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Look, to be fair, Kamen Rider Brave is a sci-fi hero doctor, who uses a Fantasy style RPG game as his template for his armor. It's the best of both worlds, am I right?
The last Salmon Run was kinda weird... I feel like a lot of people didn't know how to use the weapons effectively enough? I'll admit to being kinda one of those people with the E-Liter, but there was one game where I got the E-Liter in one wave and I still somehow got the most Power Eggs total (it wasn't a successful shift). Blaster is like the cheatcode to Salmon Run, I'm terrible with it in PvP and it's still my best Salmon Run weapon! I... ultimately didn't lose or gain any rank, I think, which is worse than usual.

Maybe people just didn't know how to kill effectively with Splattershot Pro. I had some ink problems with it so I made sure to use my shots well.
'Scuse me as I roll on by.



It appears we are on a “roll” with our latest research. The Foil Flingza Roller will be available later this evening! It retains the same stats as the Flingza Roller, but has a very official looking logo from the manufacturer attached. This kit also comes with Suction Bombs and Tenta Missiles if you like keeping enemies at bay before you roll on in.
Went 22-13 for this Splatfest. Pretty good score.
...Wait a sec.
Marina? Why are we here?

I may have cost my team a match when I blind-jumped off a platform and ended up falling to my death in the last ten seconds (Shifty Station, the only stage I don't have basic knowledge of...), we lost by 4%. But overall the trend has been that I'm carrying and we lose anyway. I've had a couple really good teams, so hopefully those players stick around for the long haul to get wins once the less experienced have gotten their titles and gone home.

And I just wanted to show off some splatfest art.

Rosalina was Sci-Fi for some reason... spaaaaace...
To add more support, unrelated, Marina won another Japanese splatfest!

The battle was: Kaarage with lemons versus Kaarage without lemons.

If you don't know, it's a Japanese delicacy.
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USA Splatfest is still going on; fret not.
It's not over, it just starts Friday night.

Anyway, I'm bringing the latest splatfest updates! I've been seeing some more wins against Team Sci-Fi, so a comeback is possible for Team Fantasy in the Solo Battle category.

Some more fanart!

By Goldi, who drew this Mage Marie earlier.

Could not find twitter.
These two in my square sometimes had their hands clip through each other. It's magic. And science.
Also I just noticed that after Off The Hook strikes their pose during splatfest, Marina points and winks as she turns back to her setup.
Splatfest results are in!

Team Fantasy earned enough EXP to level up while Team Sci-Fi just ended up crashing back down to Earth.


The results are in and Team Fantasy have conjured up a 2-1 victory! Thanks to all the Splatfest participants out there!
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Holy shit we actually did it. 51% wins in Solo Battle for Fantasy.

And Marina made a Lord of the Rings reference.

On a different note:
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Rolling around at the speed of SQUID

My sandals got another Swim Speed Up too. One sub of Ink Saver Sub, I'll take it.

I had the weirdest unstable connection yesterday.
So, I just kinda stood around waiting to be kicked from the match... and got shot by the remaining person on the other team. Turns out the match was still going with me, my one teammate and one opponent.

And that second girls' hairstyle is awesome. The first one is... Japanese, but I'll take a closer look at it in-game.
Its more than just hairstyles.... New weapons! Stages! and a whole new battle mode, topped off with brand new music!

Info dump! P.S. the betta fish is adorable and I would die for her.

A new band called the Bottom Feeders has been tearing up the Inkopolis charts lately. The band is fronted by a tropical-betta-fish violinist, features vocals by a dude made of seaweed, and also includes a shark, a scallop, and a globefish. Their unforgiving yet catchy music style is the product of fusing ancient Celtic sea shanties with punk rock.

Buckle up squiddos, we're fighting in a store.




MakoMart, the most popular superstore in Inkopolis, is now a battle stage! Since they sell many products in bulk, Inklings often buy groceries with their teammates and split things up among themselves later.

MakoMart opens its doors the evening of Black Friday, November 24th. We wouldn’t be surprised if a few Inklings start lining up outside with Tenta Brellas in anticipation of killer deals.
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Are those sliced up tentacles? Ow.
Pass time- I mean- football! We're getting football. Kinda. Sorta. Not really.



You may have noticed some clams scattered throughout stages in the latter half of the trailer. These clams are part of a new Ranked Battle mode called Clam Blitz! We’ve received a report that Clam Blitz mode will be available for competition in mid-December. Hope you’re ready!
Are those sliced up tentacles? Ow.
Inklings are made completely out of ink. It's harmless.
But Rainmaker is football.

Inklings aren't made entirely out of ink. Apparently microbes eat it when exposed to air, and inklings haven't fallen to a flesh-eating menace. Their skin is presumably tough enough to withstand fog, as the Grizzco uniform doesn't cover their faces during fog waves.

We've already seen the tentacles can be cut harmlessly, the boys' buzzcut definitely confirmed this, but shredded tentacles are a different take.
Eh, Clam Blitz sounds kinda gimmicky. Splat Zones is just king of the hill, Tower Control is symmetric payload, Rainmaker is football-style capture the flag, all straightforward classics. But Clam Blitz seems to be, like, a weird mishmash of one of TF2's halloween maps?
You never know, it could be the second Regular Battle mode.

All the existing Ranked modes are "play around a macguffin on the map, either static or mobile" which is suitable for coordinated tactics. This is... much more all over the place? It's like, a bunch of Team Deathmatch soloing until you go "okay we can play the objective now."

And I finally watched the videos. I hope we can keep exclusively Wet Floor music for battles, or even better just make your own selection of greatest hits (maybe make a minimum of four if they want people to have a variety).

I really hope we get more Squid Sisters music in the future, they've been getting the short end of the stick for how popular they still are. Hell, that could be another benefit for beating story, "unlocked the Squid Sisters' new songs!"

New clothing is new clothing, and I am still obsessed with looking good so I will gladly take the extra options of stuff that looks good, considering I'm not allowed to own two of the same shirt for some reason.
That makes the Thanksgiving Day Football Game more extreme if it were played by Inklings who don't have football helmets... yet.
You never know, it could be the second Regular Battle mode.
Nope, that first screenshot shows the icon for Ranked.
Some more stuff!

Tactical fashionable action




We also heard the winner in the gear design division from the Famitsu Magazine contest was this ghillie-suit outfit designed by Puroron from Hyogo, Japan.

This classic survival style outfit is combined with a bold seaweed-style. We heard this item will be added to the shops via the November 23rd update.

They raised the level cap and added something new.



This major software update will also raise the level cap to 99. If you talk to Judd when you reach Level 99, he’ll reset your level to ★1. If you do this, the start icon next to your level will show your foes that you mean business. From there, you can continue to raise your level up to ★99. No matter how many times you reset, your in-game Level will only display with one star emblem, but you can check how many times you’ve reset your level on the SplatNet 2 app.

It's baaaaack... (Not yet)


Hmm… I feel like I’ve seen this stage somewere before…

OH RIGHT! It’s Walleye Warehouse! There are likely a lot of veteran Inklings who still recall exciting and fierce battles that took place here.

It appears that the online shopping market has been growing enormously even in this squid world, and the warehouse is operating at full capacity. Walleye Warehouse will be open for battle in mid-December!
I knew the ghillie suit was coming, but... Ammo Knights brand clothing. That's a new one.
So I kinda get it for the guys' hairstyles where they just cut down the tentacles completely... but why does the girls' new long-haired style have just a single wide sheet of tentacle in the back!

The shredded twintails may have secretly been the best new hairstyle.



