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Street Fighter V

I thought it was rather bare bones for now and I was wondering what's up with online right now. Well, I will try Training and Survival soon.
I just want to play the game with someone

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So I was reading some reviews, and I've already seen a bunch where people are claiming that SFV doesn't have Button Config. No way. That's gotta be an exaggeration.
There is button config. They even let you preview the buttons to the attacks they're mapped to.
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At least I have roommates who want to play Street Fighter, so that works for me.

I spent most of the day playing it and Nash has become my main, he's so much fun...

I wish online was working though...
So I was reading some reviews, and I've already seen a bunch where people are claiming that SFV doesn't have Button Config. No way. That's gotta be an exaggeration. Is it just an issue with rebinding keyboard controls or something?

Still, the lack of D-Input sounds really stupid. It's annoying to see that's still a trend with newer games, especially ones that could just as well be played with controllers from 20 years ago.

I encountered this, but it does... it is just hidden which is no bueno. I forget offhand where it is located as I'm at work, but it isn't in options. It is when you set-up your account I believe.
Still, the lack of D-Input sounds really stupid. It's annoying to see that's still a trend with newer games, especially ones that could just as well be played with controllers from 20 years ago.

I think that's more because UE4 doesn't actually have D-Input support built in and
is something they have to do manually. I do remember seeing a tweet from Ono that it'd be added in after launch.
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I think that's more because UE4 doesn't actually have D-Input support built in
Figures. Probably part of the reason why some developers opted to keep wrapping up their projects in UE3, but now they're left in the desert and have to finish adding features manually as well. Oh well, comes with the territory I guess.
wow...the online battle lounge works like goddamn shit for me. is anyone having problems creating a lounge battle or even finding your buddy?
I haven't tried online yet, working through Story and a little Survival for now. I will likely be jumping online by tomorrow.
Are any of the story matches of substance? I have only played Rashid, and I think it was no longer than 3 matches.
I think that's more because UE4 doesn't actually have D-Input support built in and
is something they have to do manually. I do remember seeing a tweet from Ono that it'd be added in after launch.
Having implemented it, it's nothing that a team with dedicated programmers couldn't have accomplished in about 5-7 days if they had wanted to.
Like so much else missing from SF5.
i feel like slammin my head into a toaster oven. Thanks Capcom for all of those betas that were meant to test the online only to have it fail on launch day. But ontop of that to make the game as barebones as possible so you could squeeze it into the cycle for EVO this year and your little Capcom Cup.

Look I understand that E-Sports is becoming a huge thing but placing all your stuff in a fighting game onto the E-Sports train is just a bad idea and leaves you in a vulnerable spot if the game fails to hold players interest for the long term [ in this case till summertime ]

Sigh... I'm done ranting, too tired to care anymore.
Servers overloaded... Give it a rest. It'll be working perfectly in 2 days.
well, even the Super Best Friends recommend waiting.

the game will have more content soon enough.
Because the best friends are scrubs.

I went from my new job to my friends house and stayed way longer than I should have.

Footsies haven't felt this refreshing since HDR.

I will play 60 dollars for just a good ass no online video game so this doesn't really bother me.

Online is always shit first day so meh, and I didn't come for the amazing story either.

This game delivers me what I thought I would get and what I wanted.
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I have been teaching my roommate, who is not good at fighting games, the basics of street fighter since yesterday. He is learning so damn fast it's astounding, his ryu is actually at a decent beginner level and I'm so proud.

This game gets so hype in certain moments, he almost parried all of my chun li ex kicks!
Seconding @iLoli

I have no idea if it has any longevity, but I'm having a blast. Obviously I have some complaints about a lack of single player content and the servers not working meaning I can only do training or survival, but even that's been fun and refreshing. And the few matches I have got? A blast win or lose.
There's not a lot to do but what is there is very fun and more is coming, take that as you will.
Don't you guys forget that Killer Instinct was even more barebones in S1, but here we are.

KI was F2P and costed 20$ to unlock season 1 not 60$. :P And now it offers more than SFV for 40$.
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Well I guess now I don't feel so bad that I gotta wait until later this Spring to get to play it on glorious Lunix. Apparently I'm not missing too much right now.
I'd beg to differ. Servers working great, and I just had a blast!

Though admittedly I'm hype for linux. What's your distro?
Ssssh, don't tell me that! Let me just pretend I'm not missing anything!

I'm on Mint 17.3 right now, though I've been thinking of setting up an Arch partition at some point.
Because the best friends are scrubs.

I went from my new job to my friends house and stayed way longer than I should have.

Footsies haven't felt this refreshing since HDR.

I will play 60 dollars for just a good ass no online video game so this doesn't really bother me.

Online is always shit first day so meh, and I didn't come for the amazing story either.

This game delivers me what I thought I would get and what I wanted.
No, dont get me wrong. They're more saying "if you want more single player content like modes and characters, just wait."

And they also talked about standalone disc owners that probably dont have access to the internet to get said MOBA-like patches. They're not shitting on the game at all. Like, Pat's new catchphrase is "woo, street fightah faiyve"
They're really stepping it up with this game
Yeah, i know, but normally even designs that appeal to that public tend to use more explicit things like bigger breasts, panty shots, and things like that. if you think that way, everything is fan service to someone.

Seeing as how Capcom have a clear difference between the female characters for eye candy (cammy, Viper, Chun Li, Poison) and characters with not much or none fan service (Makoto, Ibuki, Sakura, Rose), i believe that when they designed sakura they weren't thinking on the fanservice side, well, at least not mainly that.

I think the artists behind street fighter were always really clear about fan service and suggestive characters, not only with the girls, but with the mans, they don't fear putting a clevage, and they don't fear putting a muscular man wearing only sexy underwear.

And that becomes stronger in the alternative costumes of the characters, while cammy even gets a black cat leather suit, sakura gets what, a dress, a gi and some kind of sports uniform.
Nice advice.
I mean, she could be more fanservicey.
Ibuki's design is actually a fairly tradition dogi outfit which would expose the thighs if she didn't wear any underwear

basically ibuki is sending mixed signals between "I'm a serious ninja that can kill with a toothpick" and "door's open, boys"
I'll just post this.

Ibuki's design is actually a fairly tradition dogi outfit which would expose the thighs if she didn't wear any underwear

basically ibuki is sending mixed signals between "I'm a serious ninja that can kill with a toothpick" and "door's open, boys"
Well, it's more like when she's at work she's as work. She hates her job but dies it well.
Also quick question, do crush counter move beat most moves in SF excluding supers and inv moves?
No, that not really how it works. I'll explain it in terms of Normals then specials.

Normals operate on a strength based system. I should note that crush counter of heavy buttons(H).
So it goes Hk, Hp > Mk, Mp > Lk, Lp.
IF AND ONLY IF the moves go active during the same frame / when the hit boxes collide. Meaning a light attack can stuff a heavy if it comes out first.

Now for Specials. Some specials (very few in this game) have invulnerable frames. In this case they will not be stuffed by any move, aka Ryu Mp DP.
There are also Armored moves which will not be stuff by anything. All this being said if the special does NOT have these properties they can be stuffed by ANY move.

This goes for CC to.