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Please consider this: werewolves and vampires both are cool and they are friends.
Vampires cant eat italian meals. Werewolves win.
IMO Werewolves have my vote with a lot of consideration. And by a lot of consideration I mean having two of the stupidest things influence my vote; my favorite episode of MS3K "Warwhilf" and a super campy early-early 2000's family tv show "Big Wolf On Campus" aka if Teen Wolf and Buffy the Vampireslayer for kids.
I can think of more iconic vampires in pop culture than werewolves, but it's like... those characters are cool, not vampires. They've become "I got a lot of power and don't age and I can do whatever the hell I want, just need a specialized diet." Remove the blood and they're just a kind of elf or something. Werewolves remain much more distinct.

But I don't get why the splatfest werewolf costume is orange. It's not a werefox.
I can think of more iconic vampires in pop culture than werewolves, but it's like... those characters are cool, not vampires. They've become "I got a lot of power and don't age and I can do whatever the hell I want, just need a specialized diet." Remove the blood and they're just a kind of elf or something
Well when you put it that way that story I've been working on for 7 years with a vampire protagonist sounds pretty silly.
Using the vampire concept can still make cool characters, but needing blood has become the only consistent drawback and the powers gained are very basic and adaptable to a wide variety of styles.

They could be forever tormented by their love of garlic bread. :P
Mystery Weapon Salmon Run coming up this weekend, 10/14 8PM - 10/16 2AM EST. Grizzco Brella and Charger were datamined a long time ago, but since recent Switch firmware updates have kept anyone from examining the last few patches we don't know if they might have any other potential Grizzco weapons that were added since.

And yes, that's during the Splatfest, though it'll continue a little while afterwards.
Do you have what it takes to be part of the E-lite?







What? Do your eyes deceive you? No, the headline is correct: TWO new weapons will be available later tonight. Namely, the Custom E-liter 4K and the Custom E-liter 4K Scope. So what are the differences? Our data should help out there!

Overall, both of these charger weapons are very similar to the original E-liter 4K. However, the version with the scope has a bit longer range…the tradeoff is that you can’t store a charged shot as a squid. It all depends on what is more important to you: range or flexibility. Decisions, decisions!

Both kits also come with the Squid Beakon sub weapon and the Bubble Blower special to round it out.

Happy Friday the 13th everyone! ^_^
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Shifty Station's shaking it up.


Splatfest kicks off tonight, Friday the 13th at 9PM PT and ends Saturday the 14th at 9PM PT.

During this spooky Splatfest, we hear there will also be a new layout of Shifty Station. What will it look like? The anticipation is killing us! Killing us! Get it? Because it’s Friday the 13th and the theme is spoo—oh forget it.
I dunno how much I'm gonna do this Salmon Run, the Splat Brella doesn't seem like a great weapon for it. I loved having the Inkbrush last run too, you could run everywhere to fight nids and deliver dragonballs eggs.

So far I've been lamenting the lack of a 180-turn button (L isn't used for anything, is it?), though I have to get better at using the Y button. .52 Gal is awesome. I've had some good Ranked experience with Splattershot Pro, when I can aim properly.

Also I've been liking the Drop Roller ability, but I feel like Stealth Jump will just be better once I get something with it.
Another point! Ben 10 was never a vampire, but he was a werewolf.
Back+Y is the 180 button.
Another point! Ben 10 was never a vampire, but he was a werewolf.

Once, and then never again.

The fact that the “Monster” Aliens in Ben 10 got as jipped as they did still infuriates me to this day.
Okay first of all, what the heck's going on with Team Vampire?

And secondly, I'm sad none of you saw the Friday the 13th reference.
Marina just said live on camera that she likes Ketchup flavored ice cream and I don't think I ever felt more betrayed in my entire life.
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Holy crap I thought it was my brother just getting mad at his team like usual but it seems like team vampire really does suck lmao
Huh, the Grizzco Brella doesn't even Brella. It's just a fully automatic shotgun.
You won't believe who just won.



Looks like the full moon is over and Team Vampire has taken the win, 3-0! Thanks to both teams for participating!
Someone's gonna be howling all night. Too bad the others will be asleep all day tomorrow to care.
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I thought that Vamps would at least lose on the game front but we started steamrolling woofs every game once night set in.
I guess vamps really are creatures of the night
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Remember when someone said at this rate, Pearl won't be winning any Splatfests when they revealed the Mayo/Ketchup Splatfest? Boy, did we underestimate Pearl, now she's won three American Splatfests!
Why did people say that Team Vampire was terribad?

I stomped more Werewolves than not. I only started to lose when I got stuck with that stupid Starfish Stage thing that I suck at.
Why did people say that Team Vampire was terribad?

I stomped more Werewolves than not. I only started to lose when I got stuck with that stupid Starfish Stage thing that I suck at.
in my experience, I had to stop playing because I was in a 2 hour losing streak without a single win.
Vampires sucked big time for the first few hours, I kept getting teamed with levels 1-10 while woofs had no one lower than 30
in my experience, I had to stop playing because I was in a 2 hour losing streak without a single win.

That sucks!

Pun unintended.
I would have kept up the hype, but way too often did my connection become unplayable. Im not sure if other people had this problem, but I saw a miipost about it so I gave up by time I got Defender status.
I was only able to play for a little bit, but I swear I'm cursed. As for every Splatfest thus far I get paired into teams that have 1 or 2 disconnects/idlers like 3 matches in a row. And that's not counting any other disconnects/idlers sprinkled throughout. I didn't even get past fanwolf before throwing up my hands going 'WHATEVER' as I'm not slogging my way through another Splatfest going against 3v4 or 2v4s.
I haven’t lost a Splatfest yet.

Save for the demo one. But let’s face it, who counts that?
In terms of fraudulent Splatfests, here's one:
Ha rhyming




According to our reports, it may be time to arrange a range change (which may be a little strange). The Range Blaster will be available later tonight! True to its name, the ink from this blaster has an extended range before it explodes. Just note that the trade-off is a slower rate of fire (there’s always a catch!). Rounding out the kit are Suction Bombs and the Ink Storm special.