Wait. He was planning on killing of Minette? Why? What purpose would that serve? Nadia already hates the Medcici's so I don't see the point.
And how was Leduc suppose to save the gang from Eliza? Was it a distraction that led to an opening or did he actually kill her? I'm just curious on this one
So I get the problems. If we are going to revamp the story, the big thing I can think of is do we just do the Bloody Marie arc or do we go beyond that.
He wanted to kill Minette off for "drama" because to him killing off a fan favorite would cause the fans to cause an uproar and further the tension? I'm not too sure he just said it was for drama.
Spoilers: the team of 3 (Squigly, Fortune, and Filia.) lose to Eliza in an unwinable fight outside the doors to the cathedral where Marie is....keep in mind this is still act 1 chapter 1
Leduc saves them because he appears in Eliza's secret catacombs or something? And frees them. My idea was to have fortunes head free them since her severed head was free, had its own walk sprite and could've lead to a humors puzzle dungeon but Funky wanted Leduc to rescue them for some reason.
It was almost like he was using Leduc as his own self insert OC, because after Leduc was introduced it became very fanfic like, with the main hero focus switch from the orginal team staring Filia to Leduc.
The whole story was bleh, and from what I remember it was going to have things like time travel early on. Funky didn't really like people critizing and critiquing his story.
Now finally if I were revamped this project. (not saying I will do it, I got my hands full with the dating sim.) I would split the story up into individual hero chapters, like dragon quest 4 where you would play chapters as the individual party members before switching back to the hero later on.
Like one chapter is Filia, one would be Bella, one would be peacock, etc, which would eventually lead to a party formation later on in the story.
However even with this idea the focus would still be on Filia as the hero, not Squigly, not fortune, no OC, and certainly not Leduc.