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Street Fighter V

i do not know this Alpha Bee person. is he scum like me? thank god i atleast know who Valle is...
I guess he was a mod of leveluplive. If you youtube his name... he is one of the more prolifically recorded RQers.
Wasn't he the guy who got punished for a rq awhile ago that dropped him from like diamond to bronze or something? Crazy.
I'm surprised the ragequitters are still trying to pull these antics. Those dudes need to get another hobby.
As someone who doesn't rage quit, But still gets overly heated in things like ranked in a fighting game, I can kinda understand what a lot of rage quitters do. They go in thinking they'll do pretty well and then they see something go wrong and try to pass it off. Sometimes it gets bad enough you feel like the game is cheating you or everyone else is the cheapest person ever, but there's that drive to laugh at the game's attempt to foil you and to come with at least one victory, that you keep going. The problem is that a lot of these people finally hit that wall where if it ain't going well from the start, quit and find a new match.

Not saying the practice is ok, just trying to help get everyone to understand that mindset, as I've been in it before myself.
Sometimes it gets bad enough you feel like the game is cheating you or everyone else is the cheapest person ever, but there's that drive to laugh at the game's attempt to foil you and to come with at least one victory, that you keep going. The problem is that a lot of these people finally hit that wall where if it ain't going well from the start, quit and find a new match.
I have always wondered why people like this even play fighting games...
I think it's cause fighting games are rewarding and fun, but also have that skill ceiling that brings bragging rights with it. I mean, obviously I can only speak for myself here, but I've moved way past getting those heated moments i mentioned in my previous post. All I had to do was step back and play more casually with friends and others. Sure I'm by no means a master, but that drive to show off your skill and find that one gold nugget amongst all the perceived bs can be very strong in some people.
It reminds me of the people who run marathons and cut out laps or take shortcuts.

What's the fucking point...
It reminds me of the people who run marathons and cut out laps or take shortcuts.

What's the fucking point...
speedrunning in a nutshell
Take that L and learn from it. Rage quitting hurts the person's reputation more than anything else, especially since a lot of players are keeping track of ID's.
Tying success to in game money that lets you buy things (which is a cool idea) only makes the ragequitting problem worse. People don't want to lose matches if winning means they get fight money.

Having in game currency that rewards you for playing the game is cool, as it gives players an extra way to buy content that was going to be monetized DLC anyway. Having no system in place to punish rage quitters ON TOP of that system is horrible, though. There's no excuse for not having a solution to rage quitting either way, but it's especially bad when there is a tangible reward system attached to winning in online play.

TvC on the Wii, a game on a console that didn't even have a good solution to either network play or patching had ragequitter hell. Come on Capcom...
Tying success to in game money that lets you buy things (which is a cool idea) only makes the ragequitting problem worse. People don't want to lose matches if winning means they get fight money.

Rage quitting doesn't get you fight money any faster.
Some people will do anything they think they can get away with. You have to make absolutely sure they can't get away with it, the current system of manually reviewing reports long after the fact is not good enough.
Rage quitting doesn't get you fight money any faster.
It does if you're good enough at it. And even if it doesn't, it feels better to the people who don't want to lose.
Rage quitting doesn't get you fight money any faster.

It protects your W/L ratio, which affects how fast you level up, which affects how fast you get fight money. So it does.
I'm a big fan of the public shaming method. The Valle stream was satisfying to watch. That said, something needs to be done sooner rather than later.

At the very, very least why not just make any DC count as a loss? Hell, I'm a big fan of the LoLs method which gives you a loss and prevents you from queuing for 5 minutes. Did it suck the one time my internet went out through no fault of my own? Sure. But if that were a regular occurrence, maybe I shouldn't be playing multiplayer games.
I'm a big fan of the public shaming method. The Valle stream was satisfying to watch. That said, something needs to be done sooner rather than later.

At the very, very least why not just make any DC count as a loss? Hell, I'm a big fan of the LoLs method which gives you a loss and prevents you from queuing for 5 minutes. Did it suck the one time my internet went out through no fault of my own? Sure. But if that were a regular occurrence, maybe I shouldn't be playing multiplayer games.

In LoL you have the game sever as a 3rd party that can say 100% for certain which player disconnected.

Street Fighter 5 runs on a a player to player connection, so its not so easy. Mike has done a few explanations about this before in various places.
I do not understand the concepts of salt and rage.

Why can't the people just play the video games and have fun.

I used to lose 200 games of MVC2 straight almost every night to my superior friend back when I was just learning fighters and I was still like "wow what a fun game, I wanna play more."

Although I don't care about penalizing people for rage quitting, as if any of that even mattered. I actually enjoy getting rage quits in a trollish sort of way.


Those eyes.
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This is embarrassing on my part, but ah screw it.

Being fairly prone to high sodium content myself, perhaps I can explain: Losing repeatedly, consistently, to the same things that happen faster than you can see, leads to feeling trapped and helpless. You look for an escape, any escape. (Which is funny, seeing as games are often about escapism, meaning you're escaping from your escape...) You see a match is utterly lost beyond any hope of even getting in a decent hit, and you try to remove yourself from the situation.

I tried to only disconnect before the match started, upon recognizing the other player's handle and thinking "oh not you again," but I have walked away from my computer in the middle of a fight after particularly rough sessions. I've disconnected my controller "to save battery life," and I've even thrown it against the ground (no good excuse for that one). And then, worst of all, you try again. Hoping for someone else. Hoping for "that one good fight." The fight that's close, has a good give and take, and could go either way, that great unknown. You like the characters themselves, and you like controlling them, almost as a form of expression. So, you try and try to stand your ground, beating the game your way.

It's not healthy. It's not right. And it doesn't explain everybody. But maybe it sheds some light on the problem.
I do not understand the concepts of salt and rage.

Why can't the people just play the video games and have fun.

I used to lose 200 games of MVC2 straight almost every night to my superior friend back when I was just learning fighters and I was still like "wow what a fun game, I wanna play more."

Although I don't care about penalizing people for rage quitting, as if any of that even mattered. I actually enjoy getting rage quits in a trollish sort of way.


Those eyes.

I have a collection of rage quit photos myself. The problem with SFV is that you don't get a RQ screen. It fully DCs... so no screen cap... no forum "hall of shame".
I got bodied first round by a gold alex. Next round he gets me down to low health and starts taunting with his v skill. I turn it around and win that round, and then I body him on the third round. Dude ragequits during my killing combo. I've never been more mad at a fighting game. Worst part is I don't even know what his tag is because the game doesn't keep a record of who you've fought. I sit here and take my Ls and hemorrhage points, but you're gonna deny me what's due when I earn it? Rage quitters are scum.
I'm guessing Favoritism... also money lots and lots of money.

Sigh... Nothing you can do about that.
I use the share feature to find the names of ragequitters and post the videos on Twitter/YouTube/etc. I cannot understand why they didn't implement a punishment for disconnecting like this. Even Pokken has a system in place for that!
Wait...they don't add people to Recently Met or anything?

Aside from that being bad form, we got FAILED for not doing that. What the hell, Sony!

On Steam, you can't access the "recently played" either which pisses me off.

I use that in SG to see which character I'm picking. 5 hours of played time? Looks like I'm learning a new character. 973 hours of played time? Better pick my girl, PW.
Wait...they don't add people to Recently Met or anything?

Aside from that being bad form, we got FAILED for not doing that. What the hell, Sony!

You can see people in your own match history if you dig up your user profile. Its just not intuitive how to do it at all. Much like the rest of the UI.
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You can see people in your own match history if you dig up your user profile. Its just not intuitive how to do it at all. Must like the rest of the UI.

Not if they RQ. That information doesn't render (I'm guessing it is never stored).
Okay.... sooooo

Guile seems to have some elements that makes one think that his projectile game is going to be freaking god like.

Faultless Move: Guile can keep a charge while still moving in a crouched position. Oh joy....

V-Skill: Can act like an Okie Tool/ a buff for his Sonic Booms. Very much like Ky's Signs.

[These two things makes Guile pretty Guilty Gear]

V-Trigger: Slap buttons= get Sonic Booms at different speeds/ heights. More Sonic Booms Pls.

CA: Sonic Hurricane, seems to be just like it always was, but if you do the super with V-Trigger active it gets a boost in damage and range... G-Great.

Knee Jerk Reaction i know... but I don't care. Time to flood the field with Sonic Booms.