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I say hold off for a bit. I hear that some people are still having some slight problems. Unless if you're really interested in ARMS and ports of games that would be nice on the go like Snake Pass and the Sonic games when they come out, I say hold off until Spalt comes out. It starts with 4 GB, and you can in SD cards that increase the size if I remember correctly.
I say hold off for a bit. I hear that some people are still having some slight problems. Unless if you're really interested in ARMS and ports of games that would be nice on the go like Snake Pass and the Sonic games when they come out, I say hold off until Spalt comes out. It starts with 4 GB, and you can in SD cards that increase the size if I remember correctly.

You can insert higher Gig Micro SD card BUT REMEMBER: Once a Micro SD card is inserted it is FORMATTED erasing everything, even prior Nintendo Switch Data. Get something with a LOT of memory and plan never to remove it.
How big is the average patch size?

Can the Switch contain all of Splatoon 2's bountiful patches?
I believe Splat one's collective patch size was around 840 mb with each patch being around 11 mb usually.
Hey guys! I got some new info for you! Also there's an explanation for why Cuttlefish isn't here. Well psuedo-explanation.




Unknown to all but a select few, the “New Squidbeak Splatoon” has formed to stand against the Octarian menace.

A young Inkling, new to the streets of Inkopolis Square, has been hand-picked by Marie herself and given the handle “Agent 4”. Agent 4’s perilous mission begins in Octo Canyon, the mysterious location of the Octarian headquarters. Good luck, Agent 4.

Maybe Marie's actively spear-heading a rescue party just to try and get her cousin back? I mean, she does care about Callie.
Hey guys! I got some new info for you! Also there's an explanation for why Cuttlefish isn't here. Well psuedo-explanation.
Maybe Marie's actively spear-heading a rescue party just to try and get her cousin back? I mean, she does care about Callie.
You're behind.

We saw 2 weeks ago that Marie found Cuttelfish and Callie gone, and Octavio's snowglobe shattered.
You're behind.

We saw 2 weeks ago that Marie found Cuttelfish and Callie gone, and Octavio's snowglobe shattered.
Don't know if you guys have heard this yet but I'm posting it anyways.



Agent 4 will be supplied with multiple types of weapons during the battle with the Octarians thanks to Sheldon, the horseshoe crab who owns the “Ammo Knights” weapon shop. He will lend Agent 4 weapons exclusively for fighting the Octarian threat. This also allows him to collect data on his weapons so he can mass produce them for use in official Turf War battles, so it’s a win-win.

That Hero Octobrush tho
Sort of, though the images are new.

Also way to brush over the fact that there's just A FUCKING P90
I had no clue what a P90 was so I had to look it up. Holy crap. Nintendo pls.
Hey you know what would be cool? Beating single player mode and unlocking playable Octolings. It would be a nice bonus to beating single player and answering the call for playable Octolings.
If Callie's gone, who's gonna run the Splatfests?
We got a new subweapon! I'm sure you're all gonna love this one!




This new sub weapon is called Toxic Mist. Once thrown, opponents caught in the mist move slower and their ink is slightly reduced. The longer you’re in the mist, the stronger the effect becomes.
So what's the difference between this and Disruptor?
Squid Sisters are kill forever. Say hello to the new hotness in town



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I love them both.

(Also one of the idols is an Octoling and that's pretty neat.)
i dunno

this one seems kinda fucked in the head


Marina is way cuter. Pearl looks that girl that all the guys warn you about.

Marina is way cuter. Pearl looks that girl that all the guys warn you about.

Yeah, you're right. Time for the Waifu Wars.

Callie & Marie over these two impostors any day of the week!
why don't we all have braincells for once and remember that Budd and Lil Budd are all we need in life
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Sure, the Squid Sisters were better, but they can't exactly call out the rules for gladiatoral combat anymore, so we need some replacements.
The first thing i thought about when seeing that green one was "is that Woolie?"
You can smell Tetsuya Nomura's contributions from here (and that's not a bad thing). I love Marina, though I can tell I'm gonna love the sea devil as well. Though all of yous are missing the big picture.

Like go with the Flow mans.

Can I delete the demo after the testfire and keep my save data?

Actually, DOES the testfire demo give me stuff in the main game?

Apparently, Pearl and Marina's names ARE a pun.

Because Marina is another word for "Harbor".


I'll let the folks playing at home figure that pun out.