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I wish more companies would do this in general.
hi atlus
I wish more companies would do this in general.
There were allegedly plans for both a Skullgirls and a Persona character in the (surprisingly long) planned DLC lifespan
In a sense I guess they already did with every appearance of Evil Ryu, as well as Oni in IV. Hopefully they might do it again, once SF5's canon story is wrapped up later seasons could throw out a few bonus characters with "This guy's not canon" slapped onto them.
Name: Mike
Height: 192cm
Weight: 99kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: February 9
Country of Origin: United States of America Oklahoma
Favorite things: family car
Dislikes: injury, paparazzi
He became introduced to boxing after serving prison time for committing a robbery. By using only quick sharp jabs, he was able to defeat all his kicking rivals! After he was released he started helping the elderly, and teaching children how to box, he's contributed a lot to the community. He has a great relationship with his family, especially his younger 5 year old sister. He's nothing like whoever Bison (boxer) is, he's not really a good person.
Translations for bakfromon at SRK if you see him, give the dude a hug, this info is golden:
Name: Geki "Super" (The second generation)
Height: 178cm
Weight: 70kg
Blood type: A
Birthday: May 5
Home Country: Japan
Favorite things: Traditional Art of the Water Spider (walking on water)
Dislikes: Doton-no-Jutsu (literally spelled like how Naruto spells theirs)
Young ninja that uses the claw and shuriken. In keeping with tradition, he earns his living as a spy and bodyguard. Tradition is important! It really is.
Name: Scott
Height: 191cm
Weight: 95kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: September 10
Home Country: United States
Favorite things: Street Fights
Dislikes: caterpillars
He is currently a bouncer who was once a former boxer. His rate of swerving was intense, and he was able duck and dodge through opponents attacks within a razors edge away from him. He uses his skills to engage in street fights with city thugs. He seems to enjoy his weekend past time of black bass fishing at the lake. He is not Cody. Unfortunately, he does not make an appearance in SFV.
(Most of you are probably thinking "who's Max?"! There is actually no person Shadaloo doesn't know more about. He is.... *"shows picture of black guy from SF2 intro")
(Not one of the seniority)
Name: Max
Height: 187cm
Weight: 93kg
Blood type: A
Birthday: April 1
Home Country: United States
Favorite things: himself, gambling, shiny things
Dislikes: being sober
He is a heavyweight boxer, with speed and technique behind his punches. The man rushed into a foreign fighting tournament, but he is punsihed because of his bad behavior and constant trouble making. He loves gambling, especially his prize money. He also appears in SFV, somewhere!
Gorbachev (Great Person)
Height: 172cm
Weight: 92kg
Blood type: O
Birthday: March 2
Home Country: Russia
Favorite things: international exchange, world peace, wrestling
Dislikes: transgression
He is Zangief's senior, and also the captain of the famous wrestling unit at the University. Zangief says that he was on active duty during the time of the "Perestroika battle", when he was known as the "Russian Eagle". He is proud as being described as invincible. After graduation he served in politics, and then eventually as the Leader representing Russia to countries around the world. He also conducts social International wrestling events.
(The organization Killer Bee had escaped to and is now a member of; Delta Red, who are the special forces of the United Kingdom.
Conducting investigations into organized crime on a global scale, as well as taking charge in policing a variety of different fields. There are forces such as; reconnaissance, airborne, and naval units, with a membership of over 3500. The lead individuals are...)
Name: Keith Wolfman
Height: 185cm
Weight: 97kg
Blood type: AB
Birthday: December 25
Home Country: United Kingdom
Favorite things: antiques, apple pie
Dislikes: reports, written apologies
The reliable boss Col. Wolfman. The scar on his face is from the time when he fought the Spanish fighter. He is good at fighting with a weapon, especially the stick and tonfa, although he has a long story. (I personally wish there was time for more)
Name: Lita Luwanda
Height: 176cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: March 9
Home Country: Mozambique
Favorite things: a sharp object, Cocoa
Dislikes: spicy things, annoying procedure
The cutlery specialist, who is good with a knife or sword. She has a foul mouth, but people tend to think of her as an elder sister type, especially Cammy. She is misread, as her personal history hasn't been heard by many.
Name: Matthew McCoy
Height: 213cm
Weight: 213kg
Blood type: A
Birthday: August 18,
Home Country: United Kingdom
Favorite things: Renaissance art
Dislikes: burnt stuff stuck to a frying pan
Heavy weapons specialist.The wielder of superhuman strength, being able to shoot a mini gun one-handed. He's very dexterous, and has hobbies which consist of cooking and painting. He is in charge of the special weapons because of his cybernetic right arm.
Name: George Ginzu
Height: 159cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: June 4
Home Country: Singapore
Favorite things: the Internet, cartoons, mysterious incidents
Dislikes: exercise
The information and cybernetic warfare expert. He sets the mood and is usually the moderator of the quarrels between members. The thing that rides on his head is a spy named Oracle-kun, is Oracle's real identity that of an alien?......
(Each one of these guy are strong.....Lord FANG are you reading this? Please help immediately and increase our numbers on the field, especially the network systems)
(The strong arm wrestler turned strong arm mayor. His Body Press is a masterpiece, but his true calling is defending Metro City by force!)
Name: Mike Haggar
Height: 202cm
Weight: 140kg
Blood type: O
Birthday: September 3
Country of Origin: United States of America New York
Favorite things: hamburger, curry rice
Dislikes: guys that do evil
Incumbent mayor of Metro City. His body was forged in street fighting, who was regularly at odds with Zangief, but is now a former but successful member of the CWA. He is very popular at events delivering his lectures and speeches. His daughter is named Jessica. He has never appeared in a Street Fighter title in the past. Reluctant, as he's now a truly good guy and doesn't want to appear as an opponent.
Name: Retsu
Height: 182cm
Weight: 77kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: April 2
Home Country: Japan
Favorite things: jelly, gardening, cleaning
Dislikes: ghost story
Characterized by a hot head and rough temperament, he is an apostate priest who had been excommunicated after repeatedly getting into fights. He had a fight with a young Ryu, and currently strives in his training as a martial artist seeking an opportunity for penance. He is friends with Gouken, Dhalsim, and also has some past history with Oro. He is partial to sweets.
(The two club wielding dandy gladiator. A gentleman Shadaloo would not be able to emulate)
Name: Eagle
Height: 184cm
Weight: 75kg
Blood type: AB
Birthday: December 31
Home Country: United Kingdom
Favorite thing: roast beef
Dislikes: inelegant fellows, non-gentlemanly behavior
The bouncer who wields dual clubs is a proud battle specialist. He travels worldwide seeking a fair dual. Opponents who do not understand the aesthetics of the battle will be utterly battered into smithereens.
(The mercenary who's blade is pointed at Shadaloo. Apparently he had unknowingly ingested oysters last week, and now he has a stomach ache)
Name: Abel
Height: 198cm
Weight: 85kg
Blood type: A
Birthday: November 5
Home Country: France
Favorite things: dogs, bears
Dislikes: oysters
Abel was injured during undercover investigation, he is currently recuperating Mansion of Kozuki. Using Military style MMA, he seems to be a comprehensive fighter. He doesn't seem too friendly when first approached, but he doesn't dislike people, he just has an honest but polite attitude. In the previous title, the affiliated corporation SIN had been destroyed and he is one of the suspects responsible. He was originaly produced to be a warrior replacement body for Vega, but was rumored to be disposed of after various amounts of glitches and problems. Very recently we've seen a Shadaloo soldier bearing a striking resemblance..... (shows picture of Abel in Shadaloo soldier outfit). I wondered about the resemblance when I caught him waiting at an elevator door, although he had been saying "My body".
Name: Goutetsu
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Home Country: Japan
Favorite things: vegetarian vegetable making
Dislikes: weakness
Master of Gouken and Gouki. He is familiar with both the martial arts and stick fighting, and set the foundation of the Ansatsuken art Ryu and Ken use. He stresses the importance of etiquette, and to always work diligently in ones training without fail. He died when Akuma had awoken to the "Surge of Murderous Intent" and performed the Shungokusatsu. There are techniques which he did not pass down. They are seemingly strong.
Goshoken "轟衝拳(掌底を繰り出し波動で吹き飛ばす)" "Roaring Fist Punch" (During the Akuma vs Goutetsu fight featured in Street Fighter Assassin's Fist Goutetsu's final attack again't Akuma before he uses his Metsu Hadoken is referred to as "Metsu Goshoken I'm assuming this is what a Goshoken to be "basically Gouken's Senpuu Goshoha with a ki blast at the end when connecting with the opponent.")
Sensoshippukyaku "閃双疾風脚(鋭い横跳び蹴り)" "Double Flash Rapid Style Kick" (This attack was also featured in SFAS during the Akuma vs Goutetsu fight. It is the attack uses right before Metsu Goshoken while Akuma is backed against the tree. Its referred to as the "Tatsumaki Sensoshippukyaku".)
Sensokyujinkyaku "閃双空刃脚(上空から強襲する蹴り)" "Double Flash Sky Blade Kick"
( Rolling Sobat! Rolling Sobat! I'm such a sexy guy, such a hunk of sexy, he!)
Name: Joe
Height: 186cm
Weight: 76kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: November 8,
Country of Origin: United States of America Missouri
Favorite things: star-shaped things, fame
Dislikes: pickles, defeat
The brilliant famous Kick boxer of the Sobat. He had been proudly undefeated in the ring of United Stated Kick Boxing, but due to financial troubles and violent outbursts he was was forced to live as an outlaw on the road. He is currently under the ring name "Super Star", and participates in indie fighting tournaments. He has a collection of star shaped memorabilia, using "Rolling Sobat" no matter what, he will become a world star (Super Star) to the extreme.
I would give all my money to get Squigly in PSASBR.
Valle boding alphabee, the rage quitter, after challenger him.