I've been holding my breath for a while since I heard that Taric was getting a rework. I started playing League almost 2 years ago and Taric has been apart of pretty much all but a few months of that career. Back then I played with some college friends and since I was fresh at the game and they were all ranked I stuck myself as a support since it was the role that required me to do the least...or so I thought back then.
He wasn't my first champion acquizition (that honor goes to Gangplank) but Taric was probably in the first dozen of champions I got. He was the first low IP champion that I got that really felt like he was built for the support role. Gangplank had Raise Morale back then and his ult which made for good teamfights but his Q and W were too aggressive and cost enough mana that I would be low if I didn't ration them. Kayle was another early support for me and her ult, heal, and stun were also good support tools but I didn't have the teeth for a harass style of support. Enter the Gem Knight.
When I say Taric was a rock that I built my support mentality around I mean it. Sticking to people in fights, healing and peeling, and precise timing of his ult. That was what I envisioned a support to be. He made sense and has an easy kit to learn so I stuck to him. Two years later and here we are, one of my support mains is getting reworked and for the first time since Gangplank I actually care about the changes.
Riot has outdone themselves, I'm going to miss Shatter and Radiance but what I lose in peel and buffs I gain in an AOE stun, Mass Kayle ult, and a greater teamfight presence when it comes to heals and CC. He's getting a much needed visual update because honestly the only great looking skins were the default and shamrock skins. The hair on Armor of the Fifth Age throws it off and bloodstone is a little squatty but I still like them. I am not interested in having to compete for playing Taric in ranked though when he becomes the new hotness for the next month or so.
Only real complaint I have is the voice. Yuri is no Dennis Johnson. They are trying to keep his airy voice but without the gruffness underneath it all I hear is a tired Yosuke. I'll adjust but just like Gangplank (save original VA) I'll miss the old voice a lot.
Anyways, rant aside The Gem Knight is getting a glamorous update and I'll be waiting for it to drop.