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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Did I do this right?
I carefully read your advice
Why is this line eight syllables
I give up.
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It's one of the only reversals left in this game that you can just kind of throw out whenever you want for not much downside (you can spend meter to not be punsihed most of the time), and the game has been trying to minimize that a lot lately and make you actually commit to your reversals. In its current invincible state drill is pretty non-committal. I mean if you have bar on block you just do fireball super and unless you're point blank its fairly hard to punish.
Except you can totally punish it 100% if you push block early lol
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Ok then I'll talk about the beta double thing.

She seems much more fun. Puddle adds a nice layer of complexity.

She seems much more fun
Puddle adds a new layer
of complexity.
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I read "rip" as "rest in peace" so it didn't rhyme for me. Needless to say I am very disappoint.
Thats because you lack
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I never felt like fukua's drill having strike invincibility was an issue. If I knew she wanted to do it, grab always trumped it. Kinda just have to not press anything now since her only actual reversal is clone super.

At least give her HK drill > BFF back. IIRC, it was removed because you didn't want her getting a combo off a reversal, which it no longer is.
I like all the Double changes.
I'd rather have drill be hit invincible and ground fireball lose sliding knockdown. That's the problem no?
I'd rather have drill be hit invincible and ground fireball lose sliding knockdown. That's the problem no?
I'm assuming the problem is that you can make a strike invincible attack safe on block or cause sliding knockdown by canceling it into super.

But I'm pretty sure that its already punishable on block via pbgc and alpha counter so uh

the overall issue was that if you manage to hit with drill(which i've been thrown out of. so like people please start throwing)

you would get Sliding knockdown which limited your opponent severely. it was fairly simple tbh
Guys, shut up.

How do people feel about fighting fortune with her overlooked buffs? I never got to hear anything from others.
Who the hell plays Fortune?

I never really thought H.drill into Fireball on hit or block was all that problematic so... eh. I'd rather see it keep it's invincibility as well, even if her Fireball super loses hard knockdown. Otherwise I can't imagine why people would want to use drill outside of combos (most Fukua's end blockstrings in Fireball or try to be cute with a shadow instead of using L drill, right?).
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Only mad men do.
Fortune is fun again

plz leave her
the overall issue was that if you manage to hit with drill(which i've been thrown out of. so like people please start throwing)

you would get Sliding knockdown which limited your opponent severely. it was fairly simple tbh

lol is this not as simple as doing dp -> gregor -> full combo? Can't throw someone out of dp

obviously they're not the same but ya kno.
how do you launch that head after fiber L? do i just air dash j hk? or j lk air dash j hk?
I could've sworn it went launcher L fiber air dash j.hk the head moves much lower to the ground than it does if you do launcher j.lk adc j.hk though
lol is this not as simple as doing dp -> gregor -> full combo? Can't throw someone out of dp

obviously they're not the same but ya kno.
I'm not going to engage deeply about her twin. and i have faith that you know updo's horrid frames on block. along with other things but that's not the point.

Mike didn't want invincibility on Drill at ALL because fireball super is an extremely good tool that allowed fukua to choose any type of mixup/non-mixup there was. it was also a good observation tool to see what the opponent would do.

I get what you're coming from. i'm waiting on the next set of changes. whether mike will change more stuff on fukua or not we can't do much but just sit for the update, play it and give thoughts like we are doing now.
EDIT: @Stuff yeah i meant to say launcher > fiber L > Airdash j hk or j lk > airdash j hk
I like fortune buffs
They should be implemented
gameplay discussion

Oh wait I guess we're not doing that any more.

What if instead of headroll being throw vulnerable the move had different properties based on the strength of the button you press, similar to peacock's punch move? Like lp being throw invuln, mp being hit invuln, and hp having a little of both but not staggering on counterhit.

Something like that would be interesting, though I'm not going to pretend to know much about balancing.

Having to think about your one reversal would be nice.
Having to think about your one reversal would be nice.
Ehh you got that backwards. Head-on has 3 ground reversals, including headroll. Headless has one ground reversal and it's not headroll.

and isn't the move still safe on block?
Ya. -1 now I think? Or it's neutral. I forget. Still in the "Fortune is basically plus against most characters because she has a 5f jab" range.
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man who even talks like that
It reminds me of that one roach from that one episode of Family guy. Which reminds me that I haven't watched TV in forever.
My Drill changes would b smth like
1) Give invinc to both point and assist back
2) Reduce blockstun on the last hit by a bit, so a)It's easier to punish b)assist lockdown component is less pronounced

Can still make it safe(-ish, would still lose v. early pushblock) via Kiss, but hey it's "Make a throw vulnerable move (which doesn't hit the air and doesn't lead to combos on hit) safe on block - for 1 bar" vs "Make a fully invuln move (that's great at AAing and leads to combos on hit for a meter) lead to pressure on block - for 2 bars" (eg Updo-Gregor-Catheads), which doesn't seem like a terrible stretch.
If you compare it to other "Throw Vulnerable" moves and how good they are on point (Fortune Headroll, Peacock M.Bang) - both of them are essentially safe-on-block *meterless*.

Can remove the sliding Knockdown from Kiss, I don't particularly care about it. Air Kiss doesn't have it, so hey?
I figure this would remove combos from Kiss in the corner, which is something I would actually like to see happen (Drill xx Kiss under someone jumping in is okay; Drill xx Kiss under someone jumping in, leading to full combo on hit is kinda dumb).
I dunno how the recovery on Kiss is etc, but I'd like to be able to at least tech chase after, as it's currently an important tool vs Peacock? Dunno if that's doable.

Overall Fukua changes would be smth like
- Damage reduction on base combo stuff, because why do her combos deal so much damage (jHK is as fast as a medium, if it only dealt the damage of a medium, that'd be kindofabigdeal; shadows can also live with not dealing 750/900/1000)
- Damage increase on ground fireball, as one can't fit that into combos anyway and it gives her zoning an interesting nudge (gdlk AirFireball vs gdlk Shadow (which has 30f startup) vs notsogdlk GroundFireball (which hurts when it hits))
- Decrease hit- and blockstun on M.Shadow, cus the move is kind of dumb, so at least it shouldn't allow me to runup-jHK from 3/4 screen
- Slightly increase hit- and blockstun on L. Ground Fireball; I get that "M.Fireball+A into full combo from halfscreen" stuff is unwanted, but L.Fireball is rather harmless in that respect; this would make both the confirm into BFF on hit (which I can get with like 99% accuracy in Training Mode, but generally with only 1-2f left) and general stuff on block (-7 in the opponent's face isn't that nice) less iffy
- Do some magic that makes her neutral more interesting, like "QCB-P turns her into a shadow that teleports backwards" or "QCF-MK loses its hitbox, but becomes jump-cancellable on whiff" or "QCB-K has Fuk do the thing that her HK.Shadow does" or even just "jHP gets a monster hitbox" or something something slightly less linear ;;

- Increase damage on ground throw, because really? 848 vs 2000(8f cmd grab) on a move that can't be cancelled into, can be teched, scales harder, and has as ups 1f less startup + that you can throw someone into the corner.
Maybe if there was some sekrit tech where you get followup combos with #specific assist# and Throw xx L.Shadow+A, but I highly doubt there is (at least doubting it for reasonable assists, ie no Peacock lv3 SoID etc)
I dnno, who uses this? I'd like if it dealt 900-1000 and sliding; same thing with Bella for the record. Like, I don't think either character needs it at all, and it's probably a terrible idea, but why is Bella's Throw so bad :[
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I actually believe Bella's ground throw is pretty good, just only in the corner, which works for me.
A lot of ground throws look similar to me.

Does Bella move back or something? Is that what makes it bad?
Does Bella move back or something? Is that what makes it bad?
You don't get anything out of it is why; Opponent can always just tech.

Except when the opponent is in the corner, where 1)you get combos 2)You can avoid throwing them out of the corner (unlike DDrop)

Every other GroundThrow in the game allows you midscreen combos either meterless or for 1 bar - except Peacock's, which is sliding (or in current Beta, sliding + 2bar combos possible)

So it has it's use, but 1)Bella is "the Grappler", why is her throw the worst in the game and 2)It gets grossly overshadowed by DDrop (which can't get teched, is throw invuln, has 3f full invuln, has more active frames, is less minus on whiff, deals more damage, has less startup, can get cancelled into, can convert into things, ..)
maaaaaannnn we should just make herabella's grab do a jillion damage and leave the opponent in a crumb state. that waye i can do real gumbos that will make me win games with people.

but no really I'm find with cereballa's grab, she can excerebella opponents in the corner and the large characters can be grabbed from midscreen so yeah. over all i'm fine with bella, but a minor increase in her grab range might be cool. but it ain't going to happen so, yeah.

also obvious sarcasm is obvious.
touch the m shadow and someone will get RKO'd
Should not be a moving, unavoidable, full screen height wall.

Instead, shrink the hitbox so only her eyelashes are active.
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I say instead of increasing the damage of a throw to match the command throw, we nerf the command throw? After all, it eclipses the throw in damage and usefulness and is untechable.
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@RemiKz already said this was posible i think.
and thanks to @Zephyrel for reminding me.

Solo for life. but i still miss grab resets mix ups.

I can barely get the j.mk out in time and when I do, I've only been able to link it to j.lk. How you do that? Basically, when do dash cancel j.mk?