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The Legend of Zelda Thread

Can you stop?
I'm enjoying it so far and I don't understand the hate at all, the controls are alright, aside from a few hiccups, and everything so far has been rad.
I'm gonna play it to completion and probably play it again later just to spite you.

Though I am kind of rushing so I can be prepared for Hyrule Warriors
maybe it's just my personal opinion.
I don't like the art style, I don't like the portrayal of Zelda, I think the story is highly unnecessary, I don't like the villains, I don't like the complete removal of any and all exploration, I don't like the items, I don't like any of the characters (except Groose), I don't like the areas, I don't like the bosses (except Koloktos), I don't like the sheer repetitiveness, and seriously,
the worst fucking Zelda.
Can you stop?
I'm enjoying it so far and I don't understand the hate at all, the controls are alright, aside from a few hiccups, and everything so far has been rad.
I'm gonna play it to completion and probably play it again later just to spite you.

Though I am kind of rushing so I can be prepared for Hyrule Warriors
Hopefully you're like me and enjoy it without all of the anti-hype against it hahah. I like the game a lot and it's exactly what they promised, so I don't get why people were so dissapointed ;)
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Yes, thank you.
I'm ignoring all the anti-hype and enjoying it a lot.
To be honest, I think every single new Zelda game has had some degree of hatedom for it in recent years.
So I've just grown numb and learned to ignore it and just enjoy the damn game.
Bro, you can't ignore the criticisms of the game and then be all like, "I don't understand why people don't like it."

Either acknowledge that the game has flaws or acknowledge that people don't like it, doing neither is seriously one of my biggest peeves ever.
Bro, you can't ignore the criticisms of the game and then be all like, "I don't understand why people don't like it."

Either acknowledge that the game has flaws or acknowledge that people don't like it, doing neither is seriously one of my biggest peeves ever.
Dragging people down isn't any better, let's just try to have fun and discuss and not bag on people for liking/not liking a game. Everyone has different opinions SS does things right, and does things wrong, if we were talking about OOT things would be the exact same haha.
Dragging people down isn't any better, let's just try to have fun and discuss and not bag on people for liking/not liking a game. Everyone has different opinions SS does things right, and does things wrong, if we were talking about OOT things would be the exact same haha.

I didn't though.
All I said (today at least) was that there was nothing much that I liked about the game, and I listed all the aspects in particular that I don't like.
And the only other post I've made in this thread was saying there's no reason to replay the game. Cause there really isn't.
And you're kind of actively shutting down discussion by telling people to ignore criticism.
Yeah, I played OoT, and I didn't enjoy it as much as TP, but I can see why people hold it on such a high pedestal. But it definitely has not aged well (but that might be because I was using the Classic Controller)
To each their own, I was only poking fun at the game. It's just okay, nothing absolutely egregious.
I didn't though.
All I said (today at least) was that there was nothing much that I liked about the game, and I listed all the aspects in particular that I don't like.
And the only other post I've made in this thread was saying there's no reason to replay the game. Cause there really isn't.
I was speaking in general, didn't mean to single you out :p, and I agree but that's because I feel like hero mode should've been better.
I was speaking in general, didn't mean to single you out :p, and I agree but that's because I feel like hero mode should've been better.

I don't want to get into this argument today.
I've said why I don't like Skyward Sword a million times in the Hyrule Warriors and Smash threads.
I don't want to get into this argument today.
I've said why I don't like Skyward Sword a million times in the Hyrule Warriors and Smash threads.
Haha, it could have but I still think it was fun.
Skyward Sword is a gigantic can of worms that really shouldn't be opened unless it absolutely has to. If you like the game, that's cool, if you don't, that's also bloody great as well.
It's not without flaws, the constant centering and recalubrating is annoying and I'm sure a few later bosses are hell because of stupid reasons (Like The Imprisoned I heard), but I still think it's pretty fun
OHOHOHOO. OHHHH BOY. Well hi there sexy.

something that should've been considered... peacock shouldve got a skullkid palette. "skull"girls and peacock is a kid

You know, with all the times I've played MM on my Gamecube, a 3DS port just doesn't really get me excited. It will help sell a few more consoles don't get me wrong, and MM is possibly one of the best Zelda games to be on handheld because of it's unique structure. (As well as my favorite Zelda game hands down)

Maybe if this had come out a few years back I'd be hitting the gym in order to make sure that my body was ready.
Why do these people think it is a good idea sitting there showing the footage that really matters on a TV-screen in the background? While talking about it? This annoys me to no end. Plus crowd noises.

Release gameplay in fullscreen and talk to the press after it god dammit.
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If it's anything like the last American-made adaptation of a Nintendo game we're in for a good one.
>"Game of Thrones for family-friendly audiences"

This is either going to be the best goddamn thing ever, or stupidest thing in existence.
I am excited either way.
waiting on the cutest iteration of link is worth it.

how bout that new trailer.

I hope big frost Goron is our bff
I don't have the Switch and spent all my weekend watching Breath of the Wild gameplay...
What an amazing looking game, i love everything in it so far : the freedom you get, the lively world, the fact that no one really holds your hand and you can do whatever you feel like.
The whole game is a breath (hah) of fresh air and i'm just so happy it exists.

(Can't wait to try it :^p )
Wow this thread is kinda....less alive than I thought it would be BOTW out and about.

Nothing a good WTF can't fix

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There's a surprising amount of innuendo. And every single person in Hyrule is Link-sexual.