Well neither really need it. Cho has a simple kit that is really effective and if anything only his ult needs tweaking due to how it interacts with items and Mundo's kit is simple but easily countered but also fits a playstyle that only a few other champs can claim: super healing hp sponge tank.
In the case of Irelia, none of her stuff really fits her theme anymore and her kit in general is kind of a mess. She has true damage auto attacks, on hit healing, a dash, execute, stun, and free tenacity. It's overloaded but also underpowered. Besides, her weapon doesnt really play into her kit outside the ult and even then her ult is her weakest ability. Reworking her to maybe launch the blades, use them to hit multiple ppl, or just in general make everything more stand out (why play irelia when you can play jax or shyvana?).
I would like a Mundo Visual Update tho tbh. and I think Malphite could use a VGU. he really doesnt have much going for him rn aside from his ult.