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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Are we complaining about Eliza A G A I N?

I think people complain about whoever you or sage happen to be using and kicking ass with.

/could be wrong
/with a little tj thrown in
Nah you're polite but you ain't nice.

Taking a break from the game but Fortune feels great while remaining much more tame than her vanilla and SDE days thank you thanks, Mike.
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Well of course people are going to complain about Sage's characters.

Mother fucker plays everybody!
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Well of course people are going to complain about Sage's characters.

Mother fucker plays everybody!
Not if they have an airdash apparently
I feel like people glossed over "Eliza's instant j.LK is not an overhead".

What's the word on Sekhem Lunge? Kinda feels awkward having to commit to some other Sekhmet summon before being able to use it, I wouldn't mind trying something like Lunge getting its own turn command or being able to chain from Khopesh.
I do not want her to be able to do a hyper-armored mixup after any blocked chain, which is why she can only summon into highs and mids. I hope that clears that up.
Highs seem to be good enough anyway, judging by how many people get hit. :^P
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User warned for posting image macros.
People complain about me? I never noticed.

Also @SonicFox5000 who is that girl in your avatar?
I see your talking shit again
Omw to texas

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I feel like people glossed over "Eliza's instant j.LK is not an overhead".

I do not want her to be able to do a hyper-armored mixup after any blocked chain, which is why she can only summon into highs and mids. I hope that clears that up.
Highs seem to be good enough anyway, judging by how many people get hit. :^P

Fukua's command throw should've been evidence enough that we, as a community, can't react to anything
I do not want her to be able to do a hyper-armored mixup after any blocked chain, which is why she can only summon into highs and mids. I hope that clears that up.
Aight, thanks for the help.
In case no one else has noticed this, I do want to mention an inconsistency between Filia's retail j.HK and what is currently in beta. To my understanding they're supposed to be identical other than beta j.HK hitting mid and not high, correct?

In the corner in retail: s.HP xx jump > j.HP j.HK xx HK Airball xx AD > j.MK j.HP works, you can link ground normals off of it and I used to use for burst bait setups since it's a good height for c.HP bounces and stuff.

In the corner in beta: s.HP xx jump > j.HP j.HK xx HK Airball xx AD > j.MK j.HP and the final j.HP doesn't come out before she lands on the ground. To be fair this works if you delay j.HP after launcher, but that also means the frame window for the air chains to work on heavy characters is small, too late and they fall out, too early and you whiff the last j.HP.

Obviously this isn't game changing, and literally everything else still works so it's not like this is a great loss, but this is a replicatable example that j.HK is different, and I wanted to double check that it was known.
I feel like people glossed over "Eliza's instant j.LK is not an overhead".
I didn't even notice this until now, haha. If the intention was to not give Eliza a quick overhead, then how come this doesn't affect IAD's?

EDIT: Got an explanation from Khaos, nvm.
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In case no one else has noticed this, I do want to mention an inconsistency between Filia's retail j.HK and what is currently in beta. To my understanding they're supposed to be identical other than beta j.HK hitting mid and not high, correct?

I don't believe that her j.HK is different in a way that changes combos, but Filia is physically lower to the floor in-game in Beta now, so you will be lower in air combos, which is why delaying j.HP after s.HP lets your previous combo works.
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I don't believe that her j.HK is different in a way that changes combos, but Filia is physically lower to the floor in-game in Beta now, so you will be lower in air combos, which is why delaying j.HP after s.HP lets your previous combo works.

Alright, so her being lower is known, gotcha. I was under the impression retail and beta j.HK were identical right now. Guess I missed something! Was there any particular reason for it putting her lower now?
Alright, so her being lower is known, gotcha. I was under the impression retail and beta j.HK were identical right now. Guess I missed something! Was there any particular reason for it putting her lower now?
She's in the correct place now for jumps and air attacks relative to all the other things she does in the air, like getting hit or blocking. She was not before, because she was the first character and her sprite moved around in her art rather than staying stationary.
Been a while, hasn't it?

- Added Beowulf's tutorial! Help find bugs, please. (Note: He doesn't build hype with grab finishers yet, even though it says he does. He will.)

Big Band

- Made Lv5 input also easier when DHCing, not just when he is the point character. Ha ha oops.
- Fix the same math error in ceiling-check code for Tympany that was previously fixed in Painwheel's flight.
- Can now DHC off the last hit of a taunted Super Sonic Jazz.
- Fixed his AI after he gets tagged in.
- Updates for both versions of NWO Arena, to hopefully improve framerate.
- All Clinch attacks and finishers will now hit assists and other objects! Go full beat-em-up style!
- After death/snap, Wulf Blitzer can no longer change the incoming character's side by changing direction; all followups are considered facing the way he started.
- Pickup animation from c.MK and from taunted F+K/F+P/B+P during Wulfamania is now invincible rather than vulnerable...oops.
- Chairless s.HP startup 20f->18f.
- s.MP mic is in correct display layer when dropped. Very important! :^)
- Can no longer link after Geatish Trepak.
- Fixed meter gain on Avery in j.HK to conform to the real SG rules, rather than act as 2 more H's.
- Nekhbet Breaker now moves forward while offscreen and drops the enemy slightly more in front of Eliza; should prevent most ambiguous corner crossups afterward if the enemy began close to the corner.
- Default 2nd assist Butcher's Blade -> Osiris Spiral H.
- Dive of Horus blockstop -3f.
- Last hit of j.HP is properly overhead instead of mid if no other hits have made contact. Thanks someone I forget.
- j.MK returned to a mid hit instead of overhead. Doesn't really look overhead and I don't want it to be a low, so a mid it stays.
- Lenny now has 4f vulnerable startup instead of being first-frame invincible.
- Fixed meter gain on Avery in j.HK to conform to the real SG rules, rather than act as 2 more H's.
- Weight reduced from Double class to Parasoul class, jump and doublejump takeoff velocities adjusted to match.
- Added super laser, QCT+PP / 236+PP. With 3+ levels, hold P before the superflash starts to spend more meter for a Lv3 version. With 5 levels, hold HP (specifically) before the superflash to spend all your meter for a Lv5 version!
- New animation for snapback. Yes, she is Fortune for a few frames, don't worry that won't stay.
- More new effects, like ground throw, beams, c.MP, and s.MP! (Oxford comma woo!)
- New clean normal attacks already, wow, what the heck?!
- Real vulnerable boxes on all normals except s.LP.
- c.LP can now be done 2x, damage 250->200.
- c.MK does correct damage, was not supposed to be that high since you can combo off it. S'what I get for copying a sweep script. :^)
- s.MK does correct damage, same as c.MP.
- s.HP hitstun +2f for all hits.
- j.HK updated: holding HK during the attack disallows jump cancels, so you can choose to hover while hitting without doublejumping; active frames 2[2]2[2]... -> 1[3]1[3]...; last hit is properly not overhead if another hit made contact; float height adjusted; Up no longer has any effect during a j.HK after using up her doublejump.
- Bugfix: Beams no longer interact with placed tears on your own team.
- HP beam now behaves better vs airborne characters.
- LP/MP beams chip 100->250.
- Fix VO for intro and tag related to RoboFortune. Sorry if you were expecting gameplay fixes. :^)
patchnotes said:
Weight reduced from Double class to Parasoul class, jump and doublejump takeoff velocities adjusted to match.

Yes you son of a bitch YOU"RE MINE. annnnnnd looks like i'll have to fight peacock again. though the experience may be the the same. thanks luweewu[/quote]
Awwww man her double jump jhk runaway cheese is gone.

Well, glad for that at least..l was just going to troll the shit out of this game with it.
Why isn't anyone talking about being able to DHC after a taunted SSJ?? THATS NUTS! Not only are we talking crazy damage options now but you can toss one out just for the insane chip into a safe DHC if you want. Serious point BB buff.
- j.MK returned to a mid hit instead of overhead. Doesn't really look overhead and I don't want it to be a low, so a mid it stays.
- Weight reduced from Double class to Parasoul class, jump and doublejump takeoff velocities adjusted to match.

Big Band
- Can now DHC off the last hit of a taunted Super Sonic Jazz.
Luweewu on point once again. Thanks for posting the updates for everyone's reference!

Robo Fortune's been working out and losing weight huh? I hope people play with MMDS now that Robo has her super.
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I'm sorry if this isn't the spot to post it, but I found an error in Wulf's tutorial. It says that Neaegling Knee Lift (K during grab mode) is done by pressing any Punch in grab mode.

In addition, I screwed up the final tutorial but it passed me anyway. I built up 2 Hype levels but I went straight from the Slam to Da Grendel Killa without doing the Diving Wulfdog.
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So stoked for throw finishers building hype. Also glad lenny has start up now. So many options for one super. This big band buff is insane. If a bb/cb player has taunt and hits you rest in peace your health!!!!!!
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Hmm interesting, this means Peacock is the only character in the game without anything that has full startup invincibility.

Also this has probably been brought up before somewhere or another but I just noticed Beowulf's eyes are transparent during his level 3 grab.
In the IPS tutorial filia didn't do a combo that I could break???

and in Beowulf's tutorial it says knee is done with punches and that you have to do direction + kick to follow up from blitzer when you can also use punch
Robo Fortune's HP Laser can't be pushed block until the last hit
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In the IPS tutorial filia didn't do a combo that I could break???

That's weird. I fired up the beta, and I'm seeing that too. It looks like she's skipping her j. HK for some reason, so instead of hitting OTG with c. MK, she just falls to the ground and drops the combo.
Robo Fortune's HP Laser can't be pushed block until the last hit
All multihit attacks are like that
Lenny nerf sucks but is pretty expected. Same with the meter gain nerf on j.HK. j.MK changing to a mid is whatever since I never really got around to using that for mixups.

The buff to Big Band's taunted SSJ is nice (you always had to DHC early which was annoying) but since I deliberately avoid taunting I probably won't use it.
All multihit attacks are like that
I just did Cerecopter and Filia cMK and hairball and no.
All multihit attacks are like that

I don't think this is true???

Lenny nerf sucks but is pretty expected. Same with the meter gain nerf on j.HK. j.MK changing to a mid is whatever since I never really got around to using that for mixups.

Still works for everything except being a godlike reversal you can always do! Honestly you might be able to use it the same kinda, just now you have to keep in mind the start up you need to go through first.