Today is my "off day" for college classes so I went into placements since being around this thread for a few days warmed me up to playing League again. And, well, League yet again curbstomped me back to not playing it for probably another month.
I was in...Gold 4? Last season?
First match: I got stuck with support so picked Leona with Graves against a Tristana/Blitz. Did fine pre-6 until Graves got hooked under tower. We pushed hard for those levels and Grave still didn't have more cs than Trist. After Grave's first death we really couldn't do anything, every other lane lost and we lost all lane pressure which basically means we're useless as Leona/Graves. I think Sejuani died in her jungle to Hecarim level 2. So yeah lost that one.
Second: Had to go Lissandra top against Malphite, did extremely well early game. I was up 40 CS on him at one point, 75-35, and got one kill without any jungle help. Meanwhile Le'Blanc dies to Yasuo, Yasuo roams bottom, gets kills, etc.
We get an early dragon and afterwards I try and pressure top more but people just get picked off. Malphite comes back like 7 minutes later, is 6-2, has Abyssal and Sheen, 1v1's me, everyone who does damage has 6+ kills, we just get run over.
I hate how I forget how shitty League can get until I go back to play it. =D