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Skullgirls Stage & Background Discussion

interesting things about beo's stage currently:

Mrs. Victoria, Persona's character from maplecrest, a bunch of other schoolkids from maplecrest, a spooky guy in a trenchcoat and fedora, and an Abraham Lincoln looking man are a few notables from the crowd..

Good eyes! I wrote thr crowd off as a bunch of blurry nobodies!
And I didn't even know Persona had a character...
The audience gets it.
Now we need vendors selling bowls of copy pasta and Diogiorno Diamond Pizzas and we'll be good.
Mrs. Victoria, Persona's character from maplecrest, a bunch of other schoolkids from maplecrest, a spooky guy in a trenchcoat and fedora, and an Abraham Lincoln looking man are a few notables from the crowd.

All of the Dolchebon NPCs make another appearance in the crowd too. You might recognize some of these guys from the Streets of New Meridian. (Steadfoot can also be seen on a balcony in Rooftops)


A few days ago in the last labzero stream, blackbookalpha was in twitch chat and shared a pic of what the Dolchebon stage would have looked like. It was basically outside a fancy restaurant in the evening. I didnt save the pic unfortunately since I hadn't seen it around before.

I'm also hoping the dlc chara banners will circle around on stage shake to show ileum, adam, dahlia etc but not expecting it since that would probably require more 3D stuff than most stages currently do.
Here yall go, more concepts from Alpha back in the day.




His try at a Boss character. The way he explained it was there were multiple owners of the skullheart in the past, so why not try and design one of them?

Hint: The skeleton throne WAS her pet.
Future stages i'd love to see but will probs never happen:
MadMans Cafe
War Memorial
Club 28
School Roof
Stage Set of 'Annie girl of the stars'
Cirque de Cartes Ring
Outside Cirque de Cartes
Canopolis Jail
Roxie's Garage
Below the War Memorial
Aeon's Bedroom
Venus' Dimension
On the Train
Canopolis Slums
Inside an Airship
No Mans Land/Rommelgrad
Chess Kingdom stage
Dragon Kingdom stage
Gigan Nation Stage
Whatever the second it, it sounds pretty tasty.
What is this War Memorial and Onniongrad?

Onniongrad was a concept sketch of a stage by Alex from waaaaay back, its was like tiny people living in giant onion houses with one chill looking gigan farmer. It was pretty wierd looking and definitely doesnt match the vibe of current SG but it gets on the list because I'm being greedy and listing things i want.

If i remember right Scythana fought the egrets at the war memorial or was arrested there, or was arrested for doing something there idk. Also the horrible secret Isaac discovers under Canopolis might have been under the memorial, but very well could just be made up by a fan, i cant remember where i read it
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Anyone got a picture of the onion stage?
The character panels in NMO seems to have changed for other unreleased characters and seems animated/reacting to tremor on the stage, meaning that those will probably appears at random like the NPC in the casino and ball stage, it is quite cool! It's also nice to see that these aren't forgotten even if the Skullgirls project is almost finished!
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The character panels in NMO seems to have changed for other unreleased characters and seems animated/reacting to tremor on the stage, meaning that those will probably appears at random like the NPC in the casino and ball stage, it is quite cool! It's also nice to see that these aren't forgotten even if the Skullgirls project is almost finished!
There's two sets of images. The stage alternates between them every time you choose it.
Umbrella, Roxie, Minette, Aeon, Hubrecht and Ottomo are one set.
Black Dahlia, Isaac, Stanley, Annie, Beatrix and Scythana are the other.
(The ones on the edges like Andy, Yu Wan, Adam, etc don't change currently)

There's a bunch of other stuff too. A neat touch is depending on who you pick in your first character slot some people in the crowd will wave signs when you do cool stuff. Painwheel has stuff like "MUST KILL" "ARRGHH". Eliza has "Yes, I AM RICH", etc. Robo-Fortune's signs are all in Russian ;D
I didn't noticed, but those signs are an excellent idea indeed! With all those cool touches, i'm really curious about how the stage music will sound!

I wouldn't have guessed that Robo-fortune were Russian! We'll need a translator the day she'll appear...
Sure, Maple Crest gets much love from me, but it doesn't compare to the amazingly awesome Grand Cathedral.

What's better than duking it out in the middle of a church to beautifully crafted music?
looking at the 2D version of NMO arena keeps making me think of KLK with the camera flashes looking like stars
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Early version of the Streets of New Meridian and Lab 0.
But also a cool sunny town level and a very rough but cool creepy skull temple.
I really wish the PS3 would have 2d versions of the stages. It sure would look cool.
I wonder how the empty version of beowulf stage will sound...
I really wish the PS3 would have 2d versions of the stages. It sure would look cool.

Nah, never gonna happen just for PC ( for people who doesn´t have optimized resources ), console versions are optimize for running smoothing etc.
Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere but Ravidrath confirmed on a GeekandSundry twitch stream (http://www.twitch.tv/geekandsundry/v/3881894, at 1:08:35) that the Bath of Sekhmet stage will be getting a remix of the Oasis in Time theme in the future.

I didn't expected that, that's really cool! More music is always welcome!
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Lab Zero
Why did Marie get her own playable character banner on the NMO Arena stage?
Because a man can dream...

Did Umbrella or B Dahlia also get a banner?
Lab Zero
Why did Marie get her own playable character banner on the NMO Arena stage?

It's an unfinished sketch and Annie got one too, it doesn't mean anything.
I'd assume a Marie banner would just be there to accommodate the playable version of boss Marie. Better just to have a graphic for that circumstance than to risk the stage glitching out.
Can always be some sort of DLC to get different banners, like the different loading screen idea >w>
Because otherwise if people cheat, it crashes.

I'm surprised the 'cheater banner' doesn't contains anything more insulting toward the cheater then!
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To save you straining your eyes:


As Mike said, Marie just has a banner to prevent crashes and since she has no official action portrait like the rest of the cast she gets a doodle banner. Robo's will be replaced with a real banner when she gets her official art.
Annie is in there because she's obviously a secret April Fools character and will be fully playable like Fukua.

@FunkyHellboy @Hidgerknight
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