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Street Fighter V

Member was warned for this post - there's no need for this, even if it's meant as a joke.
more like shut the fucK UP.
It's the same small stress tests before the actual beta like last time, you're not really supposed to be in, but you can be, just takes some patience.
Heard only Mika and Vega were playable in that short time.

Which is 1 more character than I care for, really.
SFV Second beta schedule. PC users are getting an extra day as well.
Hey guys, the second beta for SFV is fast approaching and I know a lot of you are eager to know when the festivities begin. As this is the first time we’re testing cross-platform play between PS4 and PC, as well our character delivery system, you will want to keep track of the times below to fully maximize your beta experience.

Beta 2 schedule (subject to change):

  • 10/21/15 18:00 PST (10/22 02:00 BST/10:00 JST) – The second SFV beta begins for PS4 users. Characters available: Ken, Necalli, Vega, R. Mika
  • 10/22/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/23 06:00 JST) – Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 12 hours.
  • 10/23/15 02:00 PST (10:00 BST/18:00 JST) – Servers back online. Rashid unlocked.
  • 10/23/15 09:00 PST (17:00 BST/ 10/24 01:00 JST) – The second SFV beta begins for both PC and PS4 users (cross-platform play).
  • 10/23/15 17:00 PST (10/24 01:00 BST/09:00 JST) – Karin unlocked.
  • 10/24/15 04:00 PST (12:00 BST/20:00 JST) – Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 10 hours.
  • 10/24/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/25 06:00 JST) – Servers back online.
  • 10/25/15 16:00 PST (10/26 0:00 BST/ 08:00 JST) – Beta 2 concludes.
Alright guys, this covers the times worth noting. If you’re interested in the content that will be on display during the second beta, you can check out my previous post here. And yes, for those of you wondering after reading my previous blog, we did move up the start time for PC users so that they will have an extra day of beta participation.

Lastly, let’s not forget that this is a beta. That said, players may experience some issues during their playtime, which we’ll be monitoring. All the information received during the beta is to help ensure the final product is as optimized as possible.

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Pre-ordering SFV on Steam gives you the Chun-Li costume. AKA the one I was the least interested in. :P

Well it's not like I was going to pre-order anyway, b-baka!.
Beta is up right now, Mika's super is now QCBx2+P, Vega's super can be input in either direction, which makes sense, and his V-Trigger now has a down variant, no idea what that is.
I played beta last night for about 1-2 hours, only got 1 match out of it. The Training mode is a lot better in this build and the CPU is good to fight against if you don't wanna do straight training mode.

Mika's Critical Art is weird too in that it's a Grab you can combo into from her normals, but it's not a hitgrab.
Vega's super can be input in either direction, which makes sense, and his V-Trigger now has a down variant, no idea what that is.

Perhaps to hit crouching opponents? It was pretty painful to watch it fly above opponents head all the time.
Perhaps to hit crouching opponents? It was pretty painful to watch it fly above opponents head all the time.
It's an anti-air version. It has been shown before.
It's an anti-air version. It has been shown before.
I just thought it had a light amount of tracking, my bad.
Vega shit I've found in training mode.

c.HP and s.HK are crush counters.
M/H roll isn't a block string.
EX roll goes through projectiles.
Command grab is trash as a reversal, pretty much exists to be an untechable grab.
V-Skill basically only dodges fireballs and fast small attacks; meatys, crush counters and lows destroy it.
Down V-Trigger is an alright anti-air, the air one is good for distant air to air, regular one is mostly garbage besides being an ender.
EX FBA is safe on block and you can combo off it on hit.
Clawless target combo is great at building V-Gauge.
f.HP is slow but is like a third of the screen in reach.
qcb+HP is an anti-air that has to be well timed.
j.LK is his cross up.
In claw off mode you can combo into normals off of any FBA.
Any FBA can combo into super, claw on or off
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Is it true his clawed c.MP is uncancellable?

Not sure about Super cancellable, but it's not special cancellable
It's my old main kicking my new main in the face!
my only problem with the videos is that pretty much every move done had some motion blur effect happen to the whole screen.

That or my eyes have finally going to shit and I need to see a doctor.

actually I kinda hope my eyes are dying. would be a good change compared to the rest of my life right now.
The whole game is like this though, not just this specific interaction.
Maybe they want to return to A3 and 3S's anti-fireball style.
On some other forums a few people are claiming that the steam beta was datamined and that there's 18 characters.
I have yet to see any links and I personally doubt the validity of those claims, but it's something to look out for.
Additionally, don't forget your morton's
Is it true his clawed c.MP is uncancellable?
From what I can tell, yes (I'm on a controller and have wrist problems, working with what I've got). Clawless is special cancellable though.
Having a lot of fun with Karin. (PC)

Netcode is alright, I think most of the issues are coming from PC users not running the game at 60 FPS.
It's not optimized for Nvidia cards.
Much better than delay based netcode though.

Man I wish I could get runbacks though, playing these FT1's is awful.
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Vega can't cancel any clawed normal other than 5HP, and from what I can tell his Lights don't combo into Ex FBA, so you better be reasonably close..
Actually I don't even know if one can link into his 5HP with anything, so maybe hitconfirms into Ex FBA just aren't a thing?
Unclawed, all his punches are cancellable which opens a ton more combo opportunities + the Command Grab is.. rather nice.

Vega seems interesting, Karin seems pretty fun as well (although my main Poke being 5MK while 6MK is a Cmd Normal is kind of a dick move)
Everyone else's walkspeed feels too abysmal for me to see myself ever playing them

I wish one could turn off the Fight Request
I want to walk and push buttons in Training Mode, not randomly get paired with random crappy people
Can't tell whether the netcode is any good in the first place, since I am sitting on 45 FPS

My stick does not get recognized which is ..great.., I hope they fix that (It does get recognized by Windows and I use it eg to play SG or on Fightcade)
Joy2Key is a usable option for now, but I'd really rather not be forced to rely on 3rd party programs in the future
Hm. Having 6MK and 5MK on the same button never really bothered me.

When I was getting less than 60 FPS the netcode was really abysmal.
Sometimes I get matched with someone with less than 60 FPS and you can tell right away, it's really bad.

Do you still get less than 60 with resolution on 0% and everything on low? There's also another setting you to the config file related to VSync which I hear makes things better.
Do you still get less than 60 with resolution on 0% and everything on low? There's also another setting you to the config file related to VSync which I hear makes things better.
Every time I modify the user settings file it just rewrites it when I open the game?
Getting my ass kicked all of last night I finally managed to get a few wins this morning with Karin. Also found a hilarious cross under mixup using EX qcf KK > 2P > 5HP > qcf LK. Some funny shenanigans with that one.
Some of the practical routes I've been using. Might help someone else.
You don't always have to go for the max damage route if you don't have the resources.
Use the ones previous if it makes sense.


2LP 2LP x 236K~P
2LK 2LP x 236K~P
5LK 5LK x 236K~P
... 214LK (EX Optional) [Damage]
... MP+MK [V Trigger Build]​

2/5MP x 236K[EX]~2P ... 214HK [Good for tight punishes]

214HK does more damage than 214K[EX] after Crumple.

Bait/Whiff Punishes:
5HK[CC] Walk Forward 5HP x 236K[EX]~2P ... 214HK
5HP x 236K[EX]~2P ... 214HK (Easier)
5HK[CC] x V Trigger Activate 5HP x 236K~P(EX Optional) ... 236P~2P~2P x CA

(Crush Counter > Walk > 5HP only works at point blank)
Jump In:
JHK/JHP 5HK x V Trigger Activate 5HP x 236K~P(EX Optional) ... 236P~2P~2P x CA (~60% Life)​


Why Capcom? Why would you do this? What is your reasoning?

Hardy the first Street Fighter game where you can hit characters out of not blockstrings. In fact Ken's cr.MK xx fireball has been vulnerable in most of the games IRRC. In SF4 a lot of characters can do whatever they want in that gap.
Like half of the matches I get in this game are unplayable bad lag.

The matchmaking really needs to prioritize good connections.
Like half of the matches I get in this game are unplayable bad lag.

The matchmaking really needs to prioritize good connections.
Are you running the game at 60 FPS always?
(Check the top left after turning on the FPS counter in the Steam overlay settings.)

It could also just be your opponent.

Most of my matches have been pretty good.
R.Mika players seem to always have bad connections to me which sucks, lol.
Are you running the game at 60 FPS always?
(Check the top left after turning on the FPS counter in the Steam overlay settings.)

It could also just be your opponent.

Most of my matches have been pretty good.
R.Mika players seem to always have bad connections to me which sucks, lol.

Rock solid 60 fps outside of a few weird frame drops in the menus.
Damn I love the music in this one:

But I do always get a boner at hearing the first notes of Vega theme.

Also dat Necalli theme. <3
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