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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

maybe leeny should cost 2 meters now that he's buffed a combo into lenny argus basically does lvl3 damage anyway.
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maybe leeny should cost 2 meters now that he's buffed a combo into lenny argus basically does lvl3 damage anyway.

That could work for some parts of it, but it is a huge meter nerf to her safe DHC Not that I would actually mind that since she seems to passively regenerate meter :P ... though I imagine Peacock players wouldn't be keen on it.
but it is a huge meter nerf to her safe DHC

Lv1 DHC Lv1 and Lv1 DHC Lv2 cost the same amount of meter, so DHCing into Lenny would cost the same amount of meter.

Unless you mean Lenny to another safe DHC?
I do Lenny as the start of a DHC all the time, so that nerf would hurt pretty bad, actually.
I mean lenny into a safe DHC which is 3 meters vs 2. I phrased it pretty badly.

I'm used to seeing a lot of Pea's use Lenny > DHC instead of Argus (I don't actually know which is more optimal, but I'm guessing the answer is "depends").
couldnt you just do Argus and switch out quickly or are you DHC-ing as a reversal i guess
couldnt you just do Argus and switch out quickly or are you DHC-ing as a reversal i guess

I imagine you lose the pretty substantial zone control that a Lenny leaves you with.
i know the simple solution to lenny. how does the characters: filia,fortune,fukua,bella,eliza and peacock feel to you guys overall since we spent a good portion in beta after all

good post.

maybe leeny should cost 2 meters now that he's buffed a combo into lenny argus basically does lvl3 damage anyway.

Don't want to see lenny nerfed in this way. Don't want to see lenny lose its new utility at all actually.
Lenny might be better, but it's no catheads. Lenny is useful on its own, but it becomes more useful if you use more meter, so why is it not fine already? Not to mention it can hit both players.
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Lenny might be better, but it's no catheads.
I wish catheads was as good as lenny -> argus.

edit: also, on top of being more useful now than ever before, lenny super gives people an invincible super to dhc out of. And because of hitstop if you pushed a button, vs a lot of teams you're taking a super. In TJ's teams case if he has 3 meters and you get hit he will deal over 12k in that combo, and if an assist is hit its straight up dead.
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To people who have access to beta (I don't):

Is it just me, or do some characters' new lines sound pretty off? Specifically Fortune and Painwheel.
Just watched a video with the new audio and was somewhat confused, but I'm not sure if that's the fault of the video or if it's really that different. The other characters sounded consistent though, which is why I'm curious.
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Some of the new lines do sound different. Like they are louder than the other lines in some cases. Some of them sound like they were recorded with a different mic IDK.
To people who have access to beta (I don't):

Is it just me, or do some characters' new lines sound pretty off? Specifically Fortune and Painwheel.
Just watched a video with the new audio and was somewhat confused, but I'm not sure if that's the fault of the video or if it's really that different. The other characters sounded consistent though, which is why I'm curious.
video link?
I wish catheads was as good as lenny -> argus.
please no

Don't make me relive the 1-meter catheads
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couldnt you just do Argus and switch out quickly or are you DHC-ing as a reversal i guess
As a reversal yeah. If you DHC to something that's unreactable post flash, it's still unreactable post flash. I dunno if Peacock really needs that, but she has it and it's pretty good so I do it a lot.
Fortune audio starts at 2:36, painwheel is right after.
I've never heard them isolated like that. Yeah, they do sound pretty different. Weird.
I am still not a fan of the fact that only a few assists allow peacock to do crossup teleports.
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When Fortune says "Get out of here, you just got canned" to Big Band, it sounds really weird and distant, like the audio was recorded far away or something. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought they sounded off.
Agreed, with all sound settings at default that soundbite in particular is really drowned out.
yeah hope they can fix some of the Dlc lines. It would be a shame if they had to re-record everything.
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The only ones that sound really off to me are fortune and the Painwheel intro versus squigly. A few filia one sound very high pitched, but I can deal with it I guess
I am still not a fan of the fact that only a few assists allow peacock to do crossup teleports.

LNL, Brass, Hornet Bomber, Hairball H, Napalm Shot, Butchers Blade, etc etc
Don't see the problem?

Thanks for posting this.
As people have mentioned, the quality of the mic sounds a bit different. Also, some characters' voices seems a bit different. The most noticeable being Painwheel. She sounds like she's talking through a weird filter. It just sounds off compared to her old lines. Filia's new lines sound like Noel Vermillion from Blazblue, which.. I'm not necessarily opposed to but just worthy of noting.
I really like the delivery of most of the lines though. Especially Val's and Double's.
I expected Filia's line to Fukua, "Oh, it's you", to be a bit more fearful. I mean, I presume that this is Filia's first time meeting her own clone, so I expected her to be a little bit more shocked or surprised.

But all in all, the VOs did a great job.~
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LNL, Brass, Hornet Bomber, Hairball H, Napalm Shot, Butchers Blade, etc etc
Don't see the problem?
I don't have a problem with the ones she can do it with, but if she can do it at all, why not let all of them do it?
I agree, I thought all of them were really on point with the exception of whatever's going on with Fortune and PW.

Filia to Fukua
It sounds more like an "Oh, that bitch" than a "Spooky scary" kind of feeling to me.
LNL, Brass, Hornet Bomber, Hairball H, Napalm Shot, Butchers Blade, etc etc
Don't see the problem?
Doesn't work with Brass. I mean you can do it but it will hit same side. Haven't tried the others but I bet it doesn't work with them either.
Doesn't work with Brass. I mean you can do it but it will hit same side. Haven't tried the others but I bet it doesn't work with them either.
Some of the ones he mentioned do work, but the opponent has to be at a distance to let the attack travel a bit aside from like Butcher's Blade.
Not being able to get a cross up mix up does not mean you can't use your assist to put your opponent in blockstun so you can teleport out of the corner, or get to a different spot on the screen etc
Before she couldn't even do that, so idk. Don't see the problem with how that works

Edit: And I've played peacock/HB and it worked the same way it's always worked. I messed it up like once out of 20+ games....
Without music it's noticeable for miss fortune and painwheel indeed, but i remember a few new lines from miss fortune with music and in that context it sounded just fine. So with a little chance none of this should have any impact after all.
I just wanna bring up the point that if some of the vanilla characters sound different in their new lines in relation to tone and stuff its probably because its been like 3 years since they last did lines for their character. I'm not talking about things that sound like they were recorded weirdly though.

Just like, compare tf2 voice lines from launch to more recent ones. They sound super weird.
Yea some of Fortune's lines sound a little on the far away side which I think can be fixed. Painwheel I feel is missing some more monster and flem in her voice. That might not make any sense but meh whatever.
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Painwheel sounds REALLY different, she usually sounds like she is full on raging. Now she just sounds...angry?
painwheel sounds like a weird filter got thrown on her. fortune just sounds like the sound quality took a dive or her lines. filia does sound just higher pitched than normal too.

i wonder if these are early placeholder files that got accidentally mixed in with final set of voice tracks?