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The Official League of Legends Thread!

why wouldn't you like Jinx cosplaying as a chinese SunnySplosion?
dude, hour long matches are the most tiring matches ever, but if you ever pull out a win on those, boy do you feel amazing.
dude, hour long matches are the most tiring matches ever, but if you ever pull out a win on those, boy do you feel amazing.
Yeah but when you lose it...
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dude, hour long matches are the most tiring matches ever, but if you ever pull out a win on those, boy do you feel amazing.
You know, I don't know HOW we won, but I had the WRONG Runes and Masteries on! I had the set I used the prev game, which was Morg XD So that win was EVEN sweeter!
I was gifted a PBE account (some how he had more then 1 invites XD). It's ok. A decent place to test bed som'in without buying RP.
RydiaFromFF2 on the PBE (changed it so if I get my own PBE I can pass this account off to my bf XD)
Just saw Nemesis Draft is in the playlist. Gonna give it a try.
Alright. My to-do list for when I get back on League.
  1. Catch up with friends
  2. Play some games
  3. Play the PBE
  4. Get Syndra
Let's hope everything goes according to plan, and I can get on tomorrow... ;w;
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Played the Nemisis mode in PBE today (before I read that post above...) and had a hillarious moment. I was trying to chase down Poppy, which wasn't working out too well. She stops long enough to do her taunt, which she goes "Drop your weapons and surrender now..."

.. what do I do? I do Garren's Dance! *Drops sword!*

LoL Chat said:
PixelLegionary: what if they jsut give us supports
Kit Ba11ard: Then we live forever
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so is there anything you can get from playing nemesis or is it just access to battle boosts?
Katarina Classic Splash Art
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so is there anything you can get from playing nemesis or is it just access to battle boosts?
I read you get an icon or something :/
hnnnnng, what's the icon look like if that's true.

cuz I worked for my Poro King icon and lots of people found snowdown boring.
hnnnnng, what's the icon look like if that's true.

cuz I worked for my Poro King icon and lots of people found snowdown boring.
No image yet but this is from the site

so how many games do I have to play? Cu I only did one and completed one.
I just started playing recently (blame me watching @dapurplesharpie play on her stream). Though I've found myself partial to Veigar (I love his final boss skin and he's rather fun to play) and Annie (...played her before Veigar). That being said, I'm still trying to find my niche while playing, though.
I love me some Adcs. Caitlyn Jinx Miss fortune (Arcade skin) vayne. But I do Ahri and Leblanc mid. Janna and Sona for support.
My primary role's ADC (Jinx, Sivir, Varus) followed by Support (Blitz, Thresh, Soraka, Morg). I usually play Jungle with Gnar and Top with Gnar. Mid I'd go Ahri. Mid's my worst lane..

I got the Heartseaker Varus skin on PBE and that Recall animation makes me laugh so hard every time.

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King Tryndamere for 260 RP

Headhunter Nidalee for 487 RP

Lunar Goddess Diana for 487 RP

LeBlanc for 395 RP

Volibear for 440 RP

Vi for 487 RP

This rotation is pretty nice, I can't deny.
is it just me, or has ADC not mattered as much for season 5?
well, I've been playing ADC a bit, and I just don't feel like I've been mattering as much in the team.

also, McRooster has said that ADC just doesn't feel as important either.
well, I've been playing ADC a bit, and I just don't feel like I've been mattering as much in the team.

also, McRooster has said that ADC just doesn't feel as important either.
Well, the only other role that can poke from afar would be like, Mage. I don't know, I feel that's kinda important..
How is Twisted Fate these days? He was one of my favorite hero, along with Vayne and Annie.

I havent played LoL since early 2013..been on that Dota 2.
TF is still nuts in the right hands... though I've caught many TF's out when they ulted in.

Yeah... Lately i've been struggling with the ADC role.. som'in does feel off, all of a suddon...