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But do the octolings get Neo Octoling Armor with Ability Doubler!?
I've been thinking about it and I'm probably gonna pick Squid. Don't get me wrong, I love Octolings. But the ink color for Team Squid is really nice and I like it. And the shirt. (I love team Octopus' shirt too)

It's gonna be an awkward Splatfest though. Especially if you take the lore and Splatfest law into consideration.
"To make the event more special, players on Team Squid will play as Inklings, and players on Team Octopus will play as Octolings. Even if you don’t have the Octo Expansion, if you’re reppin’ Team Octopus, you’ll play as Octolings. On the other hand, those fighting for Team Squid will play as Inklings even if their usual character is set to Octoling."
That throws off my calculations a bit, like I could see people choosing inklings out of defiance of not having the expansion, but now that they can be an octo for a day there really isn't a reason not to. Like originally I saw Inklink pop to be in the higher 30's but now I see them more in the higher 20's. So Inklings are gonna win this splatfest I can guarantee it. Still voting veemo.
I don't think we'll get that one after the wedge the last one drove between Callie and Marie.

That was pre-planned so they knew which Squid Sister would be missing and 1/2 the final boss for Splatoon 2 a lot easier. I can easily see Marie the Snark Queen having been brainwashed instead if the Splatfest had gone the other way.
RACE WAR STARTS N O W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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I'm loving the Ballpoint, it can keep dualie squelchers at bay and toxic mist destories rollers and keeps chargers locked down especially if they push forward. I also like the Exploser is great, but I don't like the mobility decrease, like full run speed is gonna be needed.
And Mine are pre-ordered and fully paid off :PUN:
Finally I can be tall Pearl and short Marina.
Marina's clothes will be mine.

Y'know in a... non-creepy way. Okay, a less creepy way.
My wallet when it comes to buying Amiibos (getting Amiibos would be a nice Bday present though)
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So there is at least one DLC Squid Sisters conversation.




Also Marie doesn't know how DJs work?

To be fair aren't Callie and Marie from the sticks originally? Not only that but squids seem fairly mechanically inept so I wouldn't be surprised if Callie and Marie only know how to use the bare minimum of studio equipment.
This is Marie though.


She didn't even recognize a record disc. Also she knows what a DJ is from extra dialogue against Octavio, but that may be a localization thing.

We also don't know much about Calamari County aside from having a folk-singing festival which Pearl also participated in and having a laboratory that hosts Judd's stasis tank.

The Nautilus 47 is a new Splatling-type weapon. For the first time in the Splatling category, this weapon allows you to store your charge. Its subdued tin texture and various functions will surely tickle the heart of weapon fanatics.

The Bloblobber is a new Slosher-type weapon. We heard that after the blob law was passed, the Bloblobber was created to lob lawful blob bombs. Four blobs are emitted with each fling, and flow forward and rebound off the ground and walls. Carefully drive your opponents into a corner and throw the blobs for a tactical splat!


Last but not least, Ancho-V Games will soon be making its return as a battle stage. The setting is inside the offices of the developers of the hit-game “Squid Beatz 2”.

Due to an increase in employees and outgrowing their office space, they just renovated a building next door to expand. But for now it seems like it’s being used as a place to battle. Don’t mind the mess!

Finally a weapon to go with the mech suits, as well a weapon that mimics the bouncing blob octarians.
So, apparently, Octolings and Inklings are cannibals.

I’ve always kinda wondered about how fish cuisine works in Splatoon. How much do they know about it? Because they DO know it exists, that’s what this says, but they also thought that humans didn’t eat fish, they just “existed with seafood eating monsters”, according to one of the lore pages.
It's weird because one of the Sunken Scrolls in the first game regarded fried prawn with horror, but the ink species at least are fairly biologically distant from their ancient ancestors.

Also a splatling that can store a charge sweet. We'll see how good it is. I still think Heavy Splatling is a tad underpowered with how much its painting got nerfed and regular Chargers got storing, especially now with the Ballpoint showing up with the same charge speed and more range and run speed and the gimmick.
Well they nerfed the Ballpoint to having a longer charge time, so there's that. . .

But in good news the hydra does more damage and the dual squechers consume more ink and specials take longer to charge by 10.
Ah, the ballpoint nerf doesn't affect it when you're just on the ground charging normally. So you still have the Heavy's charge speed while running around faster than the Mini (I swear the charge run speed is faster than normal running).

There's a lot of other buffs though. I'm not sure how useful the roller buff will be outside of Salmon Run, plus I think it'll encourage more bad roller play. >.> Rapid Blasters got a much-needed explosion radius nerf, though I would still like some splash damage falloff since it just seems logical...
Got my Pearl & Marina 2 pack hours ago, Still need to get Callie & Marie as well as Pre-order the Octoling 3 Pack.

Not to mention the other Amiibos & Amiibo Cards I need to hunt. It's not going to end for a good long while.
Got my Pearl & Marina 2 pack hours ago, Still need to get Callie & Marie as well as Pre-order the Octoling 3 Pack.

Not to mention the other Amiibos & Amiibo Cards I need to hunt. It's not going to end for a good long while.
Got mine today too.
Okay so, this Salmon Run is really good. It's nothing but Grizzco weapons and it. Is. Glorious.

So yeah, rip and tear to your heart's content.
I had a bunch of stuff so I only got above 500 points in the Run. There was one Cohock wave that was failed... I suspect the cannoneer got off the cannon to go retrieve eggs for too long. So uh, remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Earlier when I was playing, my team all had Grizzco Blasters. After the first wave was completed, a connection error occurred message popped up. And that was pretty funny. What wasn't funny was that I had to restart the game because it wasn't connecting to the internet.
I have had terrible luck with this Run. Maybe it's because it involves three solid weapons that aren't spray-n-pray, so it's better on paper than with pubs. The high number of Griller waves have certainly helped distinguish those who know how to use the Rapid Blaster Pro during them; hit the smallfry with it, please, it's the lowest DPS but the AoE still one-shots them.

I also got targeted over and over by two stingers in a Cohock wave when I was on the far cannon. Over most of that time, my whole team was up. This was horrible luck but also could have been solved by better teammates, I don't think anyone else got in a cannon over that 20-second period and they didn't use their small-arms to kill the stingers either. We lost.

At least the Square's art is decent today...
Cap'n's notes still need translated though (or I can't find them)
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I still haven't gotten the Golden Toothpick but I hate the person/people who put that boss fight in there.

Literally no one asked to go through hell just to get a stupid piece of headgear.
That boss was fun. It was kinda like adapting in multiplayer, but probably more like learning a speedrun. Once I got past the salty stage of "it's just a predictable bot with way too much health and ink" I got to figuring out the intricacies.

I still actually hold the regular finale as worse-designed than any stage people actually complain about, because it's not actually a challenge but it requires memorization and is on a time limit. So you basically have to lose if you're going in blind, but you can get it down every time if you just remember it; it's like Turbo Tunnel except you have seconds of leniency on everything, even that finnicky final segment.

Speaking of which, I replayed it and got extra dialogue for beating it with enough time left. Spoilers.


I dunno. I had a lot more fun with the regular finale than I did with the bonus boss.

Mostly because it didn't make me feel terrible for being at a high level and still playing like hot garbage.
God is real and her name is Annie.
And so, Annie created the bandana of comeback.

I desire sweater.
The cute.
Two young icons of Octoling culture, 1966. Definitely.
(this filter is weird)

Don't know if I'm picking up what you're throwing down.
There is always a comic/magazine and squidphone on this table. Anyone who sits in the chair just starts reading it.
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You know what I've learned during the time I've played this game?

People like to base invade and spawncamp. And this isn't every so often, this is almost every single match I've been in. If you have to rely on forcing your opponent to stay in spawn just so you can win a match instead of using your skills, then you need to develop some skills and get good. Because all you're doing is proving that you can't be arsed to play the game the way it's meant to be played.
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