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Rollers definitely aren't OP
they're just very new player friendly
a lot of people like to just like running and squashing people
once the weapon variety expands and the meta solidifies, I think we'll see a bit less of them
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I think another reason people think rollers are OP is that we haven't gotten the wide open maps yet. The two demo maps were relatively closed in and full of narrow corridors and/or full of cover for rollers to hide behind, but once rollers are forced into the open on maps like the skatepark, they will be far easier to spot and deal with.

I think I'll be sticking with the roller even after the full game comes out (and people learn to aim), since I like its intended use of covering tons of ground at the cost of lousy range.
I really enjoyed playing the demo. At first, I worry about getting myself killed multilple times, but when I actually played it, I lost and won some matches and I had a blast with the game. I might consider buying it later.
To be honest with you, the roller was my favorite weapon... I didn't find it OP at all, I definitely died a lot while using it. I kinda just didn't go for people and just inked everything, though. Admittedly, the roller can cover a lot of ground. If it got a small nerf in its ammo, though, I would be happy with that.
Yeah, Roller's basically the equivalent to TF2's Pyro.

Primarily support, but people try to force it as something offensive by just holding forward.
I didn't find the Roller too hard to fight against (I was using the Charger). The only time it felt particularly annoying to beat was when someone with a Splatter Shot Senior or Junior was behind them painting ahead of them so I couldn't retreat. Otherwise, It was just a game of having them in my sights, and at that point they were dead. My highest KDR was a 7:1 and basically all the kills were Rollers.
Yeah, I found that too
a lot of times, it wasn't actually the roller themselves, but that little bit of support that pinned me down and let the roller crush me. That or they hid and smacked me with the splash before I could react >_>
I think it's pretty much a lock that most teams will have at least one Roller, though I can see two Rollers two Juniors being pretty powerful once people learn to support each-other.
Surprisingly amiiboos are still in stock.

It's not the regular ones that're gonna be crazy to find but the 3 pack.

It still eludes me and fuck ebay. :T
I think it's pretty much a lock that most teams will have at least one Roller, though I can see two Rollers two Juniors being pretty powerful once people learn to support each-other.
The different loadouts though, man
not like we're gonna have just those 4 choices in the full game, different subs and specials will really shake the meta based on people finding out what works best with what and on what teams
I actually see the charger with the zoom scope being popular, since everyone loves a good sniping weapon
The different loadouts though, man
not like we're gonna have just those 4 choices in the full game, different subs and specials will really shake the meta based on people finding out what works best with what and on what teams
I actually see the charger with the zoom scope being popular, since everyone loves a good sniping weapon

Of course, I'm just predicting based on what I've played so far. I could very easily be wrong, and the meta will be exclusively Splatter Shot Seniors, but from what I've played and seen, Rollers look incredibly dominant with proper support and I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up being pretty universal.
Roller is just the Cerebella of Splatoon: Good on every team, but you don't really notice 'em.

And I'm mostly likely going to use nothing but the roller.
Wait are there actually clans in Splatoon or
Squidboards is calling them squads. Probably only going to be fun stuff until August but yeah they exist.
I feel like the roller isn't OP at all. It's great for painting and decent for sneak-attacks (read: W+M1 from behind), but the moment an opponent with a mid-to-long range weapon (especially the Splat Charger) and at least mediocre aim sees a roller, that roller is dead.
This. I used a charger and had no issues with rollers. The issue is that most people try to stand their ground when a roller is too close to them instead of tactically retreating to get a better shot.

I had a longer post explaining my views on smashboards, but this video explains my view of people having issues with rollers:

My only issue with rollers is that it's fucking stupid when two people rolling hit each other. It's just like "splat, both of you died!" There should be some kind of clash so that it bumps both of them back and forces them to swing the roller.

an image
...why would this imply the splattershot jr is the worst weapon? I thought it was far better than the normal splattershot, plus its special was WAY better. Bubble was the only thing in the game I thought was genuinely OP.

I really hope you can use the Pro Controller. One of my biggest gripes is using the clunky wii u game pad.
Would be kind of ludicrous to not allow the pro controller considering you can turn the gyroscope off.
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My only issue with rollers is that it's fucking stupid when two people rolling hit each other. It's just like "splat, both of you died!" There should be some kind of clash so that it bumps both of them back and forces them to swing the roller.
And then they'd probably still kill each other at the same time, but it'd just take longer. They should be swinging their rollers before they get right in front of each other, so imo they both should die at that point.

That said, the mutual kill only happen if they hit (near) head-on. I've seen some rollers survive by hitting the enemy at an angle.
I frankly find the fact rollers both bump into each other and explode extremely hilarious. I suppose that it's gonna be happening for quite a while after launch.
I frankly find the fact rollers both bump into each other and explode extremely hilarious. I suppose that it's gonna be happening for quite a while after launch.
Well see, it was funny like the first ~3 times. Then by like the 15th time I was getting a little aggravated by it. It was really boring since other rollers could force you into a situation where it's near impossible not to both explode- maybe with more loadouts and people getting more experience there will be a more defined roller mirror match-up meta game, but in the test fire it was pretty meh. Of course, with more loadout variety on launch, it's probably going to happen less often, but it was still something that seemed to need a bit of a fix.

They could also make the melee range of a swinging roller much longer than a rolling roller, just to incentivize swinging it more. I got the feeling that the swing did have better melee range but the timing was too difficult for me to learn when an enemy roller came at me and I could just eat the kamikaze attack and come out with a +/-0 on my kdr.

The other thing that annoyed me is that I had NO idea what determined whose color ink exploded on the floor because it was literally always my opponents. I started paying attention, even when I was the one running at them to kamikaze my ink would never be the one that splat. There should probably be a thing where the side of the splat radius you were in has your opponent's ink and vice versa to have the appearance of actually dying at the same time and having your explosion inks collide.
I hope you nerds are making that Squid Squad. Would be a shame for my art to go to waste. especially since i did it for free... hmmm?

so someone should go set that up in the Splatoon place.
I will now invest in one of these.


The Splatoon hype continues as Inside-Games just announced via Twitter that plushies based off of the squids in Splatoon are heading to Japan in late July. These awesome plushies will come in orange and green and will be both be priced at 2,800 yen.

As someone who’s excited for Splatoon beyond comprehension, and wants as much Splatoon merchandise as possible, this is really exciting to see. Let’s hope these make their way to the west and we see even more plushies later down the line! Maybe some Inklings and Octolings too?

Let’s just hope these are ink-free.​