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Street Fighter V

Wait what? Your argument is that just because SF5 combos do hella damage and dps can be punished (as if they couldn't be baited since forever), the entire category of grapplers has to suffer when you can mash out crouch techs and regular throws? That doesn't even make sense.
No, I'm arguing severity. There's a difference.

If you play SG, mashing shit is life, and as Bella you mash dynamo not diamond drop/USS.
I mean...ok? They aren't even the same game and SG is a very different subgenre of fighting game with a different pacing :\

and no, the issue with double half circles and half circles in general is that it's harder to execute. Which means if you're trying to rapidly input in a situation where you need to punish something immediately, there's a higher chance of the move not coming out fast enough, or you just fucking up when it could just be a quarter circle.
That's almost literally what I said, just worded differently. You cant mash (churn) the move, you have to time it.

Also when I tried playing Ibuki having to do half circles for every neck snap hurt the fuck out of my thumbs.
I mean....do you really want a vortex focused character like Ibuki to have (arguably) more lenient inputs
I mean....do you really want a vortex focused character like Ibuki to have (arguably) more lenient inputs
Hard knockdowns are mostly gone, and far more importantly
That's a terrible argument. Good players will get things out consistently. You can't design a game around execution barriers.
That's a terrible argument. Good players will get things out consistently. You can't design a game around execution barriers.
Hard knockdowns are mostly gone, and far more importantly
The guy used Ibuki as an example. She's in SFIV not V and I answered accordingly. And even if she was in V, the issue isnt execution difficulty, it's the ability to churn/mash it out (i.e. lenient timing) that's what was being discussed. Half circles require better timing.....that's pretty much it. It's not an execution barrier and it's arguably easier to do a standing double HC than a standing 720 as it doesnt require buffering it from an attack, jumping, or churning at 100mph.

Going back to Ibuki: she wants to jump, she wants to press buttons, and she's already a vortex character in the game she's actually in. Yes, giving her more lenient timing (especially without changing other acpects of her moves or the character as a whole) is a terrible idea.
The guy used Ibuki as an example.
My fault, but it doesn't change my point.
it's arguably easier to do a standing double HC than a standing 720
I think most people, at the very least I want a 360 for Mika, a standing 360 is easier than 2 half circles. Not that half circles are particularly hard on a stick, but they are harder and a 360 and make more sense anyway.
and she's already a vortex character in the game she's actually in
One of the games she is in. The one with a focus on getting hard knockdowns at that.

Inputs as balance only really applies to charge moves (in games without charge partitioning) and 720s to an extent, because it means you can't spam charge moves and theoretically you're not supposed to really raw 720, but that isn't entirely true since some people can do it. Saying things should be difficult to input because they're good is nonsensical because it doesn't matter when good players can do it anyway.
Is her drop kicks a button charged move, or is the start up just that slow?
You can hold down the button to charge it.
Is her drop kicks a button charged move, or is the start up just that slow?

You can charge her drop kick, yeah. Or at least hold down the button to delay it.
Ah okay. Also interesting fact that her voice is basically Eng dub naruto. xD
Her JP VA also voices Naruto xD
it sound like Vega sucks again
Initially yeah, but I think it's really hard to actually make a call anywhere near this early, like the guy says FBA is shit but then even says later "You can FBA while moving forward, which is probably going to be strong" this isn't just "Vega is in this game" this is "Vega is entirely different in this game".
I'm already used to that.
Play something that isn't IV.

It's kind of frustrating, really, like Mika is easy to define, Necalli is a blank slate anyway, Vega is a character I like, a lot, and it's going to be a while before anyone even knows if he has anything going on in this game.
Play something that isn't IV.

Well I played him in SFxT and it was cool. :P I always found that game much more fun mostly cause of less 1-frame links and Vega being decent.

Unfortunately other than that only SFIV had him from games I was interested in. I tried Alpha 3 but it didn't speak to me.

Also seriously, sometimes it felt for me like they deliberately sabotaged Vega with things like his super being the only one that you couldn't combo into from FA in Vanilla SFIV or his Sky High Claw being punishable ON HIT or that time when they gave him something with actual invincibility in USFIV Beta and then snatched it away... damn I was salty.
I always choose effectiveness over aesthetics.
That sounds odd coming from Beowulf.
Of all the weapons out there, he picked a folding chair

clearly he's a substance-over-style kind of guy
Chair isn't exactly a weapon with a lot of "substance". It's more what Jax does from League of Legends. He was so good he started using a lamppost as a weapon cause it was too easy otherwise.


Nah, that was just a reset.

Hmm. Yeah, it looked like a combo, but as a SG player i should pay attention more. And i like how in the second one, he activates v-trigger and go for a super right after. =P

Actually now that I watched it again, the grab part doesn't add to the counter number on it's own so it still might be a combo.
Apparently these are for preordering "at select retailers"

which means possible store exclusivity, and possibly not available from PSN or Steam

Gamestop - Ryu
Best Buy - Cammy
Amazon - Bipson
PSN/PC - Chun-Li

Edit: holy crap I am actually blown away by Bison's costume. That is a badass design.
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Gimme that Cammy.

I need the Cammy.
Pls oh pls oh pls Capcom, for once in your life give us the option down the road to get these other costumes. Don't let them just be pre-order junk, I would be so sad.

(Also is it kinda bad that I wished that these costumes were the Default ones and the current looks of the cast would have been the call back to classics dlc costumes? Because I would be 100% more invested in playing this game if Bison Looked like this just standar in the game.)
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a better pic of Cammy's alt to see her boots

TFW not everyone got preorder costumes



Capcom said:
SFV game disc
- The standard SFV game disc and case is included in every Collector’s Edition.
10 inch, fully painted Ryu statue
- Meticulously articulated and commanding in stature, the sculpture depicts Ryu preparing for his next battle. The Collector’s Edition packaging is specially windowed as well so that you can see the top half of the statue from the outside.
48p hardcover artbook
- Jam-packed with design sketches and other behind-the-scenes materials that shed light behind the development process of the game.
Code Cards for additional downloadable content:
- Udon Digital Street Fighter Comics
- A collection of some of Udon’s finest work with the Street Fighter comic series.
SFV Soundtrack Sampler
-Curated selection of some of the best tunes from the game.
Twitch One-Month Subscription to Capcom Fighters channel
-This bonus is actually included with every standard copy of SFV, and gives a free one-month subscription to the Capcom Fighters channel on Twitch, which grants exclusive access to special Street Fighter chat emoticons, as well as video archive access.
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That collector's edition is trash.
Sucks that the store exclusive pre-order bonus will determine which alt costumes you get. Looks like I'm going Best Buy.

Liking that Cammy outfit. New hairstyle, wearing an extreme sports/explorer type gear, still keeps the legs/ass appeal.

Ryu looking like he haven't showered or shaved in months with obvious clothing being worn out has charm too.

Kind of meh on Dictator

Thunder Thighs outfit is nice though even though it's kind of expected.
I would love to get the preorder on pc for that chun costume, but i'm out of money, and i don't have a good pc to play the game yet.

But they need to make this dlc in the future, i don't mind that.
I think most people, at the very least I want a 360 for Mika, a standing 360 is easier than 2 half circles. Not that half circles are particularly hard on a stick, but they are harder and a 360 and make more sense anyway.
I'm not trying to be rude here, but you do realize supers use double inputs, right? It wouldnt be a standing 360 it'd be a standing 720, which is what I said. Unless I missed something along the way we were talking about Mika's super input, not her specialls.......which changed from 360s to quarter circles so it wouldnt make sense for us to be talking about her specials.

One of the games she is in. The one with a focus on getting hard knockdowns at that.
Fair enough, though that doesnt change my point. In other games she's a rushdown/pressure character and many of the same strategies can be applied. She'd just have weaker mixup game.

Inputs as balance only really applies to charge moves (in games without charge partitioning) and 720s to an extent, because it means you can't spam charge moves and theoretically you're not supposed to really raw 720, but that isn't entirely true since some people can do it. Saying things should be difficult to input because they're good is nonsensical because it doesn't matter when good players can do it anyway.
Again, difficult to input and difficult to time (my argument) are two different things. Heavens forbid a wakeup/reversal super requires better timing.

Maybe I'm just missing something yall are saying, but I dont see the issue with needing to time a reversal/wakeup super instead of being able to just churn it out. Yss, it's a "nerf" if you want to churn on wakeup, but in neutral or midcombo there's not much of an issue.
I think a standing 360 should be the motion for her super.

And this has been done in a street fighter before.

Alex's Hyper Bomb is a 360, not a 720...

Yeah, he is not a pure grappler, i know, but the super is a command grab.

I mean, for me double half circles are hard, 360s, not that much.

EDIT: and if a 360 is too hard, they can add 360 detection, so you won't jump accidentaly.

Is not that i believe that everything should be easier, but double motions make sense a lot of the times when you cancel something into it, but her super is a command grab, and unless it gets confirmed or not, you can't combo into it, and i haven't seen something cancelled into it.
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you do realize supers use double inputs
And you do realize that two half circles can equal one full circle, yes? There is precedent for a half circle command grab being a 360 super in Street Fighter.

difficult to input and difficult to time(my argument) are two different things
You said
do you really want a vortex focused character like Ibuki to have (arguably) more lenient inputs
in response to someone complaining about having to do a half circle for every neck snap. If your whole point was about timing, this was unclear to me and I apologize, but more lenient inputs is what you said.
Yeah, all of these (especially Ryu's and Cammy's) would be better as the defaults, except for Bipson's because his default is pretty swanky on its own
real talk though why isn't Beard Ryu just his normal design in the game

Cause he's kinda like Mario at this point. God forbid we characterise him more risking a hit on his universaly broad appeal.
real talk though why isn't Beard Ryu just his normal design in the game
If it was the default outfit then developers would have to explain 'canon wise' why Ryu looks more worse for wear where he couldn't even afford a shirt, what remains of his outfit is in tatters, and decided to look more rugged with the beard despite the past several games preferring a more clean look. It's like how the KI developers had to explain how much more different Jago looked in KI 3 compared to past KI games.

If it's just an alt developers don't have to explain shit since those are pure fan service. I mean SFIV even had furry outfits. Another reason why is developers know a bunch of consumers would see the outfit as appealing so it pushes their pre-orders even more. Nostalgia appeal is another thing too.
They already have to do that with Charlie (and Birdie and Ken, to a lesser extent), why not Ryu as well