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Eliza SPOILERS - Eliza Story Mode Discussion

If a bearded ragged man approached me talking about the world's end, I'd sooner take him to be a crazy hobo than Jesus.
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Just pointing this out, but the only trinitist in the cast besides Double is Parasoul and the latter calls the former a demon.

And maybe Squigly, since Lamia's crown appears in one of her tombstones.
If a bearded ragged man approached me talking about the world's end, I'd sooner take him to be a crazy hobo than Jesus.
Well, he could also be He-Man.
As Eliza will be releasing in the next day or so across most territories there are bound to be people wanting to discuss her story mode. In order to keep it a surprise ll discussion is going to be kept in here.

Post everything you want relating to Eliza's story mode in here! AND NOWHERE ELSE.

Posting any spoilers for her story mode outside of this thread will result in warnings.

View attachment 6298

Where does that image show up in the game?
So uh... the catacombs aren't catacombs...they are ancient ruins. Dont believe me, go back and just take a look at the scenes leading up to Eliza diving deeper in the ruins. They look like buildings built over top of even more ruins(Gehenna) I mean after another look I can see how they are simply catacombs but look at the final atrium stage and look at the confrotation with Double scenes they look like buildings. Also i find it funny that Lamia uses other girls to continue her rage on man. Girl seriously is a restless spirit who only wants her daughters back it seems
Alex had previously confirmed that if a Skullgirl is defeated but the Skull Heart isn't wished upon (where the current Skullgirl would be replaced with a new one), she will regenerate sooner or later.

Assuming that the post-credit scene is to be taken seriously (i.e. within the context of what would be canonical possible for the characters to do and not just a joke ending), then I think it might be possible that Double gave Marie more power to regenerate faster than she would in the other stories where the Heart wasn't wished upon, because, unlike in the other threads where Double is simply going through the motion of continuing the Skullgirl cycle, she actually has personal vendetta against Eliza and is actually serious about destroying her.
Or maybe this "Marie" is just Double...

Oh, because if were assuming that after Eliza Destroyed the Skullheart that Squigly died for a little while and then came back?
Yeah I'm not believing that crap, it's totally Double using the essence of the Skullheart to create a Vessel to get her revenge on Eliza for Destroying Aeon and Venus. And by using the essance of the Skullheart, this explains why Squigly is able to live to fight Eliza with Fillia. So to recap this theory out... Double makes Giant Marie Gundam out of the Skullhearts essence to fight Eliza witch in hand is screwing with the entire thing that Squigly has with the Skullheart, so it's expected that ethier A: Eliza defeats Double-Marie and Squigly has her peaceful rest or B: Double-Marie defeats Eliza and everything is back to the way it was with Squigly.... except that thiers a gaint Skullgirl walking around.
Official Eliza Kill count

Filia (eventually)
Skull Heart

Good God, Alex, nerf please!
Also, captive Ms. Fortune used as an eternal drinking fountain. Might as well be dead at that point.
@BlueFox asked:
Just awnser me this: What is the stage Gehenna, what it has to do with the whole story?, whats the meaning behind of it?

  • Double's seat of power (see quotes below)
  • a realm of gore and ancient ruins
  • looks to be located below a ruined city, perhaps in No Man's Land
Eliza smashes through the nest of glowing cyan energy veins to discover hidden Gehenna. After being reinvigorated in the pool of blood, Eliza and Double chat:

Double: All you've done is trap yourself in my world. Your suffering will be unending! I will shatter you until not a trace remains!
Eliza: I think not. I'm the one in my element here, shadow of a queen.
Eliza: It reminds me of that feral's blood... Perhaps not as rich, but I have more than I need. Far more.​

Gehenna in literature
According to Judaism and Christian myth, it is a Purgatory-like place of punishment or destruction of the wicked. A place where both soul and body could be destroyed (Matthew 10:28). Gehenna is a term derived from a place outside ancient Jerusalem known in the Hebrew Bible as the "Valley of the Son of Hinnom." A site was initially where apostate Israelites and followers of various Ba'als and other Canaanite gods, including Moloch (or Molech), sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6). Thereafter it was deemed to be cursed (Jer. 7:31, 19:2-6). Thanks Wikipedia!

So let's take a look at Gehenna. What do you think it is? Where is it and what does it do?

I think it is not in another dimension, but literally underground. After stomping Double, Eliza flies out through a hole in the ceiling, thousands of liters of stolen blood pulled along with her. I think Gehenna is a blood bank. A parasite paradise. While some humans dream of a heaven where milk and honey overflow, Gehenna has a whole lake of nutritious blood. To a parasite, blood is power. More blood more power. What Double is saving up for is a mystery, but it seems Eliza uses it to go on a rampage.
@BlueFox asked:
Just awnser me this: What is the stage Gehenna, what it has to do with the whole story?, whats the meaning behind of it?

  • Double's seat of power (see quotes below)
  • a realm of gore and ancient ruins
  • looks to be located below a ruined city, perhaps in No Man's Land
Eliza smashes through the nest of glowing cyan energy veins to discover hidden Gehenna. After being reinvigorated in the pool of blood, Eliza and Double chat:

Double: All you've done is trap yourself in my world. Your suffering will be unending! I will shatter you until not a trace remains!
Eliza: I think not. I'm the one in my element here, shadow of a queen.
Eliza: It reminds me of that feral's blood... Perhaps not as rich, but I have more than I need. Far more.​

Gehenna in literature
According to Judaism and Christian myth, it is a Purgatory-like place of punishment or destruction of the wicked. A place where both soul and body could be destroyed (Matthew 10:28). Gehenna is a term derived from a place outside ancient Jerusalem known in the Hebrew Bible as the "Valley of the Son of Hinnom." A site was initially where apostate Israelites and followers of various Ba'als and other Canaanite gods, including Moloch (or Molech), sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6). Thereafter it was deemed to be cursed (Jer. 7:31, 19:2-6). Thanks Wikipedia!

So let's take a look at Gehenna. What do you think it is? Where is it and what does it do?

I think it is not in another dimension, but literally underground. After stomping Double, Eliza flies out through a hole in the ceiling, thousands of liters of stolen blood pulled along with her. I think Gehenna is a blood bank. A parasite paradise. While some humans dream of a heaven where milk and honey overflow, Gehenna has a whole lake of nutritious blood. To a parasite, blood is power. More blood more power. What Double is saving up for is a mystery, but it seems Eliza uses it to go on a rampage.

Yeah but in Beo's story mode, Gehenna is inside Double, so how it can be in undergroud?
Yeah but in Beo's story mode, Gehenna is inside Double, so how it can be in undergroud?
The inside of Double is probably a weird spacial link to Gehenna, like a wormhole.
Also don't quote a whole post that big, just the part you're replying to.
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This Cathedral really needs a map:
  • Top Chamber: Big shiny church that the public goes to for worship and being manipulated by nuns.
  • Mid-Level: Down some stairs, meet the Skullgirl and the catacombs. Presumably this is where the dead are "traditionally" kept.
  • Down some more stairs and glowy vein things, a giant pool of blood and ruins.
Now, Beowulf
  • Was eaten by Double
  • Ended up in Gehenna, where he fought Double
  • Exited out through a hole in Gehenna, and out of a vein into a level of the church a little bit beneath Marie's Atrium
And Eliza
  • Fought Marie in the Atrium
  • Fought Double in the Atrium
  • Bled down the veins (and presumably the stairs) into Gehenna
  • Flew out, and directly back into the Atrium to smash the Skull Heart
Also, somehow going down the stairs to face Marie... leads to open night sky and swirling bits of architecture. So... the church explodes when Marie dons her giant skulls of projectile doom?

Still, based on Double's ability to fight in Gehenna, and Eliza and Annie directly leaving Gehenna, it seems Gehenna is a contained chamber of blood, ruins, and matter directly beneath the Canopy Kingdom, with veins and channels seeping into the ground a la the Final Atrium. This is how you can cut a vein to jump into/out of Gehenna. Likewise, there's probably a more direct opening to Gehenna from the Atrium, which is why Eliza was able to bleed along the veins and flow in, but didn't have to cut an opening. This is also how Albus, Horus, and Double were able to jump right in.

Yeah... We could use a map. I don't think Gehenna is Double any more than "the Bath of Sekhmet" is Eliza, but she can connect herself to the veins and the matter there. "Zane" simply opened a tunnel connecting Beowulf to the blood pit below. Speculatively, there's an earthquake in the area around the evens of the plot that we don't get to see the aftermath of.

Here's hoping Robo Fortune's an epilogue that, while not the canon story, takes place in the canon timeline so we can learn things. Then again, I'm kind of a lore junkie.
The inside of Double is probably a weir spacial link to Gehenna.
Also don't quote a whole post that big, just the part you're replying to.

Off Topic
Sorry ;-;
Not so used to foruns...

Come to think about it for one second.

Double take Eliza to Geheena for revenge stuff beacuse she killed Aeon and Vênus (a point that does not make sence becuse they are gods of space and time, they could literally erase the existence of Elisa and they are pretty alive in Double's ending).

Double "eats" Beowulf and he ends up in Gehenna. After the fight between the two, she says that she can make the place pretty much uncomfortable.

But in both story modes they escape from Gehenna goin upwards.

So here's my Theory:
Geheena can be actually a place where everything gore and discusting from Double is and she has total control over it.

But here's my Question:
Gehenna is Double or Double's World?
In Beo's ending, after goin upwards, he ends up in Marie's Stage, so Double can kinda be a portal to Marie?

But it would be very nice if Mr Mike "Wonderfull" Z say something about the stage, just a sugestion.
As I recall, the Canon Info Thread said something about Eliza being a lieutenant of Lamia way back when. She betrayed Lamia and killed Aeon and Venus, so Eliza's just as much a "god" as they are. There isn't a traditional afterlife per se; Aeon, Venus, and Mother/Lamia (?) are instead in some sort of pocket dimension called "The Abyss." Skullgirls 3 was going to have Squigly and Leviathan's operatic harmony/accidental tapping into Abbadon's powers rip a hole into this plane.
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But we gotta get Skullgirls 2 before we can even think of a 3.
The one thing i'd like to know about Gehenna is, as serious question:

Is it a haunted place or not?

I mean, it feels like that place is haunted by actual spirits of deceased people or something, i'm not saying it because of the creepy music and the whispers in it, but because probably hundreds of living beings have perished there, so i think some of the spirits of the deceased can't move on and just linger around the place, like, if you wander around in Gehenna while Double is not there but instead somewhere else dealing with something or somebody, you can end up running into a vegenful ghost or something.

I really like to thing it's actually haunted, it's a nice way to make the place even creepier and unsettling.
IF they make a second

Well, I heard SG2 was going to be "Everybody fights Eliza," so...

You know what? I am totally okay with this. Annie vs Eliza needs to happen. Beo vs Eliza needs to happen. Blood Goddess is a bizarrely perfect foil for so much of the cast:
  • Annie: Externally Inflicted Perma-Youth Immortal for Justice vs Self-Seeking Forever "Mature" Woman
  • Beowulf: Mortal "I Wanna Be the (Good) Guy" vs Immortal "Look Good, Eat Better"
  • Filia: New to the parasite game with a repentant, kind of scuzzy Samson vs ancient, "played this before and plays to win" Sekhmet
  • Squigly: Parasite as Servant, Youthful and Innocent vs Eternal Conquest and, um, "Adult Content"
  • Cerebella: Naive, Fooled but Kind Mortal on Borrowed Power
  • Ms. Fortune: Tragic Accident, Self-Powered vs Constant Plans, Parasite/Host Union
  • Peacock: Other people's weapon instead of her own wrath, still young and, if not innocent, good-hearted... ish.
  • Big Band: Similar to Peacock, but also has that whole "heroic fighting for others" thing
  • Painwheel: Also similar to Peacock, but less fun
  • Valentine: Mortal doing ill for a cause vs Immortal eating under false "benevolent" pretenses for her own gain
  • Marie: Similar to Valentine, but more skulls, fewer needles
  • Parasoul: Rightful heir to a thrown, "the good queen" who owns up to a tragic legacy, vs a usurper who hides from a past that she's, ironically, proud of
  • Double: Intrinsically a servant of the Trinity, specifically avoids the spotlight.
As I recall, the Canon Info Thread said something about Eliza being a lieutenant of Lamia way back when. She betrayed Lamia and killed Aeon and Venus, so Eliza's just as much a "god" as they are. There isn't a traditional afterlife per se; Aeon, Venus, and Mother/Lamia (?) are instead in some sort of pocket dimension called "The Abyss." Skullgirls 3 was going to have Squigly and Leviathan's operatic harmony/accidental tapping into Abbadon's powers rip a hole into this plane.
More than lieutenant. Top General (and right hand woman), if I remember correctly. This kind of specificity is something that would likely be decided when they actually write up the story, though.
One of the things I like about Eliza is the completely unambiguous nature of her evil. She is literally the most despicable, least trustworthy, most vile creature in existence, and that kind of corruption is admirable in it's dark purity. Wrap all that up in a beautiful body, and you have a seriously extreme case of pretty on the outside, disgusting on the inside :P

If Aeon looks as she did back in the day, I think it's fair to assume she was some sort of religious functionary, and Eliza murdered that child priestess without blinking. Along with her violent rebellion (which, by the looks of things, led to the destruction of her civilization), there's no telling how many people she's murdered. Millions? We won't know until Alex & co tell us more.

Bonus specualtion: Delilah was a soldier/general who remained loyal to Lamia during the rebellion, based on her clothing. That's all I'm basing that on.
One of the things I like about Eliza is the completely unambiguous nature of her evil. She is literally the most despicable, least trustworthy, most vile creature in existence, and that kind of corruption is admirable in it's dark purity. Wrap all that up in a beautiful body, and you have a seriously extreme case of pretty on the outside, disgusting on the inside :P

Would you care to elaborate? One of the things that always impressed me about Eliza was how pragmatic and restrained she seems. For instance, the charity blood drive thing: I was under the impression Eliza took just as much as wouldn't be noticed. Considering she has to get food somewhere, I thought it a remarkably clever and harmless means of sustenance.

Regarding Ms. Fortune, the alternative at the time was handing her to the Mafia, so the choice was "bolster a threat against her or take advantage of an opportunity." If Eliza had chosen to be a little nicer about it, Fortune might have chosen to go along with an attack on the Medicis later in exchange for letting Eliza feed when necessary. However, diplomacy and subtlety don't seem to be among Nadia's skill set, so Eliza had little alternative to a "cute new drinking fountain." Likewise, Cerebella wouldn't back down, and letting her live would've been a liability later. The Medicis declared war, so Eliza fought accordingly.

Along similar lines, Samson and Leviathan attacked her. Okay, Eliza has probably had this coming to her for hundreds of years, but given the storyline at the time, what was her alternative but to fight back? As for seeking the Skull Heart... okay, that was a simple power-grab. A useful opportunity and eventual necessity given Double's vendetta. Same deal with going to war against the Medicis: They would have struck against her. They'd already made a threat. Better to land the first blow from a place of strength before they've gotten a chance to gather their bearings.

Yes, Eliza is a bloodsucking fiend, a carnivorous predator. The thing I like about her is that she's exactly what a blood sucking fiend needs to be. She hunts, but she doesn't over hunt- the lion gives the gazelle time to repopulate, as it were. If she were left alone, everybody would be fine. You can trust her the same way you trust fire- to burn.

Of course, we don't know what the circumstances were like prior to the Crimson Scourge. A younger, less experienced Eliza was probably every bit as terrible as advertised, especially if she was just learning how to manage her hunger.

We also know very, very little about the Trinity other than "They've been around for a while" and "Their leader's current plans involve building a meat dungeon." Aeon might have been an innocent priestess... or she might have kept a timetable of the country's executions. The Holy Mother would love and avenge either.

Speculation! There was probably a heroic "La Resistance" during Lamia's reign, that Eliza corrupted and took over for her own gain, seeing the opportunity. "The Crimson Scourge," then, would be a combination of "The Terror" and an "All You Can Eat Buffet." Delilah, then, would've been an ill-fated "Scarlet Pimpernel" analog.
Would you care to elaborate? One of the things that always impressed me about Eliza was how pragmatic and restrained she seems. For instance, the charity blood drive thing: I was under the impression Eliza took just as much as wouldn't be noticed. Considering she has to get food somewhere, I thought it a remarkably clever and harmless means of sustenance.
Evil doesn't have to be frenzied. She's pragmatic, sure, but blood drives are also fairly recent development in public health. I'm willing to bet she'd been running a more standard, "suck blood in the night," schedule for many years. She likely hasn't been, "Eliza," for that long (compared to her total lifespan).
Regarding Ms. Fortune, the alternative at the time was handing her to the Mafia, so the choice was "bolster a threat against her or take advantage of an opportunity." If Eliza had chosen to be a little nicer about it, Fortune might have chosen to go along with an attack on the Medicis later in exchange for letting Eliza feed when necessary. However, diplomacy and subtlety don't seem to be among Nadia's skill set, so Eliza had little alternative to a "cute new drinking fountain." Likewise, Cerebella wouldn't back down, and letting her live would've been a liability later. The Medicis declared war, so Eliza fought accordingly.

Along similar lines, Samson and Leviathan attacked her. Okay, Eliza has probably had this coming to her for hundreds of years, but given the storyline at the time, what was her alternative but to fight back? As for seeking the Skull Heart... okay, that was a simple power-grab. A useful opportunity and eventual necessity given Double's vendetta. Same deal with going to war against the Medicis: They would have struck against her. They'd already made a threat. Better to land the first blow from a place of strength before they've gotten a chance to gather their bearings.
Eh, this is more a case of your/my interpretation. I think you're giving her quite the benefit of the doubt, lol. Her levels of enjoyment were well in line with the, "remorseless murderer," character type.
Yes, Eliza is a bloodsucking fiend, a carnivorous predator. The thing I like about her is that she's exactly what a blood sucking fiend needs to be. She hunts, but she doesn't over hunt- the lion gives the gazelle time to repopulate, as it were. If she were left alone, everybody would be fine. You can trust her the same way you trust fire- to burn.
I guess. Thing is, she's laid dormant for a long time, but I'm of the opinion that this is because she recognizes that she's a terrible leader/ruler (having already experienced colossal failure with her last takeover attempt), and is satisfied with living a life of excess and comfort (basically what she wanted, but without any of the responsibility). As we see in her story mode, she only gets back on the horse after getting back her taste for murder. I think it's pretty clear that she'd just do the same thing as before: completely destroy the civilization she's trying to take over. I doubt she cares, but she's got the fever.
Of course, we don't know what the circumstances were like prior to the Crimson Scourge. A younger, less experienced Eliza was probably every bit as terrible as advertised, especially if she was just learning how to manage her hunger.
Again, I don't think she caused all that trouble because of youth or a need to feed; she's just inherently broken on the inside. The most monstrously inhumane of woman and parasite, an unholy and ruinous pairing.
We also know very, very little about the Trinity other than "They've been around for a while" and "Their leader's current plans involve building a meat dungeon." Aeon might have been an innocent priestess... or she might have kept a timetable of the country's executions. The Holy Mother would love and avenge either.
Revenge is desired for a ton of reasons, not the least of which is that Lamia ruled a great empire, and Eliza fucked it all up. Throw in the murder of (likely) her entire family, and I think you start to run out of reasons to see it from Eliza's perspective. I mean, yeah, you could come up with all kinds of rationales for Eliza's actions and behavior, but you can only grasp at so many straws, you know? Chick is seriously messed up.
I think you're giving her quite the benefit of the doubt, lol. Her levels of enjoyment were well in line with the, "remorseless murderer," character type.

I guess. Thing is, she's laid dormant for a long time, but I'm of the opinion that this is because she recognizes that she's a terrible leader/ruler (having already experienced colossal failure with her last takeover attempt), and is satisfied with living a life of excess and comfort (basically what she wanted, but without any of the responsibility). As we see in her story mode, she only gets back on the horse after getting back her taste for murder. I think it's pretty clear that she'd just do the same thing as before: completely destroy the civilization she's trying to take over. I doubt she cares, but she's got the fever.

Again, I don't think she caused all that trouble because of youth or a need to feed; she's just inherently broken on the inside. The most monstrously inhumane of woman and parasite, an unholy and ruinous pairing.

...I mean, yeah, you could come up with all kinds of rationales for Eliza's actions and behavior, but you can only grasp at so many straws, you know? Chick is seriously messed up.

Fair points, all around. Eliza definitely takes more joy in "her work" than is necessary. I guess I was inundated by "gritty vampire with a soul" by other media a while back, so the complete and utter lack of remorse is oddly refreshing. She is absolutely terrible, and unapologetically so. A unity of terrifying ability and purpose.

Eliza absolutely needs to be opposed, but at the same time... every time she did something terrible, I was impressed. Girl's messed up, but... wow.
Eliza was able to bleed along the veins and flow in, but didn't have to cut an opening. This is also how Albus, Horus, and Double were able to jump right in.

Actually, she and everyone else did enter the veins.
Double could've eaten beowulf and took him to Ghenna, going on a hunch, but it seems the veins go directly to Ghenna as seen when Annie ripped her way through and used that same portal as an exit
I still love how all the carnage Eliza caused was all because the Medici's decided to blackmail her. If it weren't for that, she'd just be some diva ho was satisfied siphoning blood for herself for all eternity.
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I imagine that eventually Eliza would have come around to going full Sekhmet again at some point or another regardless of blackmail. It didn't exactly take much to tip her over the edge and go on a murdering/giant monster spree.
She is just blood and bones after all.
Not even bones apparently, she's 100% blood and then there is Sekhmet.