Squig/Band, Pea/Band, Fortune/Band and PW/Band is Big Band's hurtbox.

Hitboxes expiring before they make contact with the smaller point character ruins any advantage or happy birthday you would have for punishing a bad call. That alone is annoying, but when that's literally the one thing you really need to do to fuck someone up for mashing Beat Extend assist (or at least dissuade them from pushing it recklessly) it's kind of infuriating.

I get that he's a big body and that requires some character specific things, but I always feel like Big Band's size is less of a liability and more of a boon than it would be in another game.
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