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The General Movie Discussion Thread

I haven't watched a movie in a while now. Last I saw was Take the Lead, and that was for a uni homework. I enjoyed it though. Before that, it was Eurotrip. There are two movies with mixed reviews on IMDB that I want to watch: Oculus and Tamara, but I haven't decided yet

I also want to watch Sin City 2, but there's no announcement of the premiere in my country, which is making me mad

So mahvel is adapting the Civil War Story to the big screen.

The new pact is significant for the Marvel cinematic universe considering the plot will pit Stark against Captain America’s alter-ego Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, as they feud over the Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with superhuman abilities to reveal their identities to the U.S. government and agree to act as a police force for the authorities.
Big Hero 6.

really good heart-felt movie.

loved all of the references and shit.

Baymax is love. Baymax is life. o-o
I watched "Koyaanisqatsi" recently. It's a documentary-like film that has no narrator, only music and recordings of different environments. It feels like boring at first but then it draws you to itself and loses you in it's potpourri of colors. I have never felt like this before, it's completely unique I must say. I'd give 9/10 scoring for it. It's ost is composed entirely by Philip Glass, so it's a bonus if you like minimalist music. Here's my favourite ost from the film:


When I finally got around to playing Alien: Isolation, I also decided to break out the quadrilogy.
Seriously, I feel nothing beats Alien in terms of suspense and atmosphere.
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Anyone into the Fast and the furious movies?

Furious 7 looks ridiculous in a good way. The Rock doing the rock bottom is badass. I remembered the first few FnF was about street racing and man, they changed it up drastically.
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-O Brother, Where Art Thou
-Blues Brothers
-Blood Simple
-Inside Llewyn Davis
-True Grit (Coen Brothers remake)
-Double Indemnity
-Invasion of The Body Snatchers (original)
Saw Jupiter Ascending recently, it was pretty cool. It reminded me of older sci-fi movies witch is good.
Last night I saw Rescue Dawn. A very excellent but strangely obscure Vietnam war film by Werner Herzog and starring Christain Bale. It follows an optimistic and idealistic german-american bomber pilot who crashes and becomes a POW on his first mission, and his determination to escape rather than wait out the war. Despite the (initial) optimism of the protagonist, it's not an adventure (based on a true story, in fact) and focuses more on the constant humiliation and distress of the protagonist. I found it captivating and the ending, thanks to one little detail, was very powerful.
Finally got around to seeing American Sniper, took the opportunity since I have to write a movie review for film class.

Don't go in expecting a propaganda film, or a glorification/celebration of the man, or some sort of ethical or philosophical treatise on war.

It's a character study on a man in a pretty universal situation. They could have replaced Kyle with any decorated veteran from any war in the past 2000 years and the story would have been the same.

It's a very minimalist film. There are no big melodramatic speeches or melodramatic breakdowns or sweeping musical score. What's most interesting, and what drives home much of the drama, is what's not said. The empty stares, the heavy breathing, the casual denial of ptsd. The film is really excellently paced and has a perfect tone, and gives you just enough to think about with the characterization but doesn't linger on anything long enough to seem heavy handed.

Highly recommended.
Watch Furious 7 last Friday night. The action scenes is so over the top, so much humor, good cheesy one liners, and the ending tribute was really done in a classy way. Loved the song that they used with too.

If had to rank all the F&F movies, it would be 5>7>6>1>3>2>4
IMO literature is and always will be the best story telling medium.

But film is good.
IMO literature is and always will be the best story telling medium.

But film is good.
Film's good. But I meant movies. I think shows/miniseries are the way to go for film storytelling since you have all the time you want to establish the universe and plot + you don't have to write it for one sitting.

After that my picks would be literature for obvious reasons, and games, which I think are fairly unexplored. Games that do take advantage of the interactive aspect to tell a story are phenomenal (a basic example is playing bioshock for the first time. That's nuts.)
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There's a difference between 'film' and 'movie'?

I was actually referring to movie.

In terms of depth, length is pretty much the biggest factor. That being said, 2-3 hours is pretty decent run time and more then enough to establish characterization, central themes, etc. Short stories and small novels arguably work with less (a 20-50 page short story or a 200 page novel could easily be translated into a 2-3 hour movie without losing much).
There's a difference between 'film' and 'movie'?
It's kinda like the difference between 'cartoon' and 'anime'; literally they mean the same thing, but they're divided into two different categories of the same medium. Around here a movie is considered done for selling, it has certain techniques and is mostly 'american style'; a film is more 'artistic' I'd say, not necessarly indie but 'indie movie' gives the idea. Most films have the 'everything is a metaphor' vibe.
For example Peter Jackson makes movies, Pier Paolo Pasolini makes films.
The better way to phrase what I was saying earlier would probably be a difference between movie and motion picture. Motion picture being how it's made and Movie being classification by length/structure I guess.
I love motion pictures, but I gotta say that Comics are the ultimate medium. When wielded by a master, you get the depth of literature, while still having visual moments that can tell paragraphs without a single word. All this, while still allowing enough flexibility for the readers to flow through the pages at their own pace, and timing the actions with their imaginations.

That's why, in comic form, a five minute fight with Freeza actually feels like five minutes!
Just a fair warning to not simply let this thread be a dumping ground for movie trailers (See No media dump threads rule).

If this thread is to talk about the acting, direction, production, etc. of certain movies, that is fine, but do not simply say "I am looking forward to X, here is a trailer/screenshot" as that will turn this thread into a media dump thread and will get this thread closed.

This is already looking like a media dump thread, so now's your chance to turn this thread around.
If there's one film that I watched profoundly when I was a child, it was...

Saving Private Ryan.


Not necessarily a kids film, as you may notice, but I just couldn't get enough of Tom Hanks and the opening D-Day scene.
Plus it has quite the cast.
Watched Age of Ultron on Friday night with a group of people, its more of the same as the first Avengers movie. Heroes team up, heroes argue with each others, makes a joke here and there, heroes makes a plan, hero take down big bad guy.
also mind control gimmicks, 1st on Hawkguy and now on the rest of team..

I thought Ultron was more menacing, but he does nothing but tell jokes. Dude can rule and take over the interwebz but he choose not to for some reason..One of the good part about the movie is that it had way better action sequences, like The Hulkbuster vs the Hulk.
So I'm rewatching all of the disney movies to decide what the best one is.

So far I have to say that if you have not seen Hunchback of Notre Dame you are missing out. This movie is extremely adult in content and is leagues above the Aladdin/Frozen/Tangled level, which I didn't even know was possible haha.
So two new movies came out, recently. Paul Blart 2 and the Avengers 2.

Guess which one I went and saw. Anyways, I do have a friend who actually did go and see Paul Blart 2, and he says that the movie was very poorly made. Every time a joke was made, except one time he thought it wasn't funny, he says.

Anyways, I went to see the Avengers movie. It was an extremely solid Marvel movie, however I still prefer the first movie. For whatever reason Black Widow and Hulk are lovers, now. It doesn't really make too much sense to me, but I find it interesting.

Long story short see the Avengers don't see Paul Blart
Here's a movie that only came out here in the Britland just recently that I really want to see but probably won't until it gets released on DVD...


I was first introduced to this through Payday 2 and John Wick as a playable character. I was surprised to see that he was in fact part of a deal with Lionsgate Studios to promote this film, which was already out in the US of A by the time I saw this. Seeing that there was a release date for April this year, I was quite thoroughly hype. From what I have seen of the trailers, the action looks amazing, apparently inspired from the director's love of anime and martial arts films. The reviews for this are astounding, and considering I'm a diehard Keanu Reeves fanboy, there's really no reason for me not to see it. But when I do, I'll probably make some sort of update post.
Any Mad Max fans here? Is the new one any good for those that saw it? Heard some promising things at least productions wise such as keeping nearly everything real instead of CGI.
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I saw Mad Max on Saturday with my Sister for my Birthday movie.
I haven't seen any of the previous movies (though I saw a very quick summary thanks to IGN), but I loved it, almost all the effects were practical and pretty much all the scenes were memorable, I'll probably see it again, that's for sure.
Also looking forward to that Mad Max PS4 game now
I really wanna see Jurassic Park, but my sister doesn't wanna see it because she doesn't wanna see Dinosaurs die.
So i sadly won't be able to see it until it's on DVD :(
at least it's better than family pets being murdered for dark humor.
There are so many movies that have come out in the last couple of months that I've wanted to see.

However I did in fact see Spy recently, which as a fan of Melissa McCarthy I knew wouldn't disappoint me, but gosh darn that was so over the top hilarious.

I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys comedy films.
So I'm rewatching all of the disney movies to decide what the best one is.

So far I have to say that if you have not seen Hunchback of Notre Dame you are missing out. This movie is extremely adult in content and is leagues above the Aladdin/Frozen/Tangled level, which I didn't even know was possible haha.

Yeah, I rewatched them all back in my early teens, and Hunchback was indeed my favorite by far. Fantastic on every level.

It's almost hard to bring them both up in the same post, due to how astronomically different they are in every way, but the book is a must read to. One of the most emotionally brutal things you'll ever read.
if you say any Disney villain besides Cruella DeVill is the most evil villain you're wrong.
nothing much is more evil than puppy skinning.
especially if you do it 99 times.
Well everyone seems to be talking about good movies here (except Age of Ultron) so how about I add a fun bad movie to the mix with "San Andreas."
This movie looks and feels like a big budget Syfy channel movie with CG extras being killed in the most hilariously tragic deaths. Also, bouncing boobies. The boobies are not emphasized much but damn it's like someone told all the actresses to not wear a bra on set (which made me laugh even harder).

It's sad that the low points are the story bits but hey when you're making a 90's disaster-movie with today's technology, what do you expect.
For some reason even when I saw the trailer for that movie I couldn't even take it seriously
Got invited to an Inside Out screening at Pixar by a friend last Sat. Was running late & got there just as it started. Recommended!
And to this day I will never get why the minions have their own movie...