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Deleted most of my splatnet art screenshots so I can delay the inevitable problem of capturing every piece of Off The Hook and Squid Sisters dialogue. And so I've just put a lot of them online!
More relevant than ever


The truth is always relevant


My favorite trend that never caught on




She's one of them!













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Well I just got done going on a 2hour long lose streak. Bright side I only -4 against pulp hahaha :,).

So I did some scouring around in game looking for secrets and one thing kept popping up, though I don't know of what importance it has. Mt. Nantai kept popping up in 3 different places; 1st. Callie and Marie talk about a small white ghost that can break windows with it screams appearing there; 2nd. Pearl met Marina for the first time there; 3rd. During the first time Capt. and Off the Hook talk in Octo Expansion, where Capt and 8 are directly under Mt. Nantai. Now if this is where the next big story thing is going to take place, or this is just a "hey this is where stuff is going down just so you know" thing. But if it is story related and we know we're getting content for another year, I wouldn't be surprised if we get a smaller DLC that focuses on story and DJ Octo and him taking over the left over Sanitized Octocarians to make up for the forces he lost to the Calamari Inkantation at Mt. Nantai. That or we're gonna get a full spin off game in 2.5 or 3.5 years and it'll be Xcom with the Squidbeak Platoon vs DJ Octo.

Also weird things I noticed when playing though some of stages of Octo expansion. There's a giant ribcage in ooze in the stage where's there's a gate with octosnipers and you have to zigzag climb up a wall with octocopters and it's the only stage I found with something like that in it. At the end of the stage for the lazer portion of the escape you can see glass "cages" with the blue IV drops in them. And as you climb up you can see the blue goo being piped up to surface. Also with statue destroyed and creating a polluted area in the ocean people are speculating that we might be getting Sanitized Salmonids or a new Salmon run Stage vaguely based on statue's remains. (Relatively spoiler free of cours)
lol I forgot about Callie's ghost story. I think it rarely comes up in their conversations... I feel like I only read it once.

I doubt we're getting any more progress until Splatoon 3. Mayyyybe very scattered hints in future stages and news dialogue.
Well, the reason I think we might get more before Splatoon 3 is that I do another 4 year gap until another full Splat release. Or even not until next console. The only game we tend to get a multi console release (not counting spinoffs) is Kirby and I think it's just because it's Kirby is so easy to develop for. So I personally say more DLC or even more likely a story based spinoff is more likely than a 3 release. And the reason I think that we'll see something before 3 is just because Splat as become a huge money maker for Nintendo so I can see them milking out as much as they can before 3 comes out and Splat is a relatively simple game to design around.
I'm really proud of how well I did this Splatfest. Apparently I stopped playing like hot garbage and actually got good. And with the Dualies no less. It was nice.

Also I just really like that the ink colors reminded me of an orange. That was also nice.
I hate to burst your bubble but I think it's just because No-Pulp blew chunks. Like I splatfested for 7 hours and still didn't reach the rank of queen. Like I couldn't save my team with my go to weapons and gear, the most frustrating splatfest I had in a while.
I just wanted to be happy about not getting slaughtered every five minutes but okay.
Hey man I went I went 7 hours where over half of that time my team barely broke 30% most of the time, I'm just a little salty. But don't get my wrong, I'm happy for you, I'm sure you did fantastic out there. Because if you can walk away felling great about how you did, you probably did do great and where credit to team.
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I got 20-13, but it didn't exactly feel like that. I can't remember the last time I saw someone get sub-500 points in Splatfest, but I saw two teammates in a single game both in the 400s. A lot of the losses we were on the backfoot the whole time. Resetting calibration matches for every single splatfest results in more chaotic matchmaking with the playercount of Octo Expansion's launch.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention but basically almost every match I had ended with a connection error every time I won and after I got experience points. Idk why but it was kinda funny.

I like to think it was the game not being able to handle me being at the top of the leaderboard.

So apparently no-pulp was like 1 or 2 wins from winning solo's, but at the same time I kinda can't believe it. So either:
1. The connection issues people where experiencing at the end of rounds skewed the results.
2. The results are bull like people have been saying for years.
3. I just had the worst luck yesterday going 18-32 with most wins being from before Splatfest.
So I wasn't the only one who got those.

Can we just have one Splatfest without people saying it was rigged? Please?
I think it's rigged, but not in the way everyone else thinks. I think Pulp won 100% (heh) at least given the splatfest rules (that no one will be happy with because people will constantly think popularity should matter more or vise versa). But I think that win ration is rigged, like there is no way Non pulp even began to get that close to a decent win ration on solo.
Here's some cool stuff plus some references I found while playing the Octo Expansion

There's more than one N64 in this stage and they're all grouped together

Game and Watch handhelds

A giant GameCube and yes, there's more than one

It's hard to see but this Game and Watch is different from the previous handhelds

I know it probably isn't, but I'm pretty sure it's a Madagascar reference

This one's pretty obvious

A Jem reference
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Sorry for double posting but new weapons are coming



As they say, the best defense is a good…defense. The Tenta Sorella Brella will provide plenty of protection, especially with its Splash Wall sub. Just don’t forget about the offensive punch that the Curling-Bomb Launcher provides.

The brella is already a wall, it doesn't need Splash Wall.



Now here’s a unique weapon indeed – the Explosher! Seemingly made from an industrial heater, you’ll be able to fling ink great distances—ink that explodes on contact with walls and floors. The Sprinkler and Bubble Blower make this a particularly aggressive set.


Make your point with this PENsive weapon. The Ballpoint Splatling is a Splatling cannon with two different firing rates! It brings exceptional flexibility to the battlefield and is quite the signature weapon.

It comes with the Toxic Mist sub & Inkjet special ability. Get clicking and check it out tomorrow night (6/30) at Ammo Knights!


Putting the “bam” in “Bamboozler,” the Bamboozler 14 Mk II retains the specs of the original but adds a cool new decal. The kit comes with the Toxic Mist sub and Burst-Bomb Launcher special to slow down your foes.

If this looks like a weapon you “wood” like to use. Head over to Ammo Knights tomorrow evening, 6/30!




We hope you enjoy your stay at New Albacore Hotel, complete with a luxurious, rooftop swimming pool. Of course, pools are a terrifying hazard to Inklings and Octolings…but at least it’s still luxurious to look at! This stage is quite spacious, so please don’t get lost in the luxury when it joins the rotation tomorrow night on 6/30.
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Yeah... Giving the tenta brella a splash wall sounds extremely redundant.

That said, super hyped for the Ballpoint Splatling. Saw some footage of it being used already. It looks like it has about the same range as the heavy splatling (maybe a bit more) and it splats in four shots. Toxic Mist and Inkjet sound like a pretty good kit.
Also, while I may not have a switch or Splatoon 2 still, I will be getting the Pearl & Marina 2-pack I pre ordered.
2 weeks until their release on...dadgumit why one of those Fridays.
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Look, I know it's new but nerf the Explosher. I feel like it's kinda overpowered. Especially since a point blank shot with it is a one hit kill.
I'm so envious of people who get to play this game... I was sooo into splatoon 1 but I just havent been able to afford a switch.

Eventually I hope, and I hope I don't miss out on Splatoon 2 being still like relevant lol.

I really wanted the splatoon bundle cuz the joycons are so good in the pink/green palette
I'm so envious of people who get to play this game... I was sooo into splatoon 1 but I just havent been able to afford a switch.

Eventually I hope, and I hope I don't miss out on Splatoon 2 being still like relevant lol.

I really wanted the splatoon bundle cuz the joycons are so good in the pink/green palette
I have a feeling Splatoon 3 will be a thing before the end of the Switch's lifespan, so even if you miss Splatoon 2 you have that to look forward to.
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Lemme start actually using the Ballpoint Splatling before thinking it should be nerfed.

It's got so many things going for it over other splatlings. It's kinda nuts.
The Ballpoint is a fine weapon. I think it's perfect as is.

I've been using the Explosher since it came out and that's why I say that it could use a nerf. It doesn't feel right when I'm using it against other people. It feels like I'm making the game unfair for them. Especially since a point blank shot from it is a one hit kill.

All I ask is that the damage it does is tweaked slightly. As for the splash damage it's shots, well, I dunno about that. I'm not upset about splash damage.
The Explosher has the slowest follow-through and the one-hit kill is more precise than a blaster, while it also has a slower projectile speed than chargers or splatlings. The default kit also isn't bad but isn't very complementary. It probably dominates Camp Triggerfish Splat Zones though.

The Ballpoint is a five-shot kill but it has some great strengths. Inkjet doubles down on them and is probably great on it. Toxic Mist basically does nothing; if they wanted an ink-heavy sub so it's just not very useful because the main/special is great, then I would have gone with Suction Bomb. It seems like a pretty easy-to-use weapon compared to other charge weapons.
The Ballpoint is indeed pretty neat. As a major fan of Splatlings, I quite like the idea behind it, but to me, the thing I want most in a splatling is range, and the ballpoint is lacking in that area.

And I'm definitely appreciative that they gave the Tenta Brella a kit worth talkin about.
I do like they gave the Sorella Tenta Brella the Curling Bomb Launcher. It makes up for the turf you can't cover with a short range and it gets people to back off a bit.

Splash Wall is still a weird sub weapon choice though, especially for a weapon that you can already use to shield your teammates.
the thing I want most in a splatling is range, and the ballpoint is lacking in that area.
Its range is identical to the hydra, and that's not enough for you?
Wow they're really just segregating the citizens of Inkopolis like that.

Octolings are cuter, sexier, have largely better hair and come with terminator shades. They clearly win.
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This maybe one of the very few instances where the popular vote might actually win. The only reason I say that is for the past couple of weeks the team with more Octos tends to win, and in Salmon Run 3-4 octos = win 1-2 loss. Like I'm not saying anything, just from my experience people who have played through Octo expansion seem to more capable and that most people who played through Octo are probably going to vote Octo is all.
I literally can't pick, I like them both. I'm hot garbage whether I'm playing as an Inkling or Octoling.

Also some info about this Splatfest.

"To make the event more special, players on Team Squid will play as Inklings, and players on Team Octopus will play as Octolings. Even if you don’t have the Octo Expansion, if you’re reppin’ Team Octopus, you’ll play as Octolings. On the other hand, those fighting for Team Squid will play as Inklings even if their usual character is set to Octoling.

By the way, your appearance will only change during Splatfest battles. In the Square, you’ll appear as your usual rad self."

That's kind of neat.
You could also call this the Pearl vs. Marina Splatfest as well.