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that final boss oh lord

the amount of junk flying around in that fight was pretty comparable to a typical fight with mcpeanuts
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I really wish there was more voice commands. Most of the time I lose games cause my team is so stupid and keep going for the same areas, constantly getting killed lol
I really wish there was more voice commands. Most of the time I lose games cause my team is so stupid and keep going for the same areas, constantly getting killed lol
I really doubt they'd listen to you. People rarely listen in games that have voice chat. If anything, they're just having issues staying alive, which probably means their agressive play doesnt match their skill level and they refuse to do a strategic retreat.

I'm just glad they gave players more info about what's going on on the map. Eventually they'll get it.

And I wouldnt worr about losses, really. Eventualy, the ranks will filter players better as they level up.
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I really doubt they'd listen to you. People rarely listen in games that have voice chat. If anything, they're just having issues staying alive, which probably means their agressive play doesnt match their skill level and they refuse to do a strategic retreat.

I'm just glad they gave players more info about what's going on on the map. Eventually they'll get it.

And I wouldnt worr about losses, really. Eventualy, the ranks will filter players better as they level up.
Yeah, you're right. People will level up as time goes on and be less dumb
Smash Bros is probably better honestly but I'd get this instead. This game is something completely new whereas Smash you can still play the older games. Plus the constant updates should keep it fresh.

On another note, has anyone made a Slam Jam remix of the first final boss theme? It's pretty much asking for it.
So the ranked match should be open around this time. Let me know how splatzones go. I dont get home till 10pm pst
So the ranked match should be open around this time. Let me know how splatzones go. I dont get home till 10pm pst
Well, Splatzones is a reeeeally huge win-lose scenario. I played two matches (both I won incidentally) and they were on differing maps. Here's the thing...

If the match ends BEFORE the time runs out (5 minutes), it's considered a "blowout" victory. You obtain 1800 points (500 for winning and 1300 for ending the match before the time goes out) and the losing team gets ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 0 points.

I've yet to see what it looks like if the timer is actually needed to end the match.
Splatzone Blowout is just "get fucked boy".
I've yet to see what it looks like if the timer is actually needed to end the match.
I have and only once. it is I believe, The score is how much time each team held the point.

That match ended with my team at 17 seconds remaining and the other team at 13. The points When Judd tallied were 83 to 87. The time penalties did not seem to affect this.
Wow so I've lost 4/5 matches in ranked so far. I really dislike the stages they are using right now (Urchin Underpass and Saltspray rig). It becomes so one sided extremely fast.
So after trying out the zapper... I don't have any idea why they said its damage sucks? It's about the same as the splattershot jr honestly. 4 shots to kill inklings, 5 with 3 defense buffs, pretty decent firing speed. It's not the Aerospray or the 52 gallon, but it's still pretty decent at killing things.

Wow so I've lost 4/5 matches in ranked so far. I really dislike the stages they are using right now (Urchin Underpass and Saltspray rig). It becomes so one sided extremely fast.
Saltspray rig sucks because it's stupid hard to get into those sniper perches on the sides, your only option is to throw bombs and lob shit up there in the hopes they'll give up on shooting everyone from up there.
Man I totally feel like I should wait till I'm lvl 20 before attempting this mode. Everyone is fucking rutheless, especially the japanese players
Man I totally feel like I should wait till I'm lvl 20 before attempting this mode. Everyone is fucking rutheless, especially the japanese players
The key to Splatzones is go in with a buddy. If you happen across an opponent who's by himself, you have twice the chances of sending him into respawn cooldown. Then your othe rbuddies can back you up on the other three who will likely be in the area.

Never go in alone. Ever.
I'm like 8/10 in ranked so far solo.

Ink Strike is nuts in this game mode.
I'm like 8/10 in ranked so far solo.

Ink Strike is nuts in this game mode.

Get on steam so we can talk foo.
So peanutbuttergamer did a review of this game.
Well I'm taking a break. Level 15. Ranked matches are fucking brutal as fuck.
That guy is literally me. Only without glasses. I look eerily similar to this dude and I had no idea he existed until now.
Played ranked and got obliterated for like 7-8 matches.... but after I figured out the proper strategies, I got up to B-! I don't know if that's actually good, but I'm proud of myself :P

You really have to change your mindset/loadout for this King of the Hill business, the ways you play in regular match will not get you very far. I found that weapons with good range are more effective - more chargers/squelchers and fewer paint rollers. Also, super jumping to your teammates is incredibly important, so equipping stealth jump and having the beacon sub-weapon are very useful. I think the golden rule is not to make an attempt at the point without your teammates - stay a safe distance back and charge your special weapon if you have to. Speaking of which, inkstrike and bubbler seemed to be most effective for me.

Oh and if anyone wants to play, my Nintendo ID is: Overlord_Haze
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Does anyone know when splatfeast is going on?
Played ranked and got obliterated for like 7-8 matches.... but after I figured out the proper strategies, I got up to B-! I don't know if that's actually good, but I'm proud of myself :P

You really have to change your mindset/loadout for this King of the Hill business, the ways you play in regular match will not get you very far. I found that weapons with good range are more effective - more chargers/squelchers and fewer paint rollers. Also, super jumping to your teammates is incredibly important, so equipping stealth jump and having the beacon sub-weapon are very useful. I think the golden rule is not to make an attempt at the point without your teammates - stay a safe distance back and charge your special weapon if you have to. Speaking of which, inkstrike and bubbler seemed to be most effective for me.

Oh and if anyone wants to play, my Nintendo ID is: Overlord_Haze
I'm still bummed out that you can't create teams and that they are randomized :/ Can't even make strategies with your bros because they'll be using them against you half the time.
I... think it's better than nothing? I might prefer silence to 'adjustments for a more please gaming experience'. At least they weren't trying to pretend that they actually gave a shit.
So I found out 1 bug they fixed that made me sad.

Once you reach lvl 20, Spike can add an extra ability slot to your gear (if it didn't already have 3 slots), for the price of 30,000. There was a way to cheat around this and get your money back after adding the extra slot that seems to have been fixed. You would spend your 30,000 on Spike and then go talk to the cat outside to get your money reward, and he would add back the 30,000 you had just spent.
I just love how it seemed the Squidward stuff didn't even get noticed until AFTER the game came out.
it's like everyone collectively waited patiently for the madness to ensue.
nothing is more beautiful than organized chaos.

I was addicted to that show when it came out, now I am addicted to it again. If the splatoon costumes to NA, I will have a heart attack.