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The Official League of Legends Thread!

they keep mentioning a first star character and Ahri is very clearly from another planet given some of her dialogue towards Lux....what if First Star is an alien? Star Guardian Rek'Sai! :P
I'm just sitting here wondering if we're getting a Third Wave of PROJECT skins because it looks like July is now traditionally Arcade Month, August is tradiationally Star Guardian Month, and September is usually PROJECT month.
I'm just sitting here wondering if we're getting a Third Wave of PROJECT skins because it looks like July is now traditionally Arcade Month, August is tradiationally Star Guardian Month, and September is usually PROJECT month.
Give me project Evelynn
Give me Evelynn ANYTHING! Q_Q

Her rework won't be out until after Worlds so its gonna be awhile regardless...
Give me Evelynn ANYTHING! Q_Q

Her rework won't be out until after Worlds so its gonna be awhile regardless...
Eve's getting a rework? Finally. My ex made me pick her up and I regretted that decision.
I love Eve shush lol. she was my big main for a long time and I'm looking forward to what they doing. Then again...it's the Galio team sooooooo
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I love Eve shush lol. she was my big main for a long time and I'm looking forward to what they doing. Then again...it's the Galio team sooooooo
galios rework was a mistake I hate it

Hope literally my most played champ, Eve isnt fucking ruined.
They did state (can't find it rn) that its going to be more of a modern update. So maybe it won't be so bad? I play a ton of Eve as well and she could use some love, but not if it means she gets completely changed into something totally different.
ornns fun to play as a sup if u got a good friend to play with
As someone who has out more time into Eve than into any other champ I am hype.
I am.
I mean, some of these are weird, but I'm finally glad they're taking runes out behind the shed and shooting them.
Not exactly what I was thinking love. I was more like... the effects... Some of them are going to get kinda janky..
lunar revel twitch


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Ev's rework launches today, and since it wasn't shared, here's the spotlight. Ev's kit def got a whole lot scarier.
she's pretty strong cause ppl still dont know how to play against her. now she has a lot of kill power to back it up.

all the "eve mains" are coming out of the woodwork, but I'm still just here with lvl 7 old Eve laughing at them

EDIT: HOLY SHIT SHEEN IS STUPID ON EVE. her dash applies on hits and if its empowered it does buttloads of damage. combo that with her W charm and she just blows everyone up. its insane.

EDIT2: Her jg clear is awkward cause your W is important but you obviously have to wait the 2.5 seconds. I think she's going to end up in kinda the same place as she was before, but stuff like Abyssal Mask, Deadman's, Lichbane, Runic, Liandries, and boots. especially with how her passive works.
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Well neither really need it. Cho has a simple kit that is really effective and if anything only his ult needs tweaking due to how it interacts with items and Mundo's kit is simple but easily countered but also fits a playstyle that only a few other champs can claim: super healing hp sponge tank.

In the case of Irelia, none of her stuff really fits her theme anymore and her kit in general is kind of a mess. She has true damage auto attacks, on hit healing, a dash, execute, stun, and free tenacity. It's overloaded but also underpowered. Besides, her weapon doesnt really play into her kit outside the ult and even then her ult is her weakest ability. Reworking her to maybe launch the blades, use them to hit multiple ppl, or just in general make everything more stand out (why play irelia when you can play jax or shyvana?).

I would like a Mundo Visual Update tho tbh. and I think Malphite could use a VGU. he really doesnt have much going for him rn aside from his ult.
you can add me. I'm North888. I don't promise I'll play with you a lot cause I tend to stick just with friends or ranked (I want that graves skin but im stuck in silver forever Q_Q) but if you add me and wanna play I'd be down.
well I mean people I play and talk with more...I-I mean...I'm sorry? D:

May not want to play with me for a few days. on a heavy losing streak. (dropped from 99 pts in s1 to 75 pts in s3 in one long string of losses) the salt is starting to show. Can't seem to get a win or even come close recently...
I need to play more games with you guys. lol

Recently it doesnt seem to matter who I play I still lose really hard. I want to take a break from ranked but the season is ending soon...I want that graves skin man.