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Squigly Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice? (NEW THREAD)

Here's a gimmicky thing.

Doing charged center stage into daisy pusher will still put the opponent in a bunch of hitstop regardless of if they are in range, so you can do silly stuff like this (The assist has to be blocked correctly before the center stage flash)
It is not possible to combo after since you have to use daisy pusher, but at least it's a fullscreen low for 1000 damage. I bet that could win rounds or something.
I am having trouble finding more devious applications of this.

Edit: Oh I totally forgot you can dhc into character #2 while character #3 is on screen as an assist
So for two bars, you can in fact combo after this provided the right team. Neato
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can't you center stage+assist with out the daisy pusher and they still have to block low before the sing?
Center stage has a lot less hitstop on its own, so the assist will have to already be in active frames during the flash for that to work. It has applications for sure, but it is much easier to react to the assist being called.
This is a guide I developed for intermediate-level Skullgirls players who want to pick up Squigly as a main or as a sub.

The tech displayed here was developed 'in a vacuum' (my friends don't play Skullgirls, my neighborhood doesn't have an FGC, and my Internet is lousy), so it's not as tournament-grade as I'd like, but I did the best I could.
Not sure if this have been mentioned but Squigly gets a 50/50 after Beowulf's 214KK in the corner.
As long as you use OTG any Beo combo should work. It's also safe against most things I've tested so far.
Just theory crafting but I think Squig/Beo may be the most durable/efficient/viable Squigly duo. Since duos seem to be the new meta. H chair toss is a great anti air which is something squigly desperately needs as an assist, not to mention you can easily convert off it.

In the corner you can combo in to sliding knockdown by calling it and charging arpeggio while they are air born. Corner knockdowns are something I really like especially since I've recently discovered to safe jump reversals.

One of the biggest things that make it more appealing over other dp assists is that you can combo of grabs midscreen meterlessly. You have to use the chris g method, which is calling your assist then grab but I've been using this for a while with Eliza's Oshiri Spiral so I'm used to it. Oh to do it for any wondering is, you call assist, grab, cancel grab with silver chord to convert.

This makes her low, throw game that much more effective since her overheads are somewhat lacking and you really don't want to be using meter just to convert a ground throw if you don't have to.

Not to mention you get either daisy pusher/air grab dhc shenanigans and drag n bite lets beo do some interesting conversions of his grabs. Drag n bite is a pretty good lock down for beo hop mix ups too.

You can also escape some stuff with beo's air grab dhc and combo tag into beo with chord>tag. Only thing is you cant safely tag back into squigly. My previous method was the sliding knockdown with bella/eliza but beo doesn't have any knockdowns that give you enough time to safely tag squigly in. Only other method i can think of so far is wall bounce into the coffin tag when you are comboing on top of the coffin, both seem highly positioning dependent. This seems a bit of a minor point to complain on though.
Not sure if anyone has messed with it but the 3rd & 4th (I think) hits of Squigly's j.mk vacuum a bit, I'm not sure if anything can be done with this but has anyone messed around with it? I was trying to see if i could find some janky corner crossup on lights but no effect so far.
What about that crazy cross under in the corner with s.mp(1) launch that fuzzy was doing at CB? someone should break that down here.
Not sure if anyone has messed with it but the 3rd & 4th (I think) hits of Squigly's j.mk vacuum a bit, I'm not sure if anything can be done with this but has anyone messed around with it? I was trying to see if i could find some janky corner crossup on lights but no effect so far.
I hope you like character-specific stuff

This works on most characters (Notable exceptions: Squigly, Big Band. Fortune & Robo Fortune are possible but extra tricky)
Greatly character-specific timing. Notes if you want to try using this:
You have to delay j.mk so it hits as high up as possible, obviously varying depending on the height of the opponent character's air hitbox. On tall characters (Like Eliza), doing instant hk divekick may combo instead of resetting, you can whiff j.hp or j.hk (Which will work is likely also character-specific) before canceling into hk divekick to accomodate this.

This particular setup will reliably work on the following characters:
Filia, Peacock, Painwheel, cerebella, Parasoul (requires a variation)

Character-specific notes:
Filia: Since the Filia hitbox revision update, you have to delay the j.mk slightly or the followup hits will whiff
Peacock: Delaying j.mk slightly as above will work, not delaying will make the 2nd hit of j.mk whiff (but the 3rd hit still connects). Delaying is probably preferable.
Parasoul: Use j.lp j.lk instead of just j.lk

Variations of these will work on pretty much every character, but the character-specific differences get increasingly hard to keep track of. These are the most general (and assistless) setups I have found.
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Was gonna post some vids but you beat me to it. I had similar concepts concepts. Here's a double specific one.

Sorry for the fps near the middle but i think you guys will like this :)


Need a seria charge & you cancel after launch then dash jump behind them. Also, you can let the j.mk cycle 3x & go into gravedigger if you don't wanna reset in the air (since essentially you're giving 2 chances to escape w/this :P) Need to be fairly fast. Not sure if it work on everyone. Leering feeling it doesnt work on double/bb....my eyes are squinting thinking about para/beowulf...hmmm. I'll try it out in a bit.

P.s. @Stimoro shouldn't SBO pop them up???? it does on every other super...or does it only pop up for mk+hk/lk+hk versions and keep them grounded for the lk+mk version?
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P.s. @Stimoro shouldn't SBO pop them up???? it does on every other super...or does it only pop up for mk+hk/lk+hk versions and keep them grounded for the lk+mk version?

It does knock them up if you don't use OTG in the Beo combo, it also hits if you time it a little before Beo hits the floor.
But since they hit the floor, and there's no OTG available. The SBO just lies there and acts as a meaty.
Any good squigly burst baits? I first thought they were gimicky but ones where, if they burst you get a punish and if they don't you get a good mixup, are pretty good. One's like fukua's and filia's and parasouls.

I only really know the restand>sbo, c.hp one. But every one already knows that one.
I've been looking for one that uses jMP because i knw it's possible. BUT here's one i was able to find out

...sHK - jMK (2) - jHP - land -jL(P or K) - jMK (1) - jHP - land - jL (K or P, whichever one you didn't hit) - jMK (1) - jHP - land - Jump away jLK

Works on all but Band and Dubs, who need variations:
For band, you have to start with a jLP chain
For Double, you have to skip the first air chain

I also found one that uses sLP cMP to dodge a burst (inspired by a burst bait in the Eliza thread) but it literally only works on Parasoul
There's the arpeggio one in the combo thread. That one's kinda sweet, even if it's character specific
Making this thing was a journey.

so i started with the stancel assists and thought they were better than normal assist calls. after 3 hours of experimenting (it was about 2pm at this point), I found it wasn't--both were just as good as the other, so stancel assists seemed unnecessary..

until i realized stancels actually moved you forward, which would alter your jumps, thus adding to your mix/cross-up-ability.

Just before i started recording the examples, i realized what i had been practicing used jMP a lot, and since i haven't seen that much in actual play (tourney level or not), i figured it was worth stuffing into this video too.

and now it's 7pm and i'm hungry.

from the description in case you're only watching it here: "Be careful, though; if it's too ambiguous even for you, you might miss some Divekick and/or f.HP inputs"
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wait, j.mp is rarely used? I use that shit all the time. Seeing as I'm at least 5% of the squigly player base, it can't be that rarely used
I use j.mp more for the air stall than I do for the pushback. Cancelled into H.divekick stalls you in the air for a fair bit of time and if they hit anything to catch your normal jump in, they eat Grave Digger.
I've started using it as a spacing tool if i want to poke but not get in too deep (and of course if they're at the right angle) but I've honestly never seen it used very much. we barely see her in tourneys anyway, and most of the people i play with on a regular basis is mostly reddit but they've got a wide range of skill
It's a serious part of my mixup game, but I play with Goku assist. It also works as one of her fuzzy guard options on most of the cast ( was never able to land it on bella or painwheel).
Just wondering, has there already been a discussion on j.mp and its application? Not sure if anyone's broken it down in this thread
Sorry for the fps near the middle but i think you guys will like this :)


Need a seria charge & you cancel after launch then dash jump behind them. Also, you can let the j.mk cycle 3x & go into gravedigger if you don't wanna reset in the air (since essentially you're giving 2 chances to escape w/this :P) Need to be fairly fast. Not sure if it work on everyone. Leering feeling it doesnt work on double/bb....my eyes are squinting thinking about para/beowulf...hmmm. I'll try it out in a bit.

P.s. @Stimoro shouldn't SBO pop them up???? it does on every other super...or does it only pop up for mk+hk/lk+hk versions and keep them grounded for the lk+mk version?

Do you need to stance cancel for this cross up to work? Just by looking at it, can't you time it with a jump for the cross up? I going to try this when I get home tonight, but just curious about this
Just wondering, has there already been a discussion on j.mp and its application? Not sure if anyone's broken it down in this thread
There have been a few posts about right above yours. in summary:
  • jMP alters your jump arcs to keep your opponent guessing when you're applying pressure (with the help of an assist)
  • I use it to poke and stay out
  • it can keep you stalled in the air for a fairly long time
Do you need to stance cancel for this cross up to work? Just by looking at it, can't you time it with a jump for the cross up? I going to try this when I get home tonight, but just curious about this
You need to dash jump (more horizontal trajectory) which is different from the super jumps that launchers give you (more vertical)
@Adwins, so noone has done a thorough breakdown on this? I could break down what Squigly can do with this if anyone's interested, please let me know :)
@Adwins, so noone has done a thorough breakdown on this? I could break down what Squigly can do with this if anyone's interested, please let me know :)

Sure go ahead and post your dissertation on squigly's j.mp. I'd love to know why to even press this button. I'm only being 20% sarcastic btw. This button just feels almost useless, can't use it for combos, the neutral applications feel lacking and redundant when you have j.lk, j.hp and j.hk that cover more angles. Maybe if it had a more disjointed hitbox like one of val's air moves it would get more use. Out side of altering your trajectory for cross ups which you need an assist to even convert off of I don't really use this much.

Please I'd love to know what applications you have for this move.
If you fight someone who likes to react to air pushblocks by going for ground crossunders or something, you can pbgc j.mp in the air to delay your fall further
Other than that it's just generally pretty useful to have two additional air mobility options to be unpredictable with (j.mp and divekicks)
Neither of these are completely "safe" to use of course, and I always thought divekicks were pretty slow to be a mobility option, but for being unpredictable with air movement they do serve well
J.mp also doesn't lock you out of assist calls, unlike double jumping.
Yeah, those are pretty neat.
And now that burst boxes are standardized, it's much easier to find and do.
I've been doing this a lot lately with Squigly. Beats most reversals as you cross up the opponents inputs and double stuffs lots of reversals too. Get blown up hard by reversal pillar though.
If they block and I land a cr.lk it will still kill. Unfortunately I can't get it to kill off of f.Hp at max undizzy :( , but the setup loops back into itself so I get to do another crumpled knockdown setup anyways.

I've been using Daisy Pusher for the hard knockdown quite a bit lately. It definitely adds an extra layer to her rushdown with all the setups you can do or just use it to get stance charges.
I've been using Daisy Pusher for the hard knockdown quite a bit lately. It definitely adds an extra layer to her rushdown with all the setups you can do or just use it to get stance charges.
Yeah, not enough people (including myself) take advantage of the knockdown setups you can get off of Daisy Pusher and Mortis.
Too bad Mortis only gives you a usable knockdown in the corner.

Speaking of Mortis, would its invincibility uncharged allow you to beat mashing? everytime i try it, they never mash and actually block
i am very new to squigly so my apologies if this has been said, but I also was looking for hard knockdown stuff and found that since often times squigly comboes don't use OTG, what i've been doing is ending combos in c.hp arpeggio (if charged obviously that's a hard knockdown but if not then) SBO -> back up a bit -> (uncharged) mortis, it's a burst bait and since you didn't use OTG they can't just late tech. You seem to have to be far enough away from the corner that they don't wallbounce though or burst can hit you.
I try and do a lot of charged arpeggio in the corner, but i'm too greedy to spend meter just for a knockdown. It's a major failing of mine.
Too bad Mortis only gives you a usable knockdown in the corner.

Speaking of Mortis, would its invincibility uncharged allow you to beat mashing? everytime i try it, they never mash and actually block
Sliding is actually pretty useful anywhere imo, you just don't get both charges.