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The Official League of Legends Thread!

I'm starting to install Leauge...

That charicter that had that one guys make a whole cartoon about him with an assloads of Hokuto No Ken references sounds fun to play.

Mostly because I love Hokuto No Ken

You must be referring to Udyr.
Voice - Sion - New 2014 Voice

Scott McNeil's voice is so hardcore. It takes me back to his days as Wolverine on X-Men Evolution.​
I went back again to League since Valve kinda totally destroyed the actual metagame and I'll take a while to adapt.
Anyway, I got really pissed off at Viktor's rework. I didn't get why they took out his 0.5s silence and his DoT, and I also didn't get why Riot put an attack modifier on his Q, that was his best skill IMHO.The shield feels lame, gives them opportunity to retaliate way more than the shield absorves because of the autoattack.
His W and E feels the same as before, but I disliked that they took out the DoT and put some delayed explosions on it's place.
His R seems weird. Not menacing. They took out a fucking chaos storm cloud and put a lantern-like thing that shoots some simple rays? The lack of silence bothers me a lot, too. His problem was just the passive, not the whole kit. He fit well the position of resistant-ish mage with sustained damage.

By the way it's going, one of the next ones they're reworking is Malzahar or Fizz AD, since they reworked my last two mains.
The passive is great. The W is great. The E is meeeeh, the DoT felt better than the explosions. The Q is laaaaaame IMO, just because I don't like the mechanic. Still have to try him top and ADC. He may feel beter.
What I don't get is the "Well, his passive feels lame, so let's change his whole kit just for the sake of it" that happened with Xerath and Vik.
Lee Sin Classic Splash Art
Kog Maw Classic Splash Art

Championship Shyvana Splash Art

Chogath Classic Splash Art

Ravenborn Leblanc Splash Art

Underworld Wukong Splash Art
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So I've just been told to uninstall the game and that I should get ebola after we lost a normal match...

Yeah, I am heading back to Co-Op v/s Bots.
was it a Yi player that said it to you?

because the last time I got,berated in a pvp game the first person to get all pissy was the Yi. And after they told me not to die they then get mad because I wouldn't jump in with them to get killed. And it was the Leona in my lane that just jumped in.
One thing you have to remember is that 90% of the LoL community is straight up trolls and shit talkers.
Harrowing 2014 Login Screen

Classic Jarvan IV Splash Art


Classic Rengar Splash Art

Classic Singed Splash Art


Classic Udyr Splash Art


Reaper Soraka Skin Preview
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Victorious Morgana Skin Preview

Classic Rumble Splash Art

Classic Shaco Splash Art
hold the phone.

Rumble gets a new classic skin, but Poppy doesn't?
hold the phone.

Rumble gets a new classic skin, but Poppy doesn't?

Riot obviously does not want to nerf one of Poppy's strong points. A face that can kill.
hold the phone.

Rumble gets a new classic skin, but Poppy doesn't?

It's a splash art update not a skin and yes Poppy will get one in the future like everybody else has been getting.
I'm just wondering why Rumble and not a fun champion to play? I kid, I kid.

not really. I think Rumble isn't fun to play.
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This week's rotation

Classic Ahri Splash Art

Classic Blitzcrank Splash Art

Classic Ezreal Splash Art

Classic Janna Splash Art

Classic Kayle Splash Art

Classic Wukong Splash Art

Classic Shen Splash Art

Classic Talon Splash Art

Classic Tristana Splash Art

Classic Veigar Splash Art

Classic Zilean Splash Art
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lovin' Veigar's new art.

but do I even need to say it?
I've started to play Varus again.
Leveling up his W seems the best thing atm.
Free harass, boost the damage from Q and E and R...
Also, ignite is a good choice, but don't pick if you play seriously.
Hey guys, I'm pretty new on this game, and I would like to say that I really like League of Legends. I'm really surprised that my laptop can handle that game in low graphic settings, and I've really had such a fun time!

My main characters are Ashe, Caitlyn, and Miss Fortune I recently have been playing Miss Fortune, and I personally find her really easy and fun to play. I played as Caitlyn, and I got to say that her "R" skill is quite good to me. Ashe is one of my first characters to play, mainly for the fact that she's a frost archer, so she can slow down her enemies, and her Enchanted Crystal Arrow stuns her opponents! It's really awesome!


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My main characters are Ashe, Caitlyn, and Miss Fortune

I've dabbled in all three of those ADCs, can't say I care much for any except Caitlin. Miss Fortune (for me, at least) lacks the bursty late game potential I look for in ADCs-- same goes for Ashe, really. My play style is more suited for Vayne, Graves, or Caitlin-- all whom offer high-reward late game. While Ashe's ultimate does offer high crowd control effects, I don't think I've ever managed to land the damned thing unless I was smacking my lips against my opponent. Miss Fortune's is just... egh. Only really 'useful' when the enemy is super low on health or if your team, by some grace of gods, was intelligent enough to pack stuns, slows, or barriers and trap them into the cone radius.
My personal opinions though, I'm not the best League player. Take my words as grains of salt.

*adjusts metaphorical necktie*
Alright, so. Down to actual bushiness. While I'm super hyped about the new splash arts, I don't so much think as they had needed it YET, per say. I think texture updates/graphic updates are, currently, a must. 'Cuz, now, Cho'gath looks all big, bad, void monster in splash art. A good thing, right? Well, now, whenever I gaze into Cho'gath's pixelated eyes, I'm more so giggling than feeling this aura of 'evil', 'perdition', or 'malevolence' that Cho'gath's character is meant to bring. Same goes for Kog'maw. His model in game looks absolutely disgusting now in comparison to his new splash art, and honestly, if I had never played League and I was shown his model and the new splash art, I wouldn't think they were the same champion.

Anyone else feel me?
Just... don't actually feel me, feel me. donttouchmeimscaredohgoshbeatplshelp
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I really wanna learn how to play mid but I dun know if I can trust my jungler.

;n; too many times I've found they never come when you need them even if you ping and wait patiently. I try to ward my area as best as I can.... but why can't I get a gank. I support the minion tax! ;A;
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Ashe, Caitlyn and MF are definetely not the FotM. The current meta for ADCs is based around AoE burst damage, so ADCs like Lucian, Twitch and Jinx are the most popular right now. Graves is becoming more popular, too. All those ADCs have somewhat a form of escape (even though Twitch's and Jinx's are pretty unreliable, since Jinx needs to get an assist/kill/tower to get away, and Twitch's fade time is pretty crappy compared to the old one).

MF is a interesting case and can become FotM if she is buffed, tho.
She has AoE damage with Make It Rain and Bullet Time, and great laning presence with Double Up. Also, her AS steroid and OHE is not all that bad.
The reason she is not strong is that she requires to channel her R in order to actually deal an OK damage, becoming an easy target. Her ultimate scales heavily with AP (160%), but deals physical damage, making AP builds pretty much inviable. Even if you are strong later in the game, your ultimate will only deal a decent damage from the Impure Shots stacks, that are not all that strong. She can do more stuff staying behind and attacking whoever is near, and if no one is near, just press R for the heck of it.
Ashe has always been a weak champion after season 2. She had a moment of glory when Zyra was FotM Support and her Volley and Enchanted Crystal Arrow synergyzed well with Zyra's kit, but that's it. She has good range, but no steroid, no burst damage, an OK slow, an OK scout tool and a good ultimate. That's it. Her passive is better than it was before, but it is still weak compared to every ADC passive (except Kog'Maw, that has the worst passive for an ADC).
AP Ashe is fun, tho. Build a Lich Bane, shoot arrow from base, teleport near the prey and kill him.
Caitlyn is still not that bad, and I think she will soon be popular again.
Best base range in the game.
Great passive both for laning bullying, for last hitting and for fighting.
Her Q is a good tool for clearing lanes and poking.
Her W is an OK scouting tool, somewhat useful with certain heavy CC supports (Leona/Blitz/Thresh) and good for kiting.
Her E is the problem: has a decent slow and base damage, but scales with AP and has a channeling startup, instead of cast time. If you are hit by a silence, displace, stun, or a spell that cancels channeling abilities (i.e. Kass' Q, Viktor's R), the ability will be canceled, you won't be knocked back and it'll enter cooldown.
Her R is good for finishing off and poking before a fight, but that's it (NEVER, EVER use her R if you can attack someone near you).

Twitch can simply press R, deal insane damage and still be able to move with less effort, while having a great true damage DoT, a stronger slow that lasts when they leave the area, a similar AS steroid and a stronger finisher that can be used in the whole team.
Lucian can DELETE someone with just 3 spells if he has enough AD and a Trinity Force. Also, he has great synergy with Braum, a strong support.
Jinx has autoattacks in area with a range longer than Caitlyn's, a strong poke that slows and reveals whoever is hit, AoE global ultimate that deals damage the less HP the target has (pretty much Riven's Wind Slash, but global) and an AoE snare that can hit up to 3 opponents.
Graves can deal great AoE damage fast and has an ok escape with a built-in AS steroid. His W is also good for zoning.

FotM = Flavor of the Month, a.k.a. the most picked ones.
Been wanting to come back to this game...So how much have the changed best champ?
Didn't like his Q. Absolutely no need to put an autoattack modifier on it. The shield feels smaller and weaker, too.
His W feels better.
His E feels the same, but without the DoT and with explosions similar to Vel'Koz W.
His R feels weak. It became a blue lamp that shoots lightning (?) instead of a motherfucking chaos storm. Also, no more silence, but a channeling breaker, now.
His passive is great, now. Similar to Kha'Zix, but you have to buy it.
Didn't like his Q. Absolutely no need to put an autoattack modifier on it. The shield feels smaller and weaker, too.
His W feels better.
His E feels the same, but without the DoT and with explosions similar to Vel'Koz W.
His R feels weak. It became a blue lamp that shoots lightning (?) instead of a motherfucking chaos storm. Also, no more silence, but a channeling breaker, now.
His passive is great, now. Similar to Kha'Zix, but you have to buy it.

Seems like something that'd take some time to get used to since I played old him a lot.
Classic Gragas Splash Art

Classic Graves Splash Art
So, we're like 3 months out now from the Sona rework nerf. Apparently she's only "viable" as AP mid now. As support she's still useless. Riot, being the shameless red-assed baboons that they are, are sticking hard to their guns in not addressing community backlash towards the nerf and apparently the new garbage Sona is here to stay. I'm tired of being told she was faceroll, or not strategic, or not fun because she I really enjoyed playing her and she was just fine before. Did Riot not understand that her strong poke game was just one part of what made her good?

She was the only character in that game I could play with any sort of consistent success. Which was the only time I was not having hate vomited on me by my own team. Why should I want to play this game ever again?

Also Fearless has not been sacked, in case we needed any more evidence of Riot being a company run by brainless jackholes.
I actually find Sona really good at helping push and add pressure as a support. though, I also use the other summoner spells like the mana regain and the tower/minion teleport over flash and ignite.
I don't know exactly what changed in Sona, but she looks shitty. Those circles, ugh. Disgusting.
Even though she was kinda braindead, those new mechanics did nothing but reduce her power. Also, landing a good ultimate in a 4 or 5 people was not easy job most of the times, specially when the fights were in a lane lategame and the enemy team was smart.
Sona AD was boss during Dominion and URF. Used to do top lane, too.
I feel her ult works better as a kiting weapon.

let someone chase you thinking they'll be able to kill you, neglect the turret, and then fire the ult and go ham.
Her ult was never the problem and they didn't actually change it anyway. Even though they said they did which is a baldfaced lie. She has next to nothing in her kit now. Her damage is piss poor, her E is crap, her W has been shorten, her aura radius was reduced to 1/3 what it was, she doesn't even have persistent auras now, meaning she eats more mana than before. The Sona Haters and Sycophantic fanboys keep trying to sell her as a late game support, but there's no such thing. Sona will always lose the laning phase and thus the ADC will lose it too. Other team snowballs, your team loses. You get screamed at, told to tie, commanded to uninstall and your whole fucking team reports you for bad play.

Pretty sure this nerf was designed to suck up to professional players who wanted Sona out of league play. Thanks for ruining my experience you worthlessly overpayed Derek Jeter wannabes. Get real jobs flipping burgers like the rest of us have to. Why does anyone even play this game? It's sole purpose is for the fucking slime of society to bully whoever they decide is the weak player, regardless of if it's true or not. Oh and for some spoiled college fucks to make free money.
This doesn't happen at gold tier and higher level. Not if they are pretty much sure they will kill and get out alive, have map awareness if no one is coming and this kind of stuff. Nobody who analyses the situation dives a character with heavy CC and probably even Exhaust.
Also, Sona is pretty easy to kill anyway. Weakest character defensively speaking, iirc. Probably the reason why she is not viable even as a support anymore.