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The Official League of Legends Thread!

This doesn't happen at gold tier and higher level. Not if they are pretty much sure they will kill and get out alive, have map awareness if no one is coming and this kind of stuff. Nobody who analyses the situation dives a character with heavy CC and probably even Exhaust.
Also, Sona is pretty easy to kill anyway. Weakest character defensively speaking, iirc. Probably the reason why she is not viable even as a support anymore.

Sona has always been the squishiest character in the game, her vastly diminished aura range means that she has to be cuddling up to someone if she wants to aura share. Combined with her nerfed E, inability to poke and long established squishiness. Means that she will be either easily killed or easily zoned in lane. Defeating the purpose of her as a support in the first place. This also means that the bot lane ADC will quickly snowball and push the game out of reach. By the time Sona would be able to catch up and have any ability to contribute the game will be over.

It's almost as if they want to kick her out of the game entirely but decided simply to nerf her into useless because her low cut costumes and huge boobs are great for selling $10 skins.
/u\ I always saw support as one of the more diverse parts of the game. I mean, Braum is technically as support as well as a tank and half of his moves are damage.

Sona always seems to me like she was the supporting support. not meant to go into combat but instead provide a boost to an ally. I never saw Sona as someone who could fight on her own. kite people maybe, but I never thought she was a champ to be used for fighting.
Sona used to have a very strong harass game, which freed up her lane partner by pushing back the support or punishing the enemy ADC. Her squishiness was a balance for her damage potential as well as her strong auras. It was a risk versus reward to play her as a poke since she was essentially a glass cannon early on.

Now she really has none of that. Sona has no choice as support but to cling to her lane partner and heal bot. Doubly annoying since riot has decided "HEALERS BAD! NO HEALING!" By attempting to make her more "Strategically Interesting" they succeeded only in making her into another Evelynn. Any use she's seeing now is as an AP Mid, but she's hardly specced right for that.
People are allowed to think Sona's bad and all. I mean. You can go ahead and do that if you want.






Though I might be slightly inclined to say otherwise.
Victorious Morgana Splash Art

Bloodmoon Kalista Skin


Battlecast Alpha Skarner Skin

Battlecast Kog'maw Skin

Constable Trundle Skin

Captain Volibear Skin


Safecracker Evelynn Skin


Pickpocket Twitch Skin
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Oh look, the second Evelyn skin I've seen that I don't find myself hating.
hooray! a skin for Volibear that allows him to stay a Polar Bear, y'know, cuz that's why he's named Volibear!
Kalista Preview

Battlecast Alpha Skarner Preview

Battlecast Kog Maw Preview
welp, big file download for league. kinda want to try out the new rift if I can. I heard it actually is less demanding of non-gaming computers, so I'd love to see if that's true or not.
okay, I want to try to take the plunge. I love hecarim, but I am the worst at jungling. what should I do?
okay, I want to try to take the plunge. I love hecarim, but I am the worst at jungling. what should I do?
learn how to jungle with an easy character before, such as Vi or Kha, that have great clear time and easy dumb ganks.
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Wait, I'm not getting an update. I just got the one from yesterday where they updated some of the mini-map icons and they Buffed the hell out of Singed one of my favorite characters #AREYOUREADYFORPOISON2014
learn how to jungle with an easy character before, such as Vi or Kha, that have great clear time and easy dumb ganks.
can you gimme a list of easy to jungle with characters please?
Took me years to even give LoL a chance but just recently I really wanted to get into the game, which I did for about a week until I had to downgrade my internet last month. Now it's impossible with just 3 Mbps download speed and 1 Mbps upload, which I share with a bunch of roommates. Played Jinx during the time I had which was pretty fun, but I was hoping to eventually main either Caitlyn or Miss Fortune.

I tried getting into DOTA2 a few months prior to LoL but it felt slow at the time and I didn't care much for the character designs compared to LoL's.

Took me years to even give LoL a chance but just recently I really wanted to get into the game, which I did for about a week until I had to downgrade my internet last month. Now it's impossible with just 3 Mbps download speed and 1 Mbps upload, which I share with a bunch of roommates. Played Jinx during the time I had which was pretty fun, but I was hoping to eventually main either Caitlyn or Miss Fortune.
Caitlyn is fun, and Jinx is great if you know how to use her.

I'm also really liking sticking with bottom support or a mid mage. Braum and Veigar are the two I love to play most.

and man that sucks about your internet problems, hope they'll improve. :(
Caitlyn is fun, and Jinx is great if you know how to use her.

I'm also really liking sticking with bottom support or a mid mage. Braum and Veigar are the two I love to play most.

and man that sucks about your internet problems, hope they'll improve. :(

Heh, I'll get back into it eventually. I mostly went mid with Jinx but it was funny how everyone always called out which lane they wanted to take, without any help from anyone, but there are only 3 lanes and 5 players. xD

Sometimes I'd ask if they wanted me to guard our base back at spawn lol, but I usually went mid.

The only other characters I tried were Garren (which I didn't like), The Portal robot-voice girl (she was fun), and Ashe (alright, but not as fun as Jinx or Portal girl).

Edit: Oh I also tried Vi one round, but I had no idea how to use her so I just supported top.
Easy Junglers
  • Vi
  • Kha'Zix
  • Amumu
  • Jarvan IV
  • Rammus
  • Volibear
  • Xin Zhao
  • Hecarim
  • Nocturne
  • Skarner
  • Shyvanna (nobody uses this anymore lmao)
  • Warwick
Green = Good gank, good cleartime
Red = Good gank, subpar cleartime
Blue = Subpar gank, good cleartime

There are a shitload of characters that used to be played as junglers. Some of them are barely even played anymore, like Mundo, Olaf or Nautilus, that had an ok cleartime and good gank.
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My roles are as followed.

Top Lane = Singed/Shyvana/Riven
Jungler = Vi/Lee Sin/Fiddlesticks
Mid Lane = Leblanc/Brand/Orianna
ADC Bot Lane = Caitlyn/Jinx/Draven
SUP Bot Lane = Thresh/Leona/Karma
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now, is it ABSOLUTELY necessary that I try to get red or blue buff at the beginning? I'm just wondering since I've seen some people go for wolves first.
What about Sejuani jungle?

Throwing the R from an unwarded bush or the fog of war and then charging with Q at whoever is frozen never stops being hilarious.
I'll play wherever I'm needed. but I probably shouldn't be jungle till I know what to do.

Top: Riven/Irelia/Garen (planning on getting Pantheon)
Mid: Veigar/Akali/(planning on getting Vladamir)
Bot Offense: Jinx/Ezreal/Caitlyn
Bot Support: Braum/Sona/Thresh
Top: Fizz AD, Quinn
Mid: Malzahar, Anivia (season 1 ftw)
Jungle: Nocturne, Volibear
AD: Graves, Varus
Support: Leona
I'll play wherever I'm needed. but I probably shouldn't be jungle till I know what to do.

Top: Riven/Irelia/Garen (planning on getting Pantheon)
Mid: Veigar/Akali/(planning on getting Vladamir)
Bot Offense: Jinx/Ezreal/Caitlyn
Bot Support: Braum/Sona/Thresh

Sona is the new Evelynn, remember?
man, evelynn used to suck sooooo muuuch
like, even if she was strong in the game, se was utterly useless
sorry for double posting, but, new stuff about the pre-season changes!

I can hear it now, people's precious meta crumbling away! oh it is glorious!
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I'll only be happy about metagame changes when vision gets limited, supports roam more often and items have significant actives (like the new one introduced).
I really hope they take out trinkets and Sightstones and leave a slot just for wards instead. Also, only 5 wards should be on the map, to make the game more dangerous and based on reads.
I also really fucking hope they take Barrier and Heal out, to make things more aggresive.

Prediction about what will happen in the jungle:
  • Those smites will be picked by regular lanes because that slow seems strong, and the sustain looks ok.
  • AA based junglers like Nocturne, Udyr, Yi, Kayle AD (maybe? the dream is not dead), Warwick, etc, will be more picked because of the double golem buff (if it lasts a decent amount of time, that is).
  • Champions with heavy CC gank like Nautilus, Amumu, Maokai, Lee, etc, will be more effective because of the slow smite.
idk, I have to see cooldowns and duration of effects before.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Kinda been afraid to post here (because reasons), but I've kinda dropped League earlier this year, because I've been so busy. I've picked it up again, and want to play it more than ever. Just recently got Sona (I literally play nothing but Support) and I'm in love. Would love to have some friends to play in games with... ;v;
P.S. I'm quite the noob, but I do understand some stuff here and there.
feel free to add me.

RedRummage. I'll play anywhere but jungle because I'm not good at it yet...
sorry for double posting, but, new stuff about the pre-season changes!

I can hear it now, people's precious meta crumbling away! oh it is glorious!

It'll never be a good game so long as the community is a human cesspool.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Kinda been afraid to post here (because reasons), but I've kinda dropped League earlier this year, because I've been so busy. I've picked it up again, and want to play it more than ever. Just recently got Sona (I literally play nothing but Support) and I'm in love. Would love to have some friends to play in games with... ;v;
P.S. I'm quite the noob, but I do understand some stuff here and there.

You'd have liked her so much better when she was actually useful.
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You'd have liked her so much better when she was actually useful.
(´・ω・`) you know
c(´・ω・`) you need to learn to chill about them sona changes.
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