Okay I have a very noob question: anybody can answer it. I don't wanna make a thread for this stupid question.
I saw your twitch last night dekillsage. You were playing as Filia, Peacock and...I dunno, it was late at nightIwassupposedtobestudyingbutwaswatchingyourtwitchandfellasleep
and I noticed in your Filia air combo you'd do something like
IAD > mp > IAD > mp > hp >hairball H > st.lpx2 > st.mp > super long combo stuff stuff stuff.
And like the millisecond hairball H landed you on the ground you did s.lp to extend the combo.
When I try to do it, my combo drops and I get punished or grabbed in a match. I tried it in training mode and I can't do it. Am I supposed to mash my ass off or...?
What am I doing wrong? Everyone else can do it and I can't. T^T