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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

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Strange, I thought I had put my speculation that Double disguised as someone to tell Beowulf to fight against random strangers. Oh well.

As you can see, I already edited the OP. Some of them are left unstriked because they're either right or unconfirmed. New speculations are welcomed.

Anyway I said that I wanted to record the playthrough but turns out I couldn't because somehow the recorder didn't work. Sorry.
Can I talk about Beowulf as a character? We've been talking about his moral dilemma with "are you really the hero". But I have a problem with him he feels too damn stupid. He never really second guesses anyone. Like you could bring up the excuse that he thinks there other wrestlers, actors, or weridos but I'm still a bit tiked he doesn't question things or at least doesn't pursue the questions he just kinda brushes them off.

Once again I'm sorry if I seem salty and if I'm acting like an asshole but this has been really bugging me.

TL;DR: I feel like Beowulf is too stupid for his own good.
me sliding into this thread like
Double seemed way more outgoing in this story mode. Usually she's got two settings: emotionless drone doing the trinity's dirty work (with a side of making declarations about her masters) and wrathful maniac (see eliza).

But here she's tossing out puns all over the place and in general was goofing around with Beo.

She seemed to be enjoying herself much more than usual.
That peacock face tho, I damn near lost it. One of my favorite references yet!
Liked the story a lot! That Annie though..... she be like "t'is what i do... you feelin me?!"
then Beo is like #PogChamp face

Double seemed way more outgoing in this story mode. Usually she's got two settings: emotionless drone doing the trinity's dirty work (with a side of making declarations about her masters) and wrathful maniac (see eliza).

But here she's tossing out puns all over the place and in general was goofing around with Beo.

She seemed to be enjoying herself much more than usual.

nuns just wanna have funs

I feel like this should be used since we nailed some of the speculation down.

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Can I talk about Beowulf as a character? We've been talking about his moral dilemma with "are you really the hero". But I have a problem with him he feels too damn stupid. He never really second guesses anyone. Like you could bring up the excuse that he thinks there other wrestlers, actors, or weridos but I'm still a bit tiked he doesn't question things or at least doesn't pursue the questions he just kinda brushes them off.

Once again I'm sorry if I seem salty and if I'm acting like an asshole but this has been really bugging me.

TL;DR: I feel like Beowulf is too stupid for his own good.
Yeah sorta predictable (I put up the theory that he's book smart so that the idea would surprise us)

Maybe he's gullible but is actually smart.
Female characters end up in fanservice all the time here. It was only fair that Leduc and Taliesin lovers got something nice to look at. Yay for gender equality.

Always thought of Taliesin as slim rather than beefy, though.
I love that Double got to do the whole who's the real Beowulf game with the crowd
That sharktooth necklace nearly killed me
I love that Grendel's arm actually moving made sense
I was just surprised I didn't notice it, I'm not going to lie though I was distracted by Cerabella's shimapan
BeoXDubs is the new ship I never expected.

And hopefully Smug Dubs will make it into the game one day.

aaaaahhhghghgghgg i dont think i really ship them idk idk

but i was really happy that double finally showed some of her more fun personality, it just made me really happy and idk she just looked like she was having fun instead of standing next to marie the whole time like 'ugh this hoe doesnt stfu' she like......went out of her way to go dick with beo idk it made me really happy because i always thought of her as a character who kept to herself and was really devoted to her beliefs and stuff and she just looked so happy and like she was having a good time in this story i love it aaahh
Female characters end up in fanservice all the time here. It was only fair that Leduc and Taliesin lovers got something nice to look at. Yay for gender equality.
Petition to Lab Zero to slow down the progression of the slides.
I feel like this should be used since we nailed some of the speculation down.
aaaaahhhghghgghgg i dont think i really ship them idk idk

but i was really happy that double finally showed some of her more fun personality
I like this new Double. And she was more of a character than her previous (pretty bland) interactions. Not counting her Eliza freak out of course.

Now they just need to remove that filter off her voice. I still have no idea what she's saying half the time.
Double is like, a low key jokester.
She's a B) kind of troll.
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I don't know what's funnier the fact double is wearing sunglasses or the fact she's wearing sunglasses UNDER her sunglasses
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Double is like, a low key jokester.
She's a B) kind of troll.
She's just getting into the gig, lets not be too harsh on her. Baby's first pun, etc.

As for the old "emotionless in vanilla" vs the new "smug in Squigly's / angry in Eliza's / dicking in Beo's story" thing, I reckon she's evolving. That is, not in-universe but in Alex's/Lab Zero's vision.

Perhaps they decided that giving her a personality works better for her than being an indifferent tool. Between that and all the incredibly good monsterish story art she received after the Indiegogo, I'd say that as far as defining a character goes, she benefited the most from the DLC story modes (aside from their respective protagonists of course).
I'd say that as far as defining a character goes, she benefited the most from the DLC story modes (aside from their respective protagonists of course).

What are you talking about? We learned that Minette caters at the casino!
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She's just getting into the gig, lets not be too harsh on her. Baby's first pun, etc.

As for the old "emotionless in vanilla" vs the new "smug in Squigly's / angry in Eliza's / dicking in Beo's story" thing, I reckon she's evolving. That is, not in-universe but in Alex's/Lab Zero's vision.

Perhaps they decided that giving her a personality works better for her than being an indifferent tool. Between that and all the incredibly good monsterish story art she received after the Indiegogo, I'd say that as far as defining a character goes, she benefited the most from the DLC story modes (aside from their respective protagonists of course).

I think she really blends her personality with her current disguise and said personalities have staying power.

A quiet serious nun.

An elegant mysterious party gift giver.

A laid-back manager.

She has to act well, not only look well to do her job.

She is no one that can be everyone.