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The Official League of Legends Thread!

Ughhhhhhh... I wish I didn't suck with Sona so I could actually be excited about the new skin.. But I'm really just ultra jealous of other people who'll get it, and mad that I will never be able to myself. FML.
The best part is that while I'm using that skin, I can't get mad at myself if I lose because Sona has such a low barrier of entry in terms of how to play.
Which is weird, before I heard the songs, that form was my favorite of the three
Gonna say it right now, I'm with everyone's opinion that DJ Sona's voice is weird...
When you don't have music accompanying it
With her songs playing the entire game, it will no doubt sound better with that techno playing over it.
So, yeah DJ Sona's dance is Carmelldansen. Even more reason for me to own it when it's released.

So, yeah DJ Sona's dance is Carmelldansen. Even more reason for me to own it when it's released.

wow.. retro much lol

edit: My BF just linked me this. Shoulda happened!

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Given how she was just added to the pbe, I wouldn't be surprised if she was added in two-three weeks
I played Varus a few days ago.. The recall animation makes me laugh SO freaking hard.

Loading up the PBE now to see if Sona's there, since it was in Maint last night before I went to bed.

edit: NM, still down due to a bunch of bugs that was introduced...

edit 2: Ok Playing her now. Her joke is the turntable's lights shorts out and gets pissed, and "Flips the table" on it XD Her taunt, she flips onto the "table" (shorting it out), angerly points at herself, then angerly points at the direction she's facing. does the "I see you" motion (2 fingers at her "eyes", then point out). (Edit note: Changed modes and zoomed in. The concussion skin was easier to see this)

pretty cool build though.

Toggling (/toggle's not working atm) activates a skill called "Ragnarok" XD

edit - Visual:

sorry it's a bit small... any bigger it'd get into 100's of megs..
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Given how she was just added to the pbe, I wouldn't be surprised if she was added in two-three weeks

It's gonna be mid March since we still need to get the New Year skins, the Inquistor skins, the Marauder skins, and the Valentine skins.
Marauder Warwick & Marauder Ashe Splash Art

Warden Nautilus & Warden Sivir Splash Art
I really like DJ sona but I don't know if i can justify that purchase anytime soon honestly lol.

Plus im not a /huge/ sona fanboy, even though I own her arace skin and enjoy playing her, she isn't anywhere near my first pick, especially with being a support main.
I really like DJ sona but I don't know if i can justify that purchase anytime soon honestly lol.

Plus im not a /huge/ sona fanboy, even though I own her arace skin and enjoy playing her, she isn't anywhere near my first pick, especially with being a support main.
Not gonna lie. I dropped Sona for a bit, because I had just gotten Braum and his Dragonslayer skin. But then I messed around with every other support champion and came back around to Sona. Since support is all I can do, might as well play Sona, having everything I love in a support champ. I've always LOVED her design, kit, voice, etc. Aaand I'm rambling. Point is, DJ Sona is certainly going to be a skin I'm going to get. Without a doubt.
(Sorry for the double post)
Because I'm bored, and I'm always googling this, I'm just gonna post the free champ rotation whenever I find it. Rotation for the week of Feb. 10th

3150 IP or 790 RP

3150 IP or 790 RP

Jarvan IV
4800 IP or 880 RP

450 IP or 260 RP

4800 IP or 880 RP

6300 IP or 975 RP

4800 IP or 880 RP

Miss Fortune
3150 IP or 790 RP

450 IP or 260 RP

6300 IP or 975 RP
*Cough* totally didn't get this from Surrender @ 20 *Cough*
Current Sale:
February 10th, 2015 - February 13th, 2015

975 487

880 440

790 395

975 487

Jarvan IV
975 487

Sherwood Forest
520 260
you know, most of us who play the game regularly will probably check the sales on the main website, right?