Eliza isn't just doing things for the evils. Although she clearly is a sado-masochist and seems to take great joy in inflicting pain. You do clearly get this vibe of "The world is my birthright" from her. Her motivations remind me a lot of someone like Red Skull in being totally amoral and completely without remorse but insisting that rulership is suited only for her. At the same time, she strikes me as a villain who would have some sort of twisted affection for those who showed her loyalty to the point of sycophancy. I mean I can totally see her growing attached to her headless blood doll after a few decades of breaking her.
(I notta perv.......No, really...)
Not doing for the evil doesn't make it excusable or not evil. You can't dismiss the nature of actions only because the purpose is not evil per se.
Eliza must die and die horribly. I hope Mega Maid can do it and then die to redeem herself for the massacre of Lab 8.
That said, Eliza is a great villain. I am loving hating her.
And damn @BlackRoseAngel now I am going to search for soul-scarring hentai of what you said. :P