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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Woah, yeah, breaking Kanchou combos would kinda really suck. And yeah it's really easy to reaction block. If that stays the way it is, Kanchou would be hella nerfed. It's a really risky mixup as it is.
On the topic of the Undizzy change, I'm not sure that the game currently needs to be MORE reset focused. Resets are already the best strategy in most situations.

and the ground tech change makes knockdowns less useful, when they're already typically less powerful than resets.

Don't get me wrong, I like Resets and what they do for the game but I'm not sure if going further in that direction is necessary.
When did we get cross up protection? Gross. Don't do that. Look at Under Night In Birth.

There's no crossup protection per say. Mike just shifted the point where a move counts as a crossup slightly further back to make things less ambiguous.

Its seems to be messing with some other stuff though, like Kanchou, so its probably going to be changed.
red for full, blue for 'full but you did a reset and you have another chain anyways' green for you know what green is for.

red is always a clear warning and blue is wtf is a blue banana.

Red/Green is a bad look for Red-Green colorblind people. I like the idea of a distinguishable indicator, but something to keep in mind especially if you can avoid that problem.
You should learn how to react to pushblocks before talking about this subject any more, because you have literally no clue what the fuck you are talking about and you are just repeating what you have said in your previous post.

Your understanding of Skullgirls is completely linear, binary and has no nuance.

You completely ignore player reactions and being able to cover multiple options with a single series of inputs within a tight frame window. As if blocking for 8ish frames then attacking is somehow impossible, not strong, or not something that people actually do.

You completely ignore every single aspect of the game, and focus on talking about an imaginary fairy land where player reactions don't exist, pushblocks don't extend the amount of blockstun you are in, tight timing windows that can be taken advantage of don't exist, and you somehow think that you are qualified to talk about any aspect of the game with the slightest hint of confidence or authority.

It is completely pointless trying to talk about the game with you, because you're not even playing the same game as everyone else. Ignored.
Have you ever tried to PBGC into just a jump? PBGC into a backdash?
Red/Green is a bad look for Red-Green colorblind people. I like the idea of a distinguishable indicator, but something to keep in mind especially if you can avoid that problem.
Green regular, Blue full, White full and can do another chain?
Depends on character and ranges. Bella can PBGC into USS for sure, maybe merry-go-rilla too. Squigly can Daisy Pusher.
Depends on character and ranges. Bella can PBGC into USS for sure, maybe merry-go-rilla too. Squigly can Daisy Pusher.
Daisy's risky to PBGC because if you input it late it won't reversal (because you're holding down or back). Then again, that's surmountable by practice.
Daisy's risky to PBGC because if you input it late it won't reversal (because you're holding back). Then again, that's surmountable by practice.
FTFY. You don't need to be at neutral to PBGC, just not holding back.
Retaining more unizzy for ground techs makes burst bait/air throw reset stronger at high undizzy by comparison.

On one hand it will make other people want to use air throw/burst bait 50/50 more which god damn why isn't everyone doing them already, on the other hand it will make characters who can't get good shit off of their air throws have less of a capacity to make up for it by draining undizzy in another way.

Ground tech removing only half of undizzy takes a way some incentive I had to explore soft knockdown tech chases at high undizzy. The reason is that the only intentional way to make the opponent tech, is of course, to set up the situation in the combo, and I could set up damn near any other situation I want and have it be more unfair and stacked in my favour than a tech chase.

However, it does suck when teching in the corner is a bit not-so-good... but hey you got put in the corner, deal with it imo.

If this aspect of ground techs were the issue, where close proximity to the corner makes it possible to just cover all three options then what if - since back teching in the corner gets you basically no movement - teching backwards into the corner that doesn't empty your undizzy either? So that it would work on crossed up Double/Filia/Bella in the corner, or people that are almost-in-the-corner, how about they have to move a certian distance while teching in order to get the benefits of retaining undizzy?
Are the names of Double's cr and st lk swapped in custom assist select? Stamp seems like it should be her st lk but its the name of her cr lk, and substitute short seems like it could be her cr lk. Idk just putting it out there. Only because she stamps the ground with her st lk. Or is it stamp as in to impress into something, which I guess then they make sense, since pw cr lk is pretty much impaling you. This new headless change seems cool.
Thoughts on the headless Fortune changes:
Being able to launch the head to the other side of the screen with j.HK is great. She now has a way to quickly move the head across the screen without worrying about certain projectiles or assists stopping the head's approach. Though it is weird how it transitions from Decap attack to a fall state and back every time you hit it. If I try to launch the head with a raw MK Fiber Upper the head basically goes nowhere and loses its hitbox, but if I launch it with HK Fiber Upper it goes flying and retains its hitbox.

I noticed that if Fortune launches the head with s.HK and then tries to send it further with MK or HK Fiber Upper, she knocks the head away but she isn't allowed to do a Fiber Upper followup and is left open. I guess this is ok since the head retains its hitbox and it covering you anyways? It just feels weird not being to do the followup.

Because of the way that s.HK launches the head, the only way that I could actually hit the head with j.HK was to do j.LK or j.LP > ADC > j.HK. And even then I basically had to be right on top of the head when launching it to actually get this all to connect. It takes a bit of time to setup, which I guess is fair considering it does send the head into a nice position behind the opponent, but while playing against people on stream today it never felt like I actually had an opportunity to juggle the head in the air and then spike it towards my opponent. Maybe a change in that angle that s.HK launches the head would be nice (as in, having it launch higher or not as far)? Though I probably am asking for too much.

If this change passes then headless Fortune definitely won't need anything else, IMO. Not like she /needs/ this change, but it makes her more fun to play as again and makes her feel more like a puppet character which is nice.

And to show off what I was referring to:
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I was testing some stuff with s.HK,M hornet bomber and s.HK,l. fiber,j.LK. Hornet sends it across the screen and fiber makes the head cover j.lk. I didn't use any of it in real battles though.
One thing i noticed is that Ms. Fortune doesn't have slide or El Gato as assists. I was wondering if she could get those as assists too based on the fact that Cerebella can do her run follow ups as assists, and that these are headless moves in and of themselves. I thought I brought it up before, but I don't see it in my history so far.
Only spent a few minutes in training mode with the adjustments made to how the head bounces, but it works muuuuuuuuuch better now.
- Even-more-finished Peacock #21.
- Input display in training mode now shows P2's inputs also. It needs an overhaul in general, but they're there.
- Wanna know if your opponent was really mashing? During replay playback, LP now toggles hitboxes and LK toggles input display. The options will get better, don't worry. :^)

Beta Experiments
- Incoming assists have collision but do not push the opposing point character until they land. Not sure if this will help, since they're instantly fully there as soon as they land, but might as well try it. Thanks Kuroonehalf for leading to the idea.
- Fortune can properly snap the head from Decap Attack. Head also bounces slightly better when hit during Decap Attack. Thanks Fizzxiwzz.

The day has finally come: the day the SG communities' poor inputs and mashing tendencies were exposed.
I'm pretty sure the community's mashing tendencies were exposed by the number of mashed supers you see every time you play.
lol this will be great. We already know it happens, but actually seeing the specifics on when/where will be great.

What is the assist collision thing supposed to do?