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Street Fighter V

Maybe they don't want the ps3 sticks working correctly because they have deals with madcatz and other stick producers to make the ps4 sticks sell better.
Maybe they don't want the ps3 sticks working correctly because they have deals with madcatz and other stick producers to make the ps4 sticks sell better.
That's....conspiracy-theory level. At that point they would just not add the driver, which is a realistic, fine choice. Xrd didn't.
It makes very little sense to DO WORK, and have to go through QA and submission with nonstandard peripheral support, just to do it incorrectly enough to make people buy new sticks. There's a new menu, there is interfacing the driver with your code, there's localization for the text, and testing. That's not zero effort.
well then show me how they are to blame.

last I checked, the two companies that handled the porting of the game to PC: HVS, and QLOC, are not NetherRealm.

They are to blame because their product barely worked on PC, and they have given up support for it. Their product... not HVS or QLOC's product. At the very, very least NRS was responsible for hiring those two companies. They are the parent company outsourcing the work on their product, and as such they are the ones beholden to their consumers. The companies they hired to do work were beholden to NRS... not us. So NRS might have some pretty reasonable claims as to how HVS fucked them over, we consumers have some pretty reasonable claims as to how NRS fucked us over. By way of comparison, If your PS4 loses all of its data, do you hold Sony responsible or Western Digital?

Moreover, NRS has consistently handled the PR for PC issues very badly. Finally, the NRS game itself was imbalanced, buggy as all hell (day 1 memory leak making an entire stage unplayable among others), and had shitty design (an entire OS affecting every character in the game because of the non-intuitive way they did shit). So while in the future I will be leery of both WB and HVS, I will definitely be cautious of NRS.
no, his V-trigger must be heroic family man

his daughter comes on screen, cheers him on, and the stage theme changes to his theme. it adds no effects, it's entirely meant to inspire the player to win.
I support this with all my heart, soul, arteries and hair.

I'm ecstatic; SF is shaping up to be awesome, REALLY AWESOME. They're finaly putting amazing efforts towards reconciling the story, Alex is up in march, earnable content, URIEN is coming back, the Dashing Mang of Mystery Q is a possibility, [spoilers regarding the current story mode cameos] is most likely gonna be in, and possibility of a Canadian fighter...someday!! Whooo!
Is there any reason to keep the beta file on my PS4?
idk... i would say... no? unless Capcom uses it like what SG did. Kinda unlikely but you never know.
You could tell he was just trying to put on a show with how much he was fishing for those parries.

Was still fun to watch
They are to blame because their product barely worked on PC, and they have given up support for it. Their product... not HVS or QLOC's product. At the very, very least NRS was responsible for hiring those two companies. They are the parent company outsourcing the work on their product, and as such they are the ones beholden to their consumers. The companies they hired to do work were beholden to NRS... not us. So NRS might have some pretty reasonable claims as to how HVS fucked them over, we consumers have some pretty reasonable claims as to how NRS fucked us over. By way of comparison, If your PS4 loses all of its data, do you hold Sony responsible or Western Digital?

Except... no? WB holds the rights, so it's WB deciding who to hire to do the ports. NRS can't decide anything about the game without WB agreeing to it, and NRS can't do crap if WB wants them to do something they don't want to.

Of course NRS could have proposed it, but that's just a one big "what if". With all we know we can only blame WB with clear conscience.
Has Daigo ever played Ken in any game besides 3S? As far as I know he's always been known for Ryu in most other games - obviously 4, and I know he's played Ryu in Alpha 3 (along with Akuma sometimes) and ST (along with like, half the cast) too. I just assumed the reason he played Ken in 3S is the same reason he switched to E.Ryu in Ultra.
Capcom PR desiring "SF5: where the scrubs and the top players are evened out" footage to use forever, is what.
Now that's conspiracy-theory level :p
I just assumed the reason he played Ken in 3S is the same reason he switched to E.Ryu in Ultra.
This, pretty much.

Now that's conspiracy-theory level :p
A Madcatz sponsored player throwing an event that was entirely arranged for publicity in the first place, streamed and recorded live, in a game where they keep saying "the playing field is leveled now"? Makes complete sense. Same as
this stuff, complete with Daigo practicing parrying Chun's super beforehand. Exhibitions are for the publicity.
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Exhibition are, sure, but him losing the last round was him not knowing the specific things about the game.
I just bought street fighter 5 on PC. My PC is rather high end and I'm still getting perfomance issues the frame rate is underwater. Is anyone else having this problem?
Exhibition are, sure, but him losing the last round was him not knowing the specific things about the game.

If he honestly wanted to win, he wouldn't have kept pushing for all those parry attempts despite not getting anything off of them, among other things that clearly he could've done better that we know he would've done. It's really clear in the last game that he could've pounced Lupe if he wanted but backed off way too much.
According to people on steam forums, the bad frame rate is a bug. I haven't found where they're getting this information, tough.
If he honestly wanted to win, he wouldn't have kept pushing for all those parry attempts despite not getting anything off of them, among other things that clearly he could've done better that we know he would've done. It's really clear in the last game that he could've pounced Lupe if he wanted but backed off way too much.
He also tried to fierce srk Lupe's jump in, and that got stuffed.
He also tried to fierce srk Lupe's jump in, and that got stuffed.

That was only one scenario out of many in 5 games, and there are other anti-airs to use other than fierce DP. Not knowing stuff hurts, but lets not act like Daigo only knows how to AA with DPs in any of the other FGs he's played.
Despite me having fun with the game, I do miss the "traditional" arcade mode still, heh... Would be something to do while the FREAKING SERVERS AREN'T WORKING RIGHT

If it helps, survival scratches a similar itch. Plus you get costume colors, so there's that. They do need to fix the servers though. Not enough single player content to keep interested for too long.
So I was reading some reviews, and I've already seen a bunch where people are claiming that SFV doesn't have Button Config. No way. That's gotta be an exaggeration. Is it just an issue with rebinding keyboard controls or something?

Still, the lack of D-Input sounds really stupid. It's annoying to see that's still a trend with newer games, especially ones that could just as well be played with controllers from 20 years ago.
i still haven't booted up the game. Just everything feels so... meh about the whole game. Nothing there inspires me to play the game for an extended period of time. The new cast is okay... I mean compared to SF4's new cast members those were bad but atleast they stood out, they caught your eye and made you say "Who the hell is this character? Huh, it won't hurt to try em out a little." The only exception would be Rashid, everyone else looks plain [ Necalli come on dude you're an Aztec Warrior dress up for battle get a flashy here~! ] or just weird [ Fang your proportions remind me of SF1 Sagat, instead of super long thighs you have a long face and stretch Armstrong arms. ]

I'm just disappointed that everything here is just so barebones looking. Original SF4 had more stuff than this come on. Just another example of Capcom pushing out this game just for the E-Sports.