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Street Fighter V

Are you guys clicking the link inside the quote boxes or something?

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oh my, i still don't care. Yeah it sounds freaking cool to have these guys back but guess what? This is the internet the breeding grounds of false hype. And these guy are online journalists, they may be nice people but i have a huge distrust with gaming journalism. This might be my own paranoia, but i like to keep myself safe from the wounds of getting too hyped from something that might not be true. Look I know that protecting sources and stuff is important but I feel like if you can't really back up your claims even if they are true, you really should say it until you do or can either or. Sigh...

look i know that these guys got the F7 remake prediction but... that be luck. there can be a whole lot of little things here. so I'm just going to keep an open eye and stay far enough back from the blast zone just incase it does turn out to be a dud.

That's a lot of words for 'i still don't care'.

Look, I don't have a horse in this race. I'm a person that generally isn't disappointed in things before they even come out and like to give things a fair shake. That's just how I roll. I didn't post that to say 'OMG IT'S TRUE GAIZ'. I posted it to say 'Generally, Siliconera hasn't lied when they post stuff from sources so it might be true after all'.

I take a neutral stance on games journalism (and I even stroke my beard in contemplation when I say 'journalism') but I'm not gonna go as far as to say it's all bullshit either. I like to verify stuff too. But, in this specific case until they screw it up, Siliconera has at least SOME credence when they say things.
is there a typed out list of the Ken Bogard leak? I can't find it anyway except in video form and i'm at work w/ no audio :(
Today I realized Urien is just one letter away from a typo'd urine.
aww I was hoping for a list of a characters, thanks though!
Blanka's just gonna be an expertly rendered Ono in a Blanka costume.
No one acknowledges it, he's still called Blanka in the game, but it's clearly just Ono.
It's just as I said earlier, everyone's gonna have a costume where the costume is "it's literally Ono cosplaying as that character"
Does anyone besides Ono like Blanka

Right here, bub.

My thoughts on the stage. It's obviously going to be a fake out, but could be rather clever. Ono makes it look like an on the nose reveal to Blanka, we get faked out, and BAM. It's Oro or Sean (not a fan personally, but people want him) and so we have a montage of fight footage and then near the end we get a funny/cool teaser that shows Blanka.

Though, it could be that Blanka could share the stage with someone, it looks like characters are getting parts of a stage; it looks like Cammy's stage will be the main London, and the as-of-yet-unrevealed transition to underground tunnels may be for Birdie. So the main stage could be for the main Brazil contender, and for a stage transition, we may roll down the side of a hill into a new place.

Another thing to keep in mind, in SSF4 Blanka finally got not just the love of his mother, but the respect of his neighbours, so he no longer feels like a monster. He could very well be a bit more social and in the city more. He's not a stranger to going there anyways
While I'm not a big fan of Zangief (except when Snakeeyez plays him), I'm down for a Russia stage as long as I get Necro.
they did also say already that characters are not tied to stages in this game, so it's possible to get one without the other
Here is the thing that got me intrigued.

He said in the video: october we will reveal a new character.

but, he never said that he would not reveal anything before that
Well even if it were true, why would he bother to say that
it just would be weird for him to say "oh but we're not revealing anything else until BGS"
He probably would have worded it "The next reveal will be at BGS."
mmmmmmmhhhhhhhh squints eyes....

mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh >:C

i hope for siliconera's sake that they are true, cause my heart... it's ready for some Rainbows right about now.
They can't not be lying. There is no way they got 4 characters and it happened to include Urien, Alex and Mika.

That's so absurd there is no reason to say it though, so it makes no sense to lie this hard.

What the fuck.
What fucking source are they getting this from where they can say this like there's no way it isn't true, yet won't actually say the source
They leaked FF7, the D&D ports, Dead Rising 3 and Bravely Default. It's entirely possible.

I mean, this would have been way better if we didn't get leaks and instead got the reveals fresh, but I'm going to be honest, Urien, Alex and another grappler in one day? I can't help but just be excited.
So, two SF Alpha 3 females and two guys from the SF 3 series.

I'm starting to see a connection here with their announcements.
It's like they looked at my character wishlist and put all of them in, lol.

If this is true, I will actually pre-order this game. Please lord be real.
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*blows a raspberry*


The heck with reveals just give me the game... I paid 60 bucks for it. Gimme now. If this thing has a chance at having Rainbow Mika then it's over Capcom is back. All they have to do is make MegaMan Legends 3 and we golden again.
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I just need Q now.

Man, until E3 I had pretty much written this game off as something I'd give a try but expected nothing of, now I can't wait for it to come out.
Just give me alex please... I just want a reason to buy the game
What's with this Blanka hate? He's on my short list for damn sure. Way more than most of what people are hype for (Urien bleh).

Also, it could definitely be a fake out... but in the stage reveal, Ono is wearing a Blanka suit with 3 Blanka busts and 1 Blanka action figure in front of him. If he's faking us out, then he's doing it in the dirtiest way possible. Like that dirty, can't predict the ending type of shit that mysteries occasionally do.

Add to that, Blanka is one of the most quintessential characters in my eyes. Added to that, the more obscure characters that they have added so far have been Alpha characters, not III characters... which I think gives Blanka a better chance than other Brazilians in the series.

I guess what I'm saying is... there's no way it's not fucking Blanka. Yay!!!
What does Blanka have that makes him interesting to play or play against?

My mind is drawing a blank, uhh.
I don't mind Blanka gameplay wise, but i don't like his design (i don't hate also).

Well, that may be personal because well, i'm brazilian, and blanka is the first brazilian character i ever saw in a videogame.

But i mean, a lot of SF2 designs are that way for me, Dhalsim, Blanka, Zangief are so lame designs. At least capcom worked a lot in future games to give this characters personality, which was good, but they are lame.
Necro is both a better Dhalsim and Blanka. I said it. I don't even like Necro but I'd rather fight him than the others.
And Ono is going all out with the showman Schick, I'm not saying it's even likely he's screwing with us, especially since Blanka was the first hint this game was even happening, I'm just saying it's possible and I'd personally find it amusing.

I think it's not so much Blanka hate as Blanka apathy and seeing as the launch cast will be small and people will feel like Ono is playing favorites it's lead to an anti-Blanka attitude.
Okay,Sean and thug life Blanka confirmed.( got it?because is Rio de Janeiro, hahahahah.......hahah.....)
Probably they will avoid clones characters then Sean(of course is him) will have your own move set. With a druglord skin DLC. (im brazilian i can do mean jokes).
i like zangief design :(
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I just put in my pre-order-that-I'll-immediatly-cancel-after-they-send-me-my-beta-code. We'll see how this goes.
I'm glad things are looking good for Blanka, I was starting to feel skeptical that he would make the cut.

To those who are doubting how cool Blanka is, let's analyze what gives him an edge:
-He can shoot out electricity because he ate too many D batteries
-He can turn into a ball
-He can turn into an anti-air ball
-He wears jorts
-He has a hairy chest like a real tough guy
-The headbite!

And that's just scratching the surface. Blanka is the bomb and if you don't agree, GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!
I just put in my pre-order-that-I'll-immediatly-cancel-after-they-send-me-my-beta-code. We'll see how this goes.
Which is the smartest way to go about this and what I was doing until I let myself get hyped. Well, still doing it but I feel way more hopeful than I did before when I assumed this was SF4 2 (or SF2 3).
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