Where to ward: Second lane bush, in certain situations. If your ADC and you put pressure, they're kinda forced out of that second bush anyway. So this is kinda depending situation. Ward river brush after putting pressure on the bottom lane, ESPECIALLY if the support or ADC is killed. Someone ALWAYS comes bot. My ADC and I killed both the opposing, and Lissandra came bot. I actually went AROUND tri-bush (which is great, if that could also be warded), as she went to attack, I stunned her from behind, and Draven killed her too. Warding Dragon is a must. Warding Baron mid-late game is important, if the enemy team is desperate for a turnaround, or if that's gonna be their final nail in the coffin. Also. I must disagree with not being able to carry games. Almost every game I Annie support, I end up helping to carry games. I don't get triple kills or anything, but I stun with Tibbers, Zhonya's, and > W while my team engages on the stun. I get a kill here and there, and we almost always end up winning the team fight.